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Holding Productive Board Meetings Governing Board Online Training Module.

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2 Holding Productive Board Meetings Governing Board Online Training Module

3 Meeting Location and Times Environment Governing board members, guests, and community attendees should be comfortable Arrange chairs so that all governing board members can see each other Provide snacks for longer meetings Meeting times Set a consistent start time for meetings Set a time limit for meetings Make meetings productive, predictable, and time effective for the benefit of all Make meetings accessible to all members of the school community whenever possible

4 Utah’s Open & Public Meetings Act (UCA 52-4)UCA 52-4 Post all meetings of the board annually in an designated location (Utah Public Meeting Notice website)Utah Public Meeting Notice website Post meetings at least 24 hours in advance A quorum of board members constitutes a meeting Refer to state laws for specifics about posting and entering closed meeting (a.k.a. executive sessions) Refer to school bylaws, sometimes they are more stringent that state law Written minutes and recording are kept

5 Electronic Meetings (UCA 52-4-207)UCA 52-4-207 Governing boards must adopt a resolution for electronic meetings. The resolution: May require a quorum at an anchor location May allow community to attend electronically if request made in time to allow for arrangements to be made Electronic meeting requires public notice, including the identification of and posting at anchor location(s) One anchor location must be in the building where governing board would normally meet

6 Electronic meetings for charter school boards UCA 52-4-209 allows charter school governing boards to hold special electronic meetings UCA 52-4-209 A quorum must monitor the meeting website at least once during the meeting The content of the website must be available to the public and is kept in place of the required recording May last no longer than 5 days Must identify start and end times for a vote and no one can participate on the website during that time No provision for closed meeting

7 Types of Meetings: Business Meetings Take place once per month Must have a quorum for voting Are held for the purpose of conducting business Include committee reports Include administrative reports Include an examination of unfinished business Include new business or emerging issues

8 Types of Meetings: Training Sessions or Workshops Address a specific issue Strategic planning Budget development Facilities design and construction Are generally longer than a regular meeting Are for developing new skills or knowledge Are for team building exercises Boards should not vote at training sessions and workshops. A regular meeting may be conducted after a workshop or training, but only if posted according to Open Meetings Law and the bylaws of the school.

9 Types of Meetings: Chance or Social Meetings According to state law, “meeting” does not mean a chance or social meeting Law explicitly states a chance or social meeting may not be used to circumvent the provisions of Utah’s Open & Public Meetings Act Examples of chance or social meetings Board socials Dinners at conferences

10 General Rules for Good Meetings Be prepared Use board notebooks that include past minutes, etc. Use Robert’s Rules of Order Research a conclusion/resolution and move on Record the minutes Schedule workshops for larger issues Have a policy manual to reference Use the vision and mission to guide decision making Focus on solutions, not problems Don’t try to solve everything Remain respectful - don’t personalize issues Praise twice as much as criticize

11 Meeting Preparation Determine the purpose of the meeting Develop the agenda Assemble board packets Distribute board packets Post the meeting and the agenda

12 Developing an Agenda Work with administration Use the strategic plan, vision, and mission statements as a guide Consider time allocations for each item Note items for action or discussion on the agenda Use consent agendas when appropriate

13 Consent Motion To expedite business for routine items A single motion to approve several items at one time Complete supporting information should be provided in board packets Items that should not require questions or discussion Single items can be moved to the regular agenda for governing board consideration Once approved, items cannot be removed

14 Board Packets Distributed one week in advance Include the meeting agenda Include minutes from previous meetings Meant to provide governing board members with information in advance of the meeting Include written reports from committees and administration Synopsis should be thorough, but not burdensome Packets should enable governing board members to formulate questions and opinions in advance Packet information that is not protected under privacy laws should be posted online

15 Beginning the Meeting Chairperson opens the meeting on time Set a standard for beginning on time Greet governing board members, board guests, and members of the community Read vision and mission statements Some governing boards choose to say the Pledge of Allegiance Verify a quorum is present

16 Maintaining the Pace Stick to the agenda whenever possible May note the expected time allotted for each agenda item Respectfully remind governing board members of time Manage lengthy or ineffective discussions Discuss only updates or questions regarding written reports Allow each governing board member an opportunity to speak Provide breaks when necessary Avoid long meetings, and end meetings that run late when efficiency declines

17 Considering the Issues Present the issue or problem Brainstorm potential solutions Establish a committee if more information is required to make a decision Cull the list to the most viable choices Evaluate the choices in light of the vision and mission statements Evaluate the costs, benefits, and impacts Make the decision

18 Closed Meetings Provision for closed meeting (a.k.a. executive session) in Utah Code Annotated The meeting agenda should cite the specific statute provision for the closed meeting Sessions must be audio recorded Retain recordings permanently 2/3’s roll call vote of the members present is required to enter closed meeting Explain what will happen when the governing board returns from the closed meeting – especially when a vote will be taken Guests (such as administrators) may join if included in the motion Fewer than half of governing board meetings should have a closed meeting

19 Closed Meeting Topics Discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual Property purchase, exchange, lease, or sale Collective bargaining Attorney/client discussions Security arrangements Investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct Individual student issue

20 Keeping Minutes (UCA 52-4-203)UCA 52-4-203 Written and historical record of meetings Workshops and trainings do not require minutes Should reflect the decisions made and actions taken Should be approved by the governing board at the next regular business meeting and signed by the governing board secretary or chair Should be posted within three business days following approval Post on the Utah Public Meeting Notice website Provide hard copy in a binder at the front office of the school Public record under GRAMA Must be retained permanently

21 Recordings Complete and unedited record of all open portions of the meeting Labeled with the date, time, and place of the meeting Should be posted on, or linked to the Utah Public Meeting Notice website within three business days of the date of the meeting Public record under GRAMA Must be retained permanently

22 Ending the Meeting End meetings on time Review individual assignments and clarify tasks Establish topics for the next meeting Place unfinished business on the agenda for the next meeting Thank governing board members and guests Adjourn by majority vote

23 Interaction with Community Members Provide an opportunity for public comment during governing board meetings Place time limits on public comment Adhere to the school’s grievance procedure Adopt policy for bringing concerns to the governing board

24 Evaluating Board Meetings Meeting effectiveness should be evaluated periodically Reflect on efficacy Recommend for improvement Model continuous improvement for the school community Means for evaluation Formal governing board self-evaluation (annually Brief written surveys of meeting effectiveness Informal debriefing at the end of meetings

25 Summary Consider the environment and the timing of the meeting. Prepare in advance. Develop a reasonable agenda. Use consent agendas, board packets, Robert’s Rules, and subcommittees Stick to the agenda and watch the clock. Document meetings properly. Evaluate for efficiency and productivity.

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