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Publishing for early career researchers University of Glasgow, october 2015 Suzanne Mekking, sr. Publisher Brill April 20151.

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Presentation on theme: "Publishing for early career researchers University of Glasgow, october 2015 Suzanne Mekking, sr. Publisher Brill April 20151."— Presentation transcript:

1 Publishing for early career researchers University of Glasgow, october 2015 Suzanne Mekking, sr. Publisher Brill April 20151

2 BRILL – A little history of Biblical and Religious Studies April 20152

3 Why do scholars publish? In general: to share with the science community something that advances knowledge in a certain field. Personal Reasons: To disseminate results and further knowledge To secure funding for future research projects Career prospects To receive recognition To establish precedence and protect intellectual property April 20153

4 Responsibilities of a Publisher TO REGISTER (Officially note who submitted the scholarly result first) TO VALIDATE (Peer review to filter the quality) TO DISSEMINATE (to share the findings) TO PRESERVE (to preserve the scientific record for eternity) TO USE (innovation and technology ) April 20154

5 Which Publisher? Publisher’s list Differences Reputation – what is important for you Meet the Editor; pre-discuss your ideas April 20155

6 What to submit? Experience In short tentative title, ToC, Outline, Market, words and timeschedule April 20156

7 Peer review Peer review is the essential filter to determine scholarly quality. -It helps to determine the validity, significance and originality of research -Helps to improve the quality of papers -Publication in peer-reviewed journals protects the author’s work and claim authorship -Publishers have ensured the sustainability of journals and the peer-review system for over 300 years. - Publishers stand outside the academic process and are not prone to prejudice or favour April 20157

8 Production April 20158

9 Dissemination, Archiving, Promotion April 20159

10 - Thank you! Suzanne Mekking, sr. Publisher Brill Biblical Studies April 201510

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