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 often integrated into US sources  Westlaw and Lexis useful  relatively easy to get materials  expanded beyond traditional patents, copyright, trade.

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2  often integrated into US sources  Westlaw and Lexis useful  relatively easy to get materials  expanded beyond traditional patents, copyright, trade secrets, and trademark

3  national laws and regulations  national case law in common law countries (and even civil)  no significant international tribunals  but treaties are still important

4  defining international, basic standards of IP protection  making one filing effective in member states -- Global protection system treaties  setting up classification systems -- classification treaties  trade and investment treaties w/IP provisions

5  WTO member countries must comply w/main WIPO conventions ◦ Paris (patents) ◦ Berne (copyright)  Adds additional obligations: “Berne and Paris plus”  FTAs may add “TRIPS-plus” obligations

6  good internet sources ◦ WIPO ◦ WTO ◦ UNESCO

7  Paris Convention (old) addressed some issues  formerly nation-by-nation  Madrid Agreement/Protocol --Madrid Union  no international enforcement

8  US treatises like McCarthy on Trademarks  WIPO site  national PTO sites  Madrid Express database -- marks

9  alphanumeric address of group of computers (e.g.,  relationship with trademark  42 classes of trademarks—similar marks in different classes ◦ genuine conflicts ◦ cybersquatting

10  trademark sources  US laws and cases  foreign laws  WIPO site - dispute resolution  “e-commerce” and “cyberlaw” treatises

11  WIPO Overview of WIPO Panel Views on Selected UDRP Questions, Second Edition ("WIPO Overview 2.0") ◦  Search WIPO Cases and WIPO Panel Decisions ◦  Index of WIPO UDRP Panel Decisions ◦

12  Berne Convention ◦ national treatment ◦ administered by WIPO  UCC (less important)  “internet” or “WIPO treaties” ◦ WCT ◦ WPPT  foreign law differs

13  US sources like Nimmer, Copyright Law Reporter (CCH)  collections of national laws ◦ WIPO ◦ UNESCO ◦ print  collections of treaties

14  Paris Convention ◦ national treatment again ◦ old ◦ US has ratified some parts  Patent Cooperation Treaty ◦ promotes parallel procedures for filings  Patent Law Treaty ◦ increased harmonization

15  WIPO site ◦ reports ◦ treaties ◦ background ◦ national laws  national PTO sites  US treatises (Chisum, Moy’s Walker on Patents, etc.)

16  European Patent Office  World Patent Law and Practice (on LexisNexis)  Practising Law Institute, ALI-ABA continuing legal ed. publications




20  National patent, trademark and copyright offices  UNESCO has copyright laws  Older print collections of laws—copyright, patent, trademark  BNA World Intellectual Property Report

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