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1. 2 Using the post it notes on your table… … please note the sources of evidence you currently use for making a level judgement about pupils’ attainment.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Using the post it notes on your table… … please note the sources of evidence you currently use for making a level judgement about pupils’ attainment."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 Using the post it notes on your table… … please note the sources of evidence you currently use for making a level judgement about pupils’ attainment in reading, writing and mathematics.

3 3 Assessment for Learning Assessing Pupils’ Progress

4 4 Aims of the day To review the key characteristics of Assessment for Learning To consider how Assessing Pupils’ Progress is related to Assessment for Learning To understand and become familiar with the Assessing Pupils’ Progress approach To begin to plan for the implementation of Assessing Pupils’ Progress materials in school

5 5 Sessions for the day 9.30 Welcome Assessment for Learning 10.10 Assessing Pupils’ Progress 10.30 Coffee 11.00 The Assessing Pupils’ Progress Approach 12.45 Lunch 1.45 Key messages from the pilot 2.00 Planning for implementation 2.45 Questions and updates

6 6 OFSTED’s commonest finding: Assessment does not sufficiently inform teaching and learning.

7 7 Assessment: ways of looking Standing back Public view Close up Day- to-day Periodic Transitional

8 8 Day- to-day Periodic Transitional Ways of looking : key features Assessment for learning Peer- and self-assessment Pupil engagement and immediate feedback Broader view of progress for teacher and learner Use of national standards in the classroom Improvements to curriculum planning Formal recognition of achievement Reported to parents/carers and next teacher/school May use tests / tasks from national sources

9 9 Ways of looking – for pupils Close-up immediate feedback in specific aspects relevant next steps reflection on learning as it is happening Public view formal recognition of achievement influences future opportunities and next choices

10 10 Ways of looking –for teachers Close-up detailed interaction with learners within particular contexts changes in short-term planning Public view related to national standards – often externally validated for next teacher – limited impact on own teaching used for teacher and school accountability curriculum often narrowed to the form and criteria of final assessment

11 11 What’s missing? How am I doing in this subject/aspect as a whole? What are the main areas where I need to improve? Where do I show what I know and can do? For pupilsFor teachers How well are my pupils achieving overall? Can I see the wood as well as the trees? Where are the gaps in learning? How do national standards inform my teaching?

12 12

13 13 Assessment for Learning – next steps Activity Using the outcomes of your assessment for learning audit and characteristics from the 20 20 handout identify one/two A4L points for action and note these on Post-its for work later in the day.

14 14 Assessing Pupils’ Progress What is APP? What is the APP model? What is it designed to do? What is available on the Framework site?

15 15 APP is based on four key principles: Assessment is integral to effective teaching and learning. Assessment systems must be fit for purpose. National standards are an entitlement for learners, teachers and schools. National standards are integral to national expectations of education.

16 16 What is APP? APP is a structured approach to periodically assessing mathematics and reading and writing so teachers can: track pupils' progress through Key Stage 1 and 2 use diagnostic information about pupils' strengths and weaknesses. Using APP materials teachers can make level judgements for each of the following National Curriculum attainment targets (ATs): reading writing using and applying mathematics number shape, space and measures handling data.

17 17 Assessing Pupils’ Progress is designed to: Demonstrate how assessment is integral to successful teaching and learning Encourage a broadly based curriculum which generates a wide range of evidence of pupils’ achievement Provide a fuller picture of pupils’ strengths and weaknesses (for teachers, pupils and parents/carers) in relation to national standards Offer a secure basis for pupil tracking

18 18 APP is designed to: Give insights which directly inform future planning, teaching and learning in the course of a year Help make connections between techniques promoted through Assessment for Learning and judgements relating to national standards Engage teachers and learners in all year groups in periodic assessment to raise attainment

19 19 APP uses the terms ‘secure’, ‘low’ and ‘high’ because they better capture the ‘best fit’ nature of the judgement based on a range of evidence across all AFs.

20 20 Coffee 10.30 – 11.0

21 21 The APP process Teachers select a sample of pupils Each term, they review the full range of evidence (written, spoken and observed) for each assessment focus They select the appropriate ‘level boundary’ and arrive at judgements using the assessment guidelines sheet They use annotated examples of pupils’ work (standards files) as reference points and benchmarks They undertake in-school standardisation and moderation with colleagues

22 22 The APP approach Collects together:  children’s work  any other evidence  assessment guidance materials  standards files Identify borderline for attainment target Look through the work for each AF until confident with the criteria that are the best fit Highlight applicable AF criteria and tick the level-related box for each Make an overall level judgement

23 23 APP Activity focusing on reading Individually, look through the evidence collected about Trevor’s reading - 15 mins In school groups discuss and make a level judgment based on the evidence - 15 mins List the issues arising from this activity and record on them Post-it notes. Compare your level judgement with the example from the Standards File.

24 24 Current available support - English Folio 64 and 54 Ongoing focus on guided reading and writing Framework training Guided reading with fluent readers National Strategy CPD materials especially improving writing Shortly….Improving writing at KS1 through guided work

25 25 “Only by wrestling with the conditions of the problem at first hand, seeking and finding his own way out, does he think…If he cannot devise his own solution (not of course in isolation, but in correspondence with the teacher and other pupils) and find his own way out he will not learn, not even if he can recite some correct answer with one hundred per cent accuracy." (Dewey 1916)

26 26 “Often we give students the message that school mathematics is about getting answers to problems, whereas our actual aim is to enable them to learn mathematics.” “Mathematics inside the black box”, Jeremy Hodgen and Dylan Wiliam

27 27 APP activity focusing on mathematics Individually read the mental methods (AF2.4) section and discuss with a partner what you might expect to see/hear Video clip: Focusing on Caitlin, look and listen for evidence of AF2.4 Discuss the evidence for AF2.4 and wider AFs Repeat with second clip Consider the written evidence How might you capture the evidence seen/heard?

28 28 … any good maths lesson “is always in motion – from the general to the specific, from the particular to the whole, and back again.” (quote adapted from John Irving “A Prayer for Owen Meany”)

29 29 Support for mathematics Previous support from Devon maths team Framework training – talk and guided work Using and Applying (Maths publication) Primary Maths Papers Assessment Foci - coding

30 30 Lunch 12.45 t0 1.45

31 31 School leaders’ views of APP

32 32 The new assessment area of the Primary Framework… …has been designed to support teaching practitioners and headteachers to develop assessment practice. It brings together a range of supportive materials and processes that will improve learning and outcomes for children.

33 33 What is there? Three sections: 1. Developing Assessment for learning 2. Assessing Pupils’ Progress 3. Standards Files

34 34 Factors that make APP effective – key messages from the pilot Improved understanding of the characteristics of performance over the range of National Curriculum levels in Key Stage 2. Confident and accurate assessments being made More ownership of responsibility for standards and pupils’ progress among teachers. Integration of assessment with planning for teaching and learning. Teachers and moderators report that finding evidence for assessment is increasingly an integral part of everyday classroom activity. APP is itself a CPD activity

35 35 Lessons learned – factors that make APP effective It takes time to become familiar with APP process Start with a small group of pupils Adequate planning for change Developing skills to ensure standards Involvement of senior leadership within the school is crucial Support from the LA APP is a process for periodic review of pupils' progress. It is not a ‘tick list’ or a collection of photocopied written evidence.

36 36 What are the benefits? School leaders and teachers who have been involved in the APP pilots have identified the following key benefits. APP gives a detailed profile of what a pupil can do in relation to the AFs. It provides high quality evidence to inform next steps in pupils' learning and reporting on pupils' progress. It uses a teacher's assessment of a sample group of pupils to get a periodic view of progress and attainment across the whole class.

37 37 What are the benefits? Its outcomes contribute to improved learning and more responsive teaching, and support teachers in aligning their judgements with national standards. It embraces assessment approaches which have traditionally been defined as formative and summative. It is both systematic and adaptable to local contexts. It provides a National Curriculum AT level when needed, from an informed, holistic judgement, rather than an arithmetical accumulation of marks in tests.

38 38 Implications of APP Embedding assessment in the planning / teaching / learning cycle of the school Involvement of SLT in getting beneath the numbers Professional development of all teachers Impact on subject knowledge, curriculum and pedagogy Feedback to learners and their parents / carers Cross-year, inter-school and cross-phase collaboration

39 39 Standardisation and Moderation

40 40 Implementation plan The plan presents a suggested route to implement APP Activity: School groups Consider implementation plan and how this might be used in school. What adaptations need to be made to suit your context? Discuss initial thoughts on which group of pupils/which subject might be the focus for your APP trial. How do these relate to your current improvement priorities?

41 41 Updates APP support teachers National strategies plan Every Child Counts Brain buster boxes Literacy resources National Year of Reading APP Spring dates

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