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The development of self directed support systems in Glasgow Glasgow City Council.

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Presentation on theme: "The development of self directed support systems in Glasgow Glasgow City Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 The development of self directed support systems in Glasgow Glasgow City Council

2 Personalisation and Individual Budgets The Changing Lives Report (2006), arising from the 21st Century review of Social Work Services, sets out the personalisation of Social Services as a key theme for the modernisation of Social Services. Glasgow City Council

3 Principles Individuals and families know best what they need and want People with support needs can and should be able to be full and active members of the community. Glasgow City Council

4 Personalisation & Individual Budgets The aspiration of personalisation/self directed support is to give individual service users choice and control over how they live their lives. Individualised budget is a tool by which service users can direct their own support. Individuals alone or with their families are freed up to develop their own networks of support. Glasgow City Council

5 Concepts & thinking behind the RAS Who gets what and why ? Local Authorities must create a new way of deciding openly who gets what amount of money in their individual budget and why. City Chambers Needs = £ ?

6 Glasgow City Council We should provide a fair and reasonable level of help in open transparent ways People with similar needs for help should receive similar levels of money – equity However we recognise we need to work within set budget therefore Individual budgets – sustainable allocations Concepts & thinking behind the RAS

7 Introducing Resource Allocation System (RAS) Self Evaluation Questionnaires (SAQ) Glasgow City Council

8 Problems with current approach to resource allocation Does not tell people what level of funding they have available. This stops disabled people from deciding for themselves how they want to be supported. Glasgow City Council

9 Apply the concepts & thinking behind the RAS Glasgow City Council

10 Service user defined outcomes Quality of LifeProcessChange Feeling safe Having things to do Seeing people Staying as well as you can be Living where you want/as you want Dealing with stigma/discrimination Listened to Having a say Treated with respect Treated as an individual Responsiveness Reliability Improved confidence and skills Improved mobility Reduced symptoms

11 Glasgow City Council Outcomes-based Support Planning Outcomes-based Support Planning is about: discovering the outcomes for the person. an outcome being that the person wants to change or achieve something to make their life better.

12 Glasgow City Council Got my money - what can I buy ? Support Plan Outcomes

13 Glasgow City Council For Finance, It’s Easier to Say What You Can’t Do ! You can’t spend your cash payment on the following: Illegal activities Gambling Financial Investments Nothing for which you receive another benefit

14 Glasgow City Council Managing the individual budget Direct Payment Direct Payment (Agent) Direct Payment (Trust) Broker Individual Service Fund Care Managed

15 Glasgow City Council Monitoring and Audit Light Touch approach First bank statement and three-monthly thereafter Proportionate to amount Annual audit attended by finance and care manager

16 Glasgow City Council What we are monitoring That the spend is consistent with agreed Support Plan outcomes That the account is being managed in accordance with the Payment Agreement

17 Glasgow City Council Case studies

18 Glasgow City Council Thank you for listening Happy to answer any questions

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