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1 Future Airspace Strategy: Briefing to the DfT European ATM Stakeholder Forum 19 October 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Future Airspace Strategy: Briefing to the DfT European ATM Stakeholder Forum 19 October 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Future Airspace Strategy: Briefing to the DfT European ATM Stakeholder Forum 19 October 2010

2 2 The FAS concept FAS is a strategic framework that will pull together a complex and diverse set of policy and regulatory issues that will enable judgements to be made that are properly underpinned by cohesive and cogent policy formulation This will, in turn, enable air navigation service providers (such as NATS) to create an airspace structure that is fit for the future, effective, efficient and ensures that the UK meets any international obligations that are placed upon it It is not a detailed implementation plan, although such plans will be driven by the outcome of the FAS work FAS is a strategic framework that will pull together a complex and diverse set of policy and regulatory issues that will enable judgements to be made that are properly underpinned by cohesive and cogent policy formulation This will, in turn, enable air navigation service providers (such as NATS) to create an airspace structure that is fit for the future, effective, efficient and ensures that the UK meets any international obligations that are placed upon it It is not a detailed implementation plan, although such plans will be driven by the outcome of the FAS work What is FAS?

3 3 UK Airspace requirements for the future and the FAS Vision The FAS Vision UK Airspace Requires Modernisation to: Deal with current hotspots of congestion Enable and facilitate continuous improvement in safety Implement SES proposals Take advantage of technological developments to improve efficiency Be responsive to Government policy and decision-making Ensure access to sufficient airspace for non CAT users Provide flexibility within the system to enable future development and advancements Deal with current hotspots of congestion Enable and facilitate continuous improvement in safety Implement SES proposals Take advantage of technological developments to improve efficiency Be responsive to Government policy and decision-making Ensure access to sufficient airspace for non CAT users Provide flexibility within the system to enable future development and advancements FAS Vision Safe, efficient airspace, that has the capacity to meet reasonable demand, balances the needs of all users and mitigates the impact of aviation on the environment

4 4 FAS analysis concluded a flexible, robust strategy is required that is responsive to Government policy on aviation The Context For Developing the FAS The FAS Development Programme Forecast growth in demand for aviation Transport Select Committee South east airspace capacity Issues Need for coordination across all parties (civil & military) investing in / impacted by changes Need for a performance/efficency based approach for assessing and implementing changes Need to modernise the airspace system, optimising outputs from European developments Initial Impetus Broader context

5 5 The FAS sets out the strategy for modernising the UK airspace system answering the question " "How can we make the most efficient use of airspace, to meet users requirements, within future constraints?" What is the FAS (not)about In scope for the FAS Maximising efficiency of the system within safety and environmental constraints Integration with SES II and SESAR Balancing demand for airspace capacity with supply - when and where it occurs Setting out the characteristics and benefits of the future airspace system Roadmap for implementation of changes. Maximising efficiency of the system within safety and environmental constraints Integration with SES II and SESAR Balancing demand for airspace capacity with supply - when and where it occurs Setting out the characteristics and benefits of the future airspace system Roadmap for implementation of changes. Areas not in scope but key to delivering overall improvements The efficiency of airports’ operations (scheduling, ground movements etc.) Government policy on airport development A detailed plan for implementation of the proposed changes Alignment of industry investment plans to implement changes Mechanisms to track the overall performance of the system as changes are implemented. The efficiency of airports’ operations (scheduling, ground movements etc.) Government policy on airport development A detailed plan for implementation of the proposed changes Alignment of industry investment plans to implement changes Mechanisms to track the overall performance of the system as changes are implemented.

6 6 Completed comprehensive draft of the FAS, to be refined and agreed by aviation stakeholders (Airports, Airlines, ANSPs, GA, NGOs etc) Progress Update Jun 09 to Oct 09 Stock-take of key issues/concepts Jun 09 to Oct 09 Stock-take of key issues/concepts Nov 09 to Nov 10 Produce draft for consultation Nov 09 to Nov 10 Produce draft for consultation 1 Nov 10 to 7 Feb 11 Stakeholder Consultation 1 Nov 10 to 7 Feb 11 Stakeholder Consultation Refine strategy with stakeholders: Gain industry buy-in and commitment Demonstrate commercial feasibility and plan for implementation Refine strategy with stakeholders: Gain industry buy-in and commitment Demonstrate commercial feasibility and plan for implementation Draft strategy for airspace out to 2030: Characteristics of 2030 airspace Framework of potential changes Priorities and risks Draft strategy for airspace out to 2030: Characteristics of 2030 airspace Framework of potential changes Priorities and risks Captures what FAS seeks to address: Demand/Supply Safety Technology & Ops. Environment Policy & Reg. Captures what FAS seeks to address: Demand/Supply Safety Technology & Ops. Environment Policy & Reg. AFT 1AFT 2

7 7 FAS proposes significant changes to modernise the way the UK’s airspace system operates over next 20 years, introducing greater flexibility, cooperation and systemisation Characteristics of 2030 Airspace Modernised 2030 Airspace System Routing based on ‘user preferred (4D) trajectories’ Flexible, often dynamic, management of the airspace structure through Joint and Integrated, Civil/Military operations Greater cooperation and the increased use of systems and technology to safely manage additional complexity Simpler airspace structures, integrated across National and Functional Airspace Block (FAB) boundaries

8 8 The ATM System Navigation Surveillance Communications ATM Capability Airspace Structure Navigation Surveillance Communications ATM Capability Airspace Structure The overall airspace system can be separated into five areas

9 9 Example Road Map 2011 – 14: Navigation - Performance based navigation implemented in the en-route environment. Surveillance - Wider adoption of Mode S and ADS B. Communication - Data-link introduced for standard messages and clearances. ATM Capability - Arrival Management tools implemented in some busy terminal operations. Airspace Structure - Introduce a common transition altitude in controlled airspace. 2011 – 14: Navigation - Performance based navigation implemented in the en-route environment. Surveillance - Wider adoption of Mode S and ADS B. Communication - Data-link introduced for standard messages and clearances. ATM Capability - Arrival Management tools implemented in some busy terminal operations. Airspace Structure - Introduce a common transition altitude in controlled airspace. 2015 – 20: Navigation – Advanced RNP (part of SES II IR) allows aircraft to maintain the spacing during a turn. Surveillance – Move towards more cooperative solution ATC downloading data from the aircraft. Communication – Use of Data-link expanded to become primary method of communications. ATM Capability - Departure Management introduced. Arrival Management expands to point of departure. Airspace Structure - Expand free routing / self separation areas to include lower flight levels. 2015 – 20: Navigation – Advanced RNP (part of SES II IR) allows aircraft to maintain the spacing during a turn. Surveillance – Move towards more cooperative solution ATC downloading data from the aircraft. Communication – Use of Data-link expanded to become primary method of communications. ATM Capability - Departure Management introduced. Arrival Management expands to point of departure. Airspace Structure - Expand free routing / self separation areas to include lower flight levels. 2021 – 30: Navigation – Advanced RNP introduces vertical containment and 4D trajectory optimisation. Surveillance – Roll-out of Multi Static PSR to replace primary radar. ATM Capability – New tools to support 4D trajectory optimisation. Airspace Structure - Introduce dynamic (near real time) management of airspace structures. 2021 – 30: Navigation – Advanced RNP introduces vertical containment and 4D trajectory optimisation. Surveillance – Roll-out of Multi Static PSR to replace primary radar. ATM Capability – New tools to support 4D trajectory optimisation. Airspace Structure - Introduce dynamic (near real time) management of airspace structures.

10 10 Implementation of the changes set out in the FAS aim to deliver benefits in safety, capacity, the environment and cost effectiveness Benefits SafetyCapacityEnvironmentalCost -Performance based navigation allows routes to be flown more accurately and consistently -Building flexibility and resilience into the system, reduces the occurrence of pinch points and high risk situations -New communications, navigation and surveillance technology improves situational awareness of users and controllers -Simplification of the airspace structure and classification reduces potential for errors, infringements and level busts -Increased navigational accuracy enables closer spaced routes -Introduction of free routing, systemisation and ATM support tools enables higher volumes of traffic to be managed -Flexible / dynamic structures accommodate demand when and where it occurs -Reduced reliance on stack holding increases design freedom in the busy terminal airspace -Integration of airspace through FABs mean interfaces are simpler and more efficient -Access to sufficient airspace for non CAT users -Enabling more direct routes and optimal vertical profiles reduces GHG emissions -Continuous climb and descent procedures reduce the total no. of people impacted by aircraft noise -FAB integration expands environmental benefits across state borders -Reduced reliance on stack holding reduces GHG emissions from delays in the air -Enabling more direct routes and optimal vertical profiles reduces fuel burn and costs -Building flexibility and resilience into the system reduces delays that impose costs on users and suppliers of airspace -Move to space-based navigation aids removes cost of maintaining and replacing ground infrastructure -Common, simpler approaches to mgmt. and regulation through FAB integration reduces costs to users and regulators -Alignment of strategies across different industry partners and across ANSPs allows for a seamless and more cost effective change process as different techniques are introduced

11 11 The scenarios aim to model future demand for airspace capacity under challenging circumstances against which the need for potential changes, and the effect they may have, can be tested Airspace Demand Scenarios Key Caveats The scenarios modelled in FAS are not constructed to represent the most likely future demand for airspace capacity. They are indicative only, and aim to satisfy two general tests, covering a range of (i) plausible but (ii) challenging, futures against the demands of which it might be reasonable for the aviation industry to prepare. The scenario results highlight broadly where and when demand for airspace capacity may significantly exceed supply under the challenging assumptions made. The results will be used to guide, prompt and test the proposals developed in the FAS. The modelling is not designed to provide detailed answers on any one particular scenario. The modelling is not detailed implementation planning which will need to be conducted by ANSPs in due course.

12 12 Scenario FAS0: Baseline case 2009 assumptions Air Transport White Paper growth assumptions envisaged demand for airspace is driven primarily by expansion at Heathrow and Stansted. Scenario FAS1: Growth Disseminates to South East No additional runways in the South East, smaller airports in the South East expanded to serve additional demand. Scenario FAS2: Growth Disseminates to the Regions Smaller airports in the Regions expanded to serve additional demand. Little divergence in results from each scenario. In all scenarios, we need to maximise airspace efficiency. Overview of FAS Airspace Scenario Modelling Airspace Demand Scenarios

13 13 The expert FAS Challenge Team reviewed the draft strategy from an independent, external perspective FAS Challenge Team Review The team considered the draft to be well structured, accessible and the proposed future airspace system to be well articulated The team believed the environment, in particular climate change, should be positioned more strongly as a driver for the FAS The team felt the FAS could be used as a catalyst to address airport efficiency and improving the gate-to-gate journey The team stressed the importance of demonstrating a viable business case and commercial feasibility during engagement with industry The team stressed the draft must be politically aware, for example by aligning with current government. policy and focusing on benefits to passengers Structure / Accessibility Role of the Environment Role of Airports Business Case / Feasibility Political Handling

14 14 The draft strategy will be under go formal industry consultation between Nov 2010 and Feb 2011 The Way Forward Incorporate feedback on current draft. Brief FAS to consultative groups Formal FAS Consultation launched 1 Nov 2010 Consultation closes 7 Feb 2011 (14 Weeks) Drive implementation through industry collaboration in the UK National Performance Plan? Nov 2010 to Feb 2011 To Nov 2010 2011 onwards

15 15 Conclusions FAS designed to meet UK goals and objectives but very much in the context of SESII and SESAR: Much work still to be done Very keen to ensure that FAS takes account of developments in adjacent airspace Need to modernise the ATC system to meet anticipated future demands while addressing capacity, efficiency, environment and balancing the needs of users. Work includes four key elements: Involvement/support of industry National Performance Plans Flexible Use of Airspace FABs and other international engagement FAS designed to meet UK goals and objectives but very much in the context of SESII and SESAR: Much work still to be done Very keen to ensure that FAS takes account of developments in adjacent airspace Need to modernise the ATC system to meet anticipated future demands while addressing capacity, efficiency, environment and balancing the needs of users. Work includes four key elements: Involvement/support of industry National Performance Plans Flexible Use of Airspace FABs and other international engagement Conclusions – Much work still to be done

16 16 28 October – Pre-consultation brief to NATMAC 1 November – Stakeholder Forum – Consultation Launch at RAeS 2 November – Briefing to Military stakeholders at Headquarters Air Command Consultation closes 7 February 2011 Consultation Documents: Consultation Replies or Requests to: or to: Tony Rapson, Directorate of Airspace Policy, CAA House, 45-59 Kingsway London, WC2B 6TE. Tel: 020 7453 6522 Key Dates & Contact Details

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