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Commercial in confidence | © 2013 Technetix Technetix Group 3 October 2013 The future of cable broadband The future proof access platform SCTE Balkan Broadband.

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Presentation on theme: "Commercial in confidence | © 2013 Technetix Technetix Group 3 October 2013 The future of cable broadband The future proof access platform SCTE Balkan Broadband."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commercial in confidence | © 2013 Technetix Technetix Group 3 October 2013 The future of cable broadband The future proof access platform SCTE Balkan Broadband Conference Zagreb Walter Dumon – Sales Engineering Director

2 Agenda Commercial in confidence | © 2013 Technetix  Introduction  Capacity demand in the Access network  Access network upgrade considerations  Typical star HFC network – upgrade path  Typical tree & branch HFC network – upgrade path  The next generation Access platform  Network upgrade conclusions

3 Introduction DOCSIS 3.1 and CCAP are technology drivers that will improve customer capacity:  This will bring more capacity in the upstream and downstream  This will introduce denser modulation schemes (OFDM) and expansive channel bonding  Discrete video and data platforms will transition to CCAP  Setup boxes will become gateways  … and so on Are our networks ready? How can HFC operators upgrade with minimal CAPEX spend? Commercial in confidence | © 2013 Technetix

4 Capacity demand in the Access network Commercial in confidence | © 2013 Technetix Analogue TV Digital TV BB DATA FM Radio

5 Access network upgrade considerations Commercial in confidence | © 2013 Technetix Operators have several options available for evolving their HFC networks:  Introduce smaller segments using fibre deep or FttLA  Extend downstream and upstream bandwidth Today: (DOCSIS 3.0)  DS 860/1006 MHz  US 65 MHz  Upgrading US 85 MHz will need diplexer upgrade Short Term: (DOCSIS 3.1)  DS 1.2 GHz  US 200 MHz  Will require active and passive upgrade Future: (DOCSIS 3.1)  DS 1.7 GHz  US 400MHz  “Active upgrade”

6 Typical star network – upgrade path Commercial in confidence | © 2013 Technetix

7 ATV DTV DATA FM Fibre deep = cost of 5 nodes FttLA Cost of 20 nodes + fibre 1.2 GHz Replace (nodes)/amps / passives 1.7 GHz Replace nodes/ drop amps/ passives N+1 5X 100HP/ON N+1 5X 100HP/ON N+0 25X 20HP/ON N+0 25X 20HP/ON Typical star network – upgrade path

8 Commercial in confidence | © 2013 Technetix Typical tree & branch network – upgrade path

9 Commercial in confidence | © 2013 Technetix ATV DTV DATA FM Fibre deep Replace 6 trunks by nodes plus fibre FttLA Replace 6 amps by nodes + fibre 1.7 GHz Replace nodes/ amps (passives) 1.2GHz Replace (nodes)/amps/ passives N+4 6X 90HP/ON N+4 6X 90HP/ON N+2 12X 45HP/ON N+2 12X 45HP/ON Tree & branch upgrade path

10 The next generation Access platform Commercial in confidence | © 2013 Technetix Operators should be preparing their long term HFC network upgrade plans NOW The Access platform is the most critical aspect of the Access network When selecting technology consider the following:  Must be future proofed  Platform with 1.2 GHz DS / 200MHz US  Latest GaN technology ( 3dB more output )  Remark : Long term access platform with 1.7GHz DS / 400MHz US  Modular platform  Field upgradable to increase the bandwidth (DS & US)  Field upgradeable to an deep fibre node to protect your investment (JIT CAPEX)  Reduce significantly the time to upgrade  Reduce maintenance & OPEX costs  Reduce the need for spare parts

11 The next generation Access platform Commercial in confidence | © 2013 Technetix  Fully software controlled  Electronic setup  Integrated Ingress detection switches  Remote control trough FSK/Docsis/HMS  Ingress finding management system  Lower power consumption  GaN technology  Manageable power consumption

12 Network upgrade conclusions Commercial in confidence | © 2013 Technetix  HFC networks must expand bandwidth to cater for greater demands  There are many options to increase the capacity of the HFC network and HFC networks will do the job for many years  HFC networks can be upgraded in steps saving CAPEX Upgrade your networks using JIT CAPEX Invest in platforms that are future proofed today and select the technology driver that you require knowing you can upgrade with minimal CAPEX later...

13 Thank you 13 Commercial in confidence | © 2013 Technetix © Technetix Group Limited 2013. All rights reserved. This document and the information contained in it is confidential and must not be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of Technetix. This document may not be copied, reproduced or adapted in any form without the prior written consent of Technetix. Use of this document is restricted by confidentiality undertakings. This document and any copies of it must be returned to Technetix immediately upon request. Technetix is the owner (or licensee) of all patents, registered designs, copyright and other similar rights whether registrable or not in any country (Intellectual Property Rights) in the products described in this document and in any drawings, designs, tooling, equipment and other materials provided by Technetix. Any Intellectual Property Rights arising or created in any enhancements and modifications to the products and any derivatives created from the products shall vest in Technetix. This document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer, an invitation to tender or any other type of contractual document capable of acceptance. Technetix shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the recipient in connection with this document, including but not limited to costs incurred in reviewing this document, in participating in any discussions and evaluation processes, or in attending any meetings or events in collaboration with Technetix. Unless or until Technetix issues a Purchase Order for products to be supplied or services to be performed by the recipient, any products supplied or work done by the recipient is at the recipient’s sole risk and expense.

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