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Linkages between teacher education and effective schools/teachers Dr.H.B.Chandrashekar, State Pedagogy Co-ordinator, O/o SPD, SSA, Bengaluru-75, cell:

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Presentation on theme: "Linkages between teacher education and effective schools/teachers Dr.H.B.Chandrashekar, State Pedagogy Co-ordinator, O/o SPD, SSA, Bengaluru-75, cell:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Linkages between teacher education and effective schools/teachers Dr.H.B.Chandrashekar, State Pedagogy Co-ordinator, O/o SPD, SSA, Bengaluru-75, cell: 9448999320;

2 “The quality of a nation depends upon the quality of its citizens. The quality of its citizens depends not exclusively, but in critical measure upon the quality of their education, the quality of their education depends more than upon any single factor, upon the quality of their teacher.” -The American Commission on Teacher Education

3 Importance of Teacher Education Encompasses teaching skills, sound pedagogic theory and professional skills. A continuous ever evolving and dynamic process. Pre-service and in-service components are complimenting each other; Induction trg is integral part. ‘teachers are made, not born’.

4 Importance of Teacher Education The Kothari Commission (1964) rightly observed ‘Of all the factors that influence the quality of education, the quality, competence and character of teachers are undoubtedly the most significant’. The National Commission on Teachers (1985) observed; ‘With the explosion in knowledge, the revolution in media, with contemporary issues demanding urgent attention with values getting eroded, the need for helping teachers to keep abreast of things cannot be questioned’.

5 Importance of Teacher Education Best Infrastructure facility in school is not effective without a motivated and dedicated teacher. A motivated and dedicated teacher along with the requisite updated knowledge, skills and values will definitely make difference.

6 Importance of Teacher Education Research on Teacher Education revealed that TE Help teachers to develop the knowledge and skills they require for teaching. Well prepared teachers are more likely to remain in teaching and produce high student achievement. Implies a strong linkage between a strong teacher preparation programme and effectiveness of school/teacher.

7 What makes a teacher effective Research studies shown that for teacher to become effective requires A good teacher preparation Knowledge of teaching and learning Experience

8 Effectiveness of school/Teacher 1)Safe & secured place for children 2)Equality and equity 3)Opportunity for the child to learn in her own pace 4)Strong leadership 5)Shared vision 6)Effective teaching learning process 7)effective evaluation and monitoring.

9 Effectiveness of school/Teacher 8)Works as learning organisation 9) The school will have high expectations for achievement from all students. 10) ICT mediated teaching-learning process 11) Maximum parent’s involvement 12) Community participation 13) Child centered approach/Pedagogy…….. Child centered approach/Pedagogy

10 Reforms in T.E. for Effective schools/trs 1)Complete overhaul of T.E. system 2)Enhancement of investment in T.E. 3)Planned & sustained growth of T.E. Institutions 4)Linkages between pre-service teacher education institutions, schools, universities, SCERT, SSA, DIETs, BRCs & CRCs and other institutions need to be strengthened.

11 Reforms in T.E. for Effective schools/trs 5)Transform from teaching mode ‘teacher’ to a constant ‘learner’ & ’Facilitator’ 6)The would be teachers and the practicing teachers are to be enabled to understand the ‘child’. 7)Devt of Mastery in Subject & Effective Methodology 8)Right Attitude, Values & Passion for teaching

12 Reforms in T.E. for Effective schools/trs 9)Mental Models or Beliefs of Teachers 10)Transformation of system of education to enable children to think independently and rationally 11)Teachers to become more flexible and friendly towards children. 12)Strengthening of Competence of teacher educators

13 Reforms in T.E. for Effective schools/trs 13) SCERT, DIETs, BRCs & CRCs need to function as learning organisation (Peter.M.Senge model) 14) Constant academic support system for teachers from teacher education institutions 15) Extension activities: news letter, teacher portal, toll free number, use of whatsup, face book 16) Certificate courses on different themes like child centred schools, CCE, critical pedagogy, school leadership, etc

14 Reforms in T.E. for Effective schools/trs 17) Constitution of Professional Learning Communities. 18)Restructuring of DIETs & BRCs 19)More focus on quality …..The list can go on… Biggest Challenge: With the advancement of Science & Technology modern children have became more sensitive and restless. Even then, the ‘child’ & ‘child within’ are same.

15 Reforms in T.E. for Effective schools/trs Creating the new breed of teachers who can effectively understand the children with patience behave with friendliness and flexibility shape their personality to enable them to face the challenges of life.

16 ..... be the change you want to see

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