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David Sheard (Dr) Chief Executive/Founder Dementia Care Matters Visiting Senior Fellow, University of Surrey UK. National Adults Commissioning and Contracting.

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Presentation on theme: "David Sheard (Dr) Chief Executive/Founder Dementia Care Matters Visiting Senior Fellow, University of Surrey UK. National Adults Commissioning and Contracting."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Sheard (Dr) Chief Executive/Founder Dementia Care Matters Visiting Senior Fellow, University of Surrey UK. National Adults Commissioning and Contracting Training Conference Programme ‘ Influencing: Quality of Life in Dementia Care Homes – the Dementia Outcomes Matter (DOM) Tool’ © Dementia Care Matters 2013


3 Mattering ® "Mattering is feeling deep inside that to someone or something and somewhere you really count. Mattering is about knowing that just being who you are really matters. Mattering is having evidence you can see, hear and feel that you make a difference and are needed." David M Sheard 2012 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

4 Mattering ® People need to feel from others that they are:  Important to people  Attached to people  Missed by other people  Interesting to other people  Depended upon by people Peterson C (2009) 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

5 Accepting that homes have front doors while institutions have ‘units’. 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

6 The ‘Household Model’ identifies three components that support a home: – renewal of the spirit – reframing the organisation – renovating into home 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd © USA the ‘Household Model’ pioneered by LaVrene Norton, Action Pact and Steve Shields

7 Dementia Care Matters turns 10 key household beliefs into action A home needs the right name A house needs a front door A home needs heart A house needs a leader A home needs a housekeeper A house matches people together A home brings out the best in people A house needs visiting partners A home creates mutual regard A house needs wiring with emotional intelligence 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd © David Sheard - Excerpt from an article will be published in, ‘Not another care handbook… Pearls of wisdom for care staff’. Release Autumn/Winter 2013, Hawker Publications

8 A home needs the right name 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

9 © Dementia Care Matters 2012 Celebrating the Evidence © Dementia Care Matters 2013

10 A house needs a front door 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

11 Celebrating the Evidence © Dementia Care Matters 2013

12 A home needs heart 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

13 Celebrating the Evidence © Dementia Care Matters 2013

14 A house needs a leader A house needs co-ordination Those living and working together in a house need a natural house leader to emulate 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

15 Celebrating the Evidence © Dementia Care Matters 2013

16 A home needs a housekeeper 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

17 Celebrating the Evidence © Dementia Care Matters 2013

18 A house matches people together 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

19 Celebrating the Evidence © Dementia Care Matters 2013

20 A home brings out the best in people 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

21 Celebrating the Evidence © Dementia Care Matters 2013

22 A house needs visiting partners 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

23 Celebrating the Evidence © Dementia Care Matters 2013

24 A home creates mutual regard 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

25 Celebrating the Evidence © Dementia Care Matters 2013

26 A house needs wiring with emotional intelligence 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

27 Celebrating the Evidence © Dementia Care Matters 2013

28 Emotional Competency Emotional Intelligence ‘the primary competency’ in Dementia Care. David Sheard 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

29 © Dementia Care Matters 2013 Culture Change Matters in Dementia Care Homes From a Caterpillar into a Butterfly “Like a butterfly stuck in a chrysalis, waiting for the perfect moment, I was waiting for the day I could burst forth and fly away and find my home.” Emme Rollins The ‘Look’ Emotional Intelligence Quality of Life Leadership Training Skills Demonstration Home Culture Change Assessments Measurement Momentum

30 © Dementia Care Matters 2013 Commissioning and Contracting Quality of Life Matters in Dementia Care Dementia Outcomes Matter (DOM) Twelve Quality Monitoring Indicators

31 Dementia Outcomes Matter (DOM) Commissioning and Contracting Quality of Life Matters in Dementia Care Care Home Evaluation Date IndicatorTargetActual 1Quality of Interactions QUIS Level 3 2Quality of LifeInspiring 50 Point Checklist Yes 25 – Partly 15 – No 10 (Level 3) 3Quality of Environment Environment Matters Audit Tool 7 out of 10 Indicators Achieved or 21 out of 30 sub points

32 © Dementia Care Matters 2013 4Quality of Well Being90% of people scoring on Profile Tool 12+ on Well Being and -12 on Ill Being 5Quality of Occupation Neutral Score on QUIS evaluation at 50% or Lower 6Quality of Pain Reduction 50-70% of People on prescribed pain relief IndicatorTargetActual 7Quality of Behaviour Prevention Neuroleptic use at less than 10% in home

33 8Quality of Personal and/or Nursing Care Nursing Matters Checklist Yes 30 – Partly 15 – No 5 9Quality of Relationships Evidence of NOSE or Staff Well Being strategy/doc/tool of how families involved in the care home 10Quality of SpecialismEvidence of specialist tools re Matching, Grouping and Later Stage Dementia Care in place 11Quality of Staff Impact Reduced staff turnover, sickness and absenteeism – baseline evidence required and then reassessment 12Quality of Harm Reduction Evidence of peoples weight gain, decreased falls and decreased safeguarding alerts – baseline evidence required and then reassessment IndicatorTargetActual

34 “As we become more emotional and less cognitive, it’s the way you talk to us, not what you say, that we will remember. We know the feelings, but don’t know the plot. Your smile, your laugh and your touch are what we connect with. Empathy heals. Just love us as we are. We’re still here in emotion and spirit, if only you could find us.” Christine Bryden (2005) 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

35 Mattering ® “Feeling you matter is at the core of being a person, Knowing you matter is at the heart of being alive, Seeing you matter is at the centre of carrying on in life” David Sheard 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

36 BEING NOT DOING IT “When you know who you are, what you can be and where you can lead; when you can be vulnerable and unafraid, laugh, cry and dance a dance you do not know. When you can be in the moment with another person, only then do you have the beginning of being the best that you can be in dementia care." Claire Peters,RMN nurse Alternative Futures Group 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

37 © Dementia Care Matters 2012 Mattering ® “I’ve learnt that  People will forget what you said  People will forget what you did  But people will never forget how you make them feel” Dr Maya Angelou 2013 Dementia Care Matters Ltd ©

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