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School systems and job perspectives Made by the Romanian team.

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1 School systems and job perspectives Made by the Romanian team

2 The questions 1. From which level of the education system we can find job and what are the perspectives? 2. Which will be the thing that will remain in our life after we are going to finish our education. Will be good or bad???

3 The Romanian answers 1. Here, in Romania, we can start working at the age of 16, for half time. After 18 years is like any other places. 2. There it will be good things and bad things as well. One of the good things is that we can use the things we've learned in school all the time. For some people the discipline still remains after finishing school. I believe that discipline and respect are some of the most important things in live because it helps us a lot. This is the answer that I have for the two questions. If in school you have bad habits it will last unfortunately for all life time.

4 The students of Germany answer In Germany you can get three school education grades. Haupschulabschluß = the lowest school education grade With this education grade you can get low payed jobs f.e. as a worker in a factory. Mittlere Reife = a school education grade with a better qualifications. With the Mittlere Reife you can get a training course f.e. as a craft worker or a nurse. Hochschulreife = The highest school education grade With the Hochschulreife you are allowed to go to an university and study. With the Hochschul Reife and a completed university study you can get high payed jobs.

5 School Systems in Germany Primary SchoolsSecondary Schools Primary school( Grundschule). From 1st to 4th school year. Secondary modern school(Hauptschule).From 5th to 9th school yearSecondary school(Realschule).From 5th to 10th school yearComprehensive school(Gesamtscule).From 5th to 9th or 10th school yearGrammar school(Gymnasium).From 5th to 13th school year

6 The school from listed above are the common schools for the first education. There are some other school from you can choose. I will show them below but I’m not going to explain them as well as the common forms because it would be too much detailed. Public schools Waldorf schools Boarding schools Special schools Education level is mostly higher like at common school Those schools follow the education set up by Rudolf Steiner and are based on a three element education. Mostly used by wealthy parents. For example schools for disabled children or children who need more attention than other children.

7 In Germany you are able to do a vocational education after reaching your graduation. For people who can’t do a vocational education or are not sure about what they want to work there are offers for a special training. Vocational schools Basic Vocational Training Vocational preparatory school City college Duration: 2 or 3,5 years Duration: 1 year Duration: 2 to 3 years Graduation: vocational school graduation. Graduation: no. Graduation : advanced technical college entrance qualification or final secondary school examination.

8 School system in Greece Education in Greece is compulsory for all children 6-15 years old;namely,it includes Primary and Lower Secondary Education. The school life of the students,however,can start from the age of 2,5 years in institutions called.In some Vrefonipiakoi Stathmoi there are also Nipiaka Tmimata which operate along with the Nipiagogeia.

9 The Technical Vocational Schools are to provide both general education and specialist technical and vocationals skills to prepare pupils for the labour market.Besides day schools there are also evenings TEEs for workers aged up to 50 who wish to improve their job prospects.The applicants are accepted without examination but must possess either a Gymnasium leaving certificate or an equivalent certificate issued abroad.

10 Labour market Higher Education Postgraduate studies – Hellenic open University Universities Conventional – Technological Education Institutes Secondary Education Lykeia: -musical -ecclesiastical -physical education schools B’ grade TEE: ◘ and A level C and B level IEK Gymnasio: (General, Musical, Ecclesiastical, Physical Education, Special) compulsory education Primary Education Dimitiko Nipiagogeio Nipioaka Tmimata Paidikoi Stathmoi


12 Primary School 3-4 classes of Math 4 classes of Romanian Language 1 class of History 1 class of Geography 1-2 classes of Science 2 classes of Art 1-3 classes of a foreign language 1-2 classes of Introduction to computers 1 class of Civic Education 1 class of Religion 1 class of Music 2 classes of Physical Education

13 Gymnasium School 4 classes of Math 4-5 classes of Romanian Language 1 class of History 2 classes of Geography 2 classes of Biology 4 classes Foreign Language 2 classes of Introduction to computers 2 classes of Physics 2 classes of Chemistry 1 class of Latin 1 class of Art or Music 1 class of Religion 1 class of Civic Education 1 class of Technology 2 classes of Physical Education

14 High School studies are four years in length, two compulsory, two noncompulsory. There are no exams between the 10 th and the 11 st years. National College - the most prestigious High school in Romania. Military College - a high school administered by the Romanian Army. Standard High School - an average high school providing all the available academy programs.

15 Higher Education In any country higher education is the moment of truth for the entire society. With many pressures from technical developments, a deficiency in designing higher education is a very costly endeavor paid by a country. The first modern Romanian Universities are: University of Iasi(1860) University of Bucharest(1864) Babes- Bolyai University, Cluj (1872)

16 If you like chemistry this is one of the jobs you can have.

17 Being good at anatomy you can become a good doctor.

18 If you have a gift for drawing and you’re good at Physic…

19 Working in a lab is the result of studding a lot of chemistry.

20 In the Army you need discipline and respect, things you learn in school and at home.

21 As in the Army is a difficult job because there are a lot of dangers.

22 Informatics is the right job if you like to work at a computer.


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