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Option 2a Template Example Phillip Grissom – Southern Nuclear Based on Farley (more or less) 2012-10-19.

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Presentation on theme: "Option 2a Template Example Phillip Grissom – Southern Nuclear Based on Farley (more or less) 2012-10-19."— Presentation transcript:

1 Option 2a Template Example Phillip Grissom – Southern Nuclear Based on Farley (more or less) 2012-10-19

2 Plant Information  Westinghouse 3-Loop PWR  >99.997% RMI Insulation  < 1 ft 3 Temp-Mat on Steam Generator instrument lines (reference legs) in ZOI  125 lbs Latent Debris, 18.75 lbs Latent Fiber assumed  GEH Stacked Disk Strainers 878 ft 2 per each of 2 RHR trains, separate CS strainers (2)  Debris Interceptors installed but not credited

3 GSI-191 Status  No further questions except in-vessel  Assuming 100% Bypass (157 FA) – Latent only = 54 gm/FA – With Temp-Mat = 88 gm/FA  Assume NEI Clean Plant Criteria – Latent only =18 gm/FA – With Temp-Mat = 30 gm/FA

4 GSI-191 Closure Decision  Essentially Clean Plant, but can’t meet 15 gm/FA with standard latent debris assumptions – Options: 1.Additional plant specific transport and bypass analysis/testing – Option 1 2.Replace Temp-Mat with RMI & implement extensive & stringent containment cleanliness program – Option 1 3.Risk Informed Option 2b or 3 4.Support PWROG program – Option 2a

5 GSI-191 Closure Decision – Option 2a  PWROG testing and analysis plan could justify as-is condition by increased gm/FA – Higher fiber limit by solving differences between test facilities – Delayed or no chemical effects (affects strainer and core DP) – Higher core DP acceptance criteria via system analysis – Additional fuel tests using strainer bypass fiber characterization based on NEI fiber preparation method – Boric Acid Precipitation with fiber – justify higher fiber limit

6 GSI-191 Schedule 10/12 1/13 4/137/1310/1310/14 1/15 4/157/1510/15 1/14 4/147/14 1/16 4/167/1610/16 1/17 4/177/1710/17 PWROG Integrated Program WCAP SE Industry Program Clock Start U1 Outages U2 Outages Modification Timeline Work Order Planning Mod Design Vendor Dwgs Design Readines s Review Specification and PO for Engineered Items Evaluate Mods, Develop Plan, Approve Budget PWROG Integrated Program WCAP SE Industry Program Farley Submittal documenting closeout plans Farley Complete Actions before 2019 3 rd Outage

7 Template Considerations  Believe no additional modifications beneficial for Farley  Will re-evaluate 100% bypass assumption if justified – after test protocol refined and accepted  Insufficient time (because of 18 month cycle and RFO timing) to get PWROG results and commit to 3 rd RFO after 1/1/2013 (April 2016 vs. 1/1/2019)

8 Proposed Variance with Template  Within six months of NRC SE on PWROG Program (projected fall of 2015) SNC will submit a final updated supplemental response to support closure of GL 2004-02 for Farley Units 1 & 2 (submittal projected for spring 2016).  Complete the necessary insulation replacements, remediation, or model refinements by January 1, 2019

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