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System Design - EE321X Civilizations and Cultures Reflective Essay Topic: C&C Essay Synthesis Dominic Romeo 2/24/2015 Help Received: Easy Bib.

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Presentation on theme: "System Design - EE321X Civilizations and Cultures Reflective Essay Topic: C&C Essay Synthesis Dominic Romeo 2/24/2015 Help Received: Easy Bib."— Presentation transcript:

1 System Design - EE321X Civilizations and Cultures Reflective Essay Topic: C&C Essay Synthesis Dominic Romeo 2/24/2015 Help Received: Easy Bib

2 Functional/Physical Matrix - Product EE 321X Civilizations and Cultures Essay Physical > Functions \/ Students / Teams IT resources: computers/printers/ software / Internet Preston Lib/ Barracks Study Rm/NE427 Angel/ ePortfolio/ VMI Writing Center Identify various cultural products, practices, influencing system design XXXX Identify activities and assignments in the course that facilitated your learning about cultural factors influencing design XXXX Select most distinctive feature of cultural influence on systems design. XX ID course activities and assignments informing and shaping cultural understanding XX Integrate artifacts supporting analysis showing how you came to understand the distinctive CFs influencing systems design. XX Compose a draft essay XXXX Receive draft essay feedback/write final draft XXXXX Post/Publish Essay/Artifacts using Template for ePortfolio Reflective Essay XXX

3 C&C essay paragraph Software is the driving force behind almost all the technology we use and interact with every day. Without software we would not have the websites, mobile apps or smart technology that is used throughout the world. Developing software that will operate on a global scale is a real engineering challenge. One of the challenges faced would be the cultural influences of countries in the development of software. Factors such as color used in applications, word layout, and programming language used can vary throughout the world. My reflective essay will investigate factors that influence software development. The elements I will investigate are software development teams, what languages that are used and why, and the physical development of GUI based applications. Beom, Khisu. Internet & Adaptation 1 RUNNING HEAD: INTERNET AND ADAPTATION Internet Use and Socio- Cultural Adaptation: A Study of Korean Students In America. Seoul, Korea: Pacific And Asian Communication Association Conference, July 2002. Pdf. Eristi, Duygu B. "Cultural Factors in Web Design." Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (2005-2009): 117-32. Canvas. Web. 01 Jan. 24. Bloom, Tony. "Issues in the Design of Object-oriented Database Programming Languages." Issues in the Design of Object-oriented Database Programming Languages. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2015. Borchers, Greg. "The Software Engineering Impacts of Cultural Factors on Multi-cultural Software Development Teams." The Software Engineering Impacts of Cultural Factors on Multi-cultural Software Development Teams. N.p., 2003. Web. 24 Feb. 2015. - Links to my found articles

4 A Reflective Essay - Cultural factors influencing Systems Design In my systems design course I learned that language is a distinctive cultural factor that influences the global support of products designed by engineers. Research revealed that to cover the target markets for affordable, globally distributed products that support documentation should be available in English, Spanish and Chinese. Language allows effective global communications about engineering products. Its distinctive nature requires a match between the target user of the product and the language they speak. Engineering support products, due to practical constrains, like cost and schedule, do not allow product support in all languages. So ….. I learned about how to identify distinctive cultural factors that influenced design by applying the systems engineering process that consists of four steps. The first is requirement analysis ….. Functional analysis and allocation……Synthesis and Testing. My first artifact consisted of gathering all requirements for the C&C components for writing a reflective essay and evaluating them to determine their influence on the assignment. This step also required that my team compose a statement that conceptually summarized the task at hand. The next artifact …. Next describe FAA, then Synthesis and finally Testing. In the synthesis s step our team had to make a list of all the requirements of writing a reflective essay and match them with resources available to compete the task. It was at this stage that I realized my essay would have to focus on three distinctive factors for which I had materials that would support a high rubric score on the essay. The course activities and assignments that were most informing and that helped shape my cultural understanding of design influences were collecting research on the topic, selecting criteria to evaluate the quality of the essay, developing and weighing alternatives for the essay and finally figuring out how my essay would be formulated on the basis of the resources available. Doing the research showed me many options and our teams rated the materials allowing me to quickly focus on ones that were most relevant systems design. It was when I looked at the alternative for completing this assignment that I realized I had to choose a topic where there was enough material for three distinctive cultural factors that would “present a complex, insightful analysis of a selection of substantive, varied, and revealing artifacts which fully support(ed) and develop(ed) (my) essay’s thesis/focus.” (Revised C&C Rubric) It was then that I realized a user’s manual I’d found on line was written in three languages, that languages are distinctive cultural factors and that I could express in a meaningful way the relationship between what I learned and how I came to learn it though my collected artifacts. I learned that systems engineering process (SEP) is a logical way think through a complex task and insure that it is completed successfully. In this case, I used SEP artifacts to identify distinctive cultural factors influencing design and composed an essay that I hope can be rated high using the scoring rubric. The SEP also made me aware that the influence of my work in this course extends beyond the classroom, since these essays also satisfy requirements imposed by the existence of VMI’s e-Portfolio system. Sources: VMI Angel Course Management System, "Revised C&C Rubric”, VMI, 2012. Web. 21 February 2012. Use MLA style:

5 Synthesis – C&C Using your Functional Analysis/Allocation work, design a Functional/Physical Matrix for completing the C&C essay portion of EE321X. Review the consolidated Research Survey and express in a paragraph (150-200 words) how you will critically analyze three distinctive cultural components/practices that influence system design using supportive artifacts. Include at least three MLA formatted references that support your theme. Submit individually using the Synthesis - C&C Essay Assignment Template to EE321X dropbox, title it the C&C Essay Synthesis_Your_Name and show any Help Received.

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