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FS&N School Staff Meeting December, 2014. Agenda 1.Apologies 2.Minutes of Last Meeting. 3.Matters Arising 4.HoS’s Statement including items from Senate.

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Presentation on theme: "FS&N School Staff Meeting December, 2014. Agenda 1.Apologies 2.Minutes of Last Meeting. 3.Matters Arising 4.HoS’s Statement including items from Senate."— Presentation transcript:

1 FS&N School Staff Meeting December, 2014

2 Agenda 1.Apologies 2.Minutes of Last Meeting. 3.Matters Arising 4.HoS’s Statement including items from Senate and FMC 5.Safety (MH) 6.Items from Student Education Committee (PK) 7.Items from Research Committee (CO) 8.Items from Postgraduate Committee (AM) 9.Admissions and Widening Participation (CE) 10.Finance (CR) 11.HR Issues (CR) 12.Athena Swan (CO) 13.Staffing Plans (MM) 14.AOB 15.Date of Next Meeting – Wednesday, 11 th February, 2015.

3 4. HoS’s Statement Senate – Research Income – Student Intakes (ABB+ students increasing disproportionately) FMC UAFs Obesity Chair School ‘scorecard’ REF


5 % Academic Staff Submitted to REF School: 79% University: 75% Range: 49 – 94%

6 REF Results Show On the morning of Tuesday 16 December 2014, the REF team will release individual institutions' results to the head of each HEI, in confidence and under embargo until Thursday 18 December 2014. The embargoed results released on 16 December will contain the overall quality profile, the three sub-profiles and the FTE number of Category A staff, for each submission made by that institution.

7 REF Results Show To assist institutions in interpreting their own results, on Tuesday, 16 December we will also provide comparative data. This will comprise, for each UOA, the average profiles for all submissions to the UOA (mean average, weighted for staff volume); and the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum percentage for each quality level from 4* to unclassified.

8 REF Results Show At 9:00 am on Wednesday 17 December 2014, the REF team will provide HEIs with all results, under embargo. The results will also be released under embargo to the press on Wednesday 17 December, on the basis that no approach should be made to institutions for comment, until the afternoon of that day.

9 REF Results Show In January 2015, the REF team will provide confidential feedback to the head of each HEI. This will comprise, for each submission, concise feedback summarising the reason for the quality profiles awarded, with reference to the published assessment criteria. In the case of joint submissions, we will provide this feedback confidentially to the heads of all institutions involved. Concise feedback will also be provided to the institution on its individual staff circumstances, at institutional level.

10 REF Results Show In early 2015, we will publish the submissions on the REF website. For each submission we will publish: a separate list of staff and outputs; the submitted case studies and impact template; and the submitted environment data and template. We will remove personal and contractual details of staff, and any other data that the HEI has indicated should not be published for commercial sensitivity or other reasons. The submission system will remain available for institutions to access their submissions in a read-only format, until the submissions are published in 2015. Data adjustments made as a result of audit are visible on the submission system. In early 2015 we will publish panel overview reports. A report by each main panel, including sections from each sub-panel, will detail how the assessment was carried out, provide an overview of the panels’ observations about the state of research in the areas falling within its remit, and general reflections on the submissions and their assessment.

11 5. Health & Safety (MH)

12 6. Items from the SEC (PK)

13 7. Items from R&IC (CO)

14 8. Items from PGRC (RE)

15 9. Admissions & Widening Participation (CE)

16 CRM Leeds is the largest ABB+ recruiter in the country Harder A-levels Population of A-level students dropping by 5% in 2 years The largest non-capital investment by the University has gone into a new student management system – integrating from ‘interest’ to ‘alumni’

17 10. Finance Current Financial Position Final Budgets Set Student Census 1 st December 2014

18 11. HR New Staff/Staff Leaving On-Going Recruitment SAP Self-Service PDRF Forum

19 12. Athena Swan (CO) Silver Award – Re-submission on 28 th November 2014 School Action Plan 2015 – 2018

20 13. Staffing Plans

21 Staffing Issues to be Addressed Prior to REF2020 Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Group Increase academic staff numbers to increase time for research, spread teaching and administrative load, and increase research income (If this isn’t done, the School cannot achieve the enhanced research income targets) Technical support for research The need for high quality teaching, efficiently delivered: teaching capability should match research capability Identify research themes as a ‘hook’ for REF2020

22 Food Colloids and Processing Research Group Colloids BM AS Modelling RE Food Physics MP MR Processing MH PH

23 Food Colloids and Processing Research Group Colloids BM AS Modelling RE Food Physics MP MR UAF Processing MH PH Biopolymer Structure 1 New Prof 2 New Lecturers 7 Existing Academics 1 + 3 New Academics

24 Food Chemistry & Biochemistry Research Group Food Composition & Analysis LM JM MM Polyphenols & Health GW AD

25 Food Chemistry & Biochemistry Research Group Food Composition & Analysis LM JM MM Obesity 1 New Prof 1 New Lecturer Polyphenols & Health GW AD Sugar/Fat 1 New Prof 2 New Lecturers 5 Existing Academics 6 New Academics

26 Nutrition & Public Health Research Group Cellular Metabolism and Nutrition DH CB Epidemiology and Public Health JC VB CE Plant Biopolymers CO

27 Nutrition & Public Health Research Group Cellular Metabolism and Nutrition DH CB UAF Epidemiology and Public Health JC VB CE Plant Biopolymers & Nutritional Quality CO 1 New Lecturer Complex Carbohdrates & Health 1 New Professor 2 New Lecturers 6 Existing Academics 1 + 4 New Academics

28 17 Existing Academics 5 New Academics in Plan (Agreed) 11 New Academics (Not Yet Agreed) Total Academic Staff = 33 (not fte)

29 Timings of Suggested Recruitment 2014-15: Obesity x 2; Biochemistry x 1; 1 x Research Technician 2015-16: UAFs x 2; Obesity(L) x 1; Obesity(PDRF) x 1; Biopolymer Structure x 3; 1 x Admin Support 2016-17: Complex Carbs & Health x 3; Plant Biopolymers x 1; 1 x Research Technician 2017-18: Sugar/Fat x 3; 1 x Research Technician 2018-19: Completion and submission of REF 2020 ( + 2 nd round UAFs and other ad hoc posts)

30 School Research Groups and Themes Food Colloids & Processing Food Chemistry & Biochemistry Nutrition & Public Health Food Characterisation and Bioactivity XXX Food and the Gut XXX Food Production, Quality and Health XXX

31 The proposed plans would meet the School needs for REF2020 The academic staff would fit core teaching needs and reduce teaching/admin workloads The plan gives us the best chance of increasing research income and maintaining/increasing REF quality We would need more space Can we afford it?

32 15/16 Previous Target 15/16 New Target 16/17 Previous Target 16/17 New Target 17/18 Previous Target 17/18 New Target 18/19 Previous Target 18/19 New Target Home/EU UG 6570677570807085 Int UG 1215121812201220 Home/EU PGT 44444444 Int PGT 55 Home/EU PGR 44454647 Int PGR 1012101310161019

33 14. AOB 15. Date of next meeting – 11/2/15

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