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POST-WAR CANADA POPULATION a chc2d history presentation.

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1 POST-WAR CANADA POPULATION a chc2d history presentation

2 POPULATION IMPACTS When a country goes to war, there are clear impacts on the population The first, which we’ve already talk about, is the increased production to satisfy the war demand Bullets, uniforms and other equipment has to come from somewhere — and it’s usually factories back home Farms also have to produce enough food for the people at home and for the soldiers overseas

3 POPULATION IMPACTS On the bright side, this means that there are lots of jobs available and unemployment drops dramatically On the flip side, though, those jobs all vanish at the end of the war and unemployment rises dramatically It was worry about that rise that finally convinced the King government to introduce unemployment insurance to Canada But 1945 proved to have some differences than 1919


5 MEN Since some servicemen had no jobs to return to post-war, the Canadian government followed the American response in how to help them The Veteran’s Rehabilitation Act copied the U.S.’ G.I. Bill in offering money for tuition and residence in the soldier’s choice of vocational school or university program The impact: less soldiers would be unemployed immediately because they were going into training for jobs that could be present when the soldiers were done studying Much of the focus of those programs aimed at soldiers and teenagers going into school was for jobs in modern fields that would have a future

6 WOMEN When the men went to war, women took their spots on the assembly lines At the end of the Second World War, many single women did not want to give up their jobs — or the independence they found with it The groundwork was being set for a conflict between men and women over their roles in society that would get stronger over the next two decades

7 CHILDREN Kids had gotten used to wandering the streets to collect recyclable material After the war, they continued to wander the streets… and that would become a major problem in the 50s In the meantime, the number of children was on the rise Special memory moments before soldiers went off to war and celebrations they were home led to the baby boom

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