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WELCOME BACK Please take a seat and wait for further instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME BACK Please take a seat and wait for further instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME BACK Please take a seat and wait for further instruction.

2 PLANS FOR THE WEEK 0 Monday: CCoT Instruction & Work Session 0 Tuesday: CCoT Essay Completion & Period 1 Review 0 Wednesday: Period 2 Review 0 Thursday: Period 3 Review 0 Friday: Period 4 Review NOTES 0 No “Period Schedule” will be given for our final week 0 If homework is necessary, it will be assigned on a daily basis 0 Daily “Period Quizzes” 0 More details about your “final exam” as the week progresses 0 “Spring Semester Review Schedule” will be given on your exam day REMINDER: any and all make-up work is due to me by Friday, January 9 th by appointment only.

3 The CCoT Essay

4 What is it?

5 “ …In Part B students are asked to answer a question that deals with continuity and change over time, covering at least one of the periods in the concept outline. Students will have 40 minutes to answer this question, 5 minutes of which should be spent planning and / or outlining the answer. -- AP Central, The AP World History Exam

6 What is it? “ …This question focuses on large global issues such as technology, trade, culture, migrations, or biological developments. It covers at least one of the periods in the course outline and one or more cultural areas.” -- AP Students, About the Exam

7 How is it graded ? Know the rubric !

8 The Thesis If you don ’ t have a thesis or you have a really bad one it could cost you THREE points. * This is the DBQ Rubric, but expectations of thesis statement are the same.

9 0 Thesis : same as DBQ ; the global issue is the topic 0 Evidence : include three pieces of evidence ( facts, dates, names ) to prove your thesis. 0 These must be discussed and / or analyzed in order to count.

10 THINK : 0 What happened in the world that made this happen? 0 Include something outside of the region. 0 How / why was this a change? 0 What happened? 0 What was the process that led to change and how / why did some things STAY THE SAME?


12 Think : 1. Know that something changed and something stayed the same or this would not be a question. 2. Note the topic : 3. Note the time period : 4. Note the regions :


14 Middle East Egypt Israel Iran Iraq Turkey Southeast Asia Vietnam Laos Cambodia Indonesia Malaysia Sub Sahara Africa Nigeria Sudan Ethiopia Angola DRC South Africa


16 The Outline Thesis – follow same rules – 3 groups; include time period; answer question; provide hints about what changed and what stayed the same over time; include key changing event Group 1 What it was like at the beginning? Group 2 What was the key changing event? Group 3 What was it like after the change? Evidence – include WHY it was like this Evidence – include WHY the key event happened Evidence – include what was the same and what was different and WHY

17 Common Mistakes 0 Wrong regions 0 Wrong time periods 0 Not addressing BOTH parts of the questions 0 No / little analysis 0 No global or world connection

18 “ What if I can ’ t remember the rubric? ”

19 What to expect : 0 Time 0 40 Minutes Total 0 Planning : 5 Minutes 0 Writing : 35 Minutes 0 Question 0 AP Format 0 Question Unknown 0 Materials : Pencil / Pen 0 Afterwards : Period 1 Review You may also work with a partne r if you so choose !

20 CCoT Essay Work Session Analyze major changes and continuities in the formation of national identities in the regions listed below from 1914 to the present. Be sure to include evidence from specific countries in the region selected. Middle East Southeast Asia Sub - Saharan Africa

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