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Section Title NOW OR NEVER: SHAPING PHARMACY FOR THE FUTURE An overview of the work that the Royal Pharmaceutical Society have begun since publication.

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Presentation on theme: "Section Title NOW OR NEVER: SHAPING PHARMACY FOR THE FUTURE An overview of the work that the Royal Pharmaceutical Society have begun since publication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section Title NOW OR NEVER: SHAPING PHARMACY FOR THE FUTURE An overview of the work that the Royal Pharmaceutical Society have begun since publication of the report

2 Objectives To re-visit the objectives laid out to us To inform the advisory group on key deliverables related to each objective To inform the advisory group progress against each area To share success of projects and relationships developed To share any other relevant information Section Title

3 The key recommendations To the RPS 1. Provide a clear narrative for the profession 2. Act as an advocate for the profession 3. Be a stronger leader, both nationally and locally 4. Create a leadership forum 5. Influence commissioning and policy Section Title

4 The Profession A clear narrative for a diverse profession can be challenging The community pharmacy “Call to Action” called for the debate over how pharmacists could integrate into the changing NHS The Now or Never report heavily influenced the questions asked within the C2A The RPS laid down clear a robust position statement addressing keys areas for change Enhanced clinical role for community colleagues Cross working with secondary care colleagues Integration within the multidisciplinary team Along with necessary steps to ensure this happens; Changes to the community pharmacy contractual framework Merging of GP and pharmacy contracts IT system – simplification and access to pharmacy Section Title

5 The Profession Part of steps towards making change are the development of federated care models RPS held a study day which heard expertise on the legal frameworks and current models in GP land, and also explored; innovative pharmacy service delivery to patients through federations how pharmacists can take an integrated approach to working with other HCPs EPB Board members engaging with wider health community to support applications for federations; Elizabeth Butterfield; Brighton and Hove Ash Soni; SE London Section Title

6 The Profession Primary care pharmacists Development of a working group t ensure a clear narrative for primary care pharmacists with the help of PAG and PCPA Our ideas surround; Named pharmacists in care homes Federated care Long-term condition management (including anticoag. services) Role in urgent and unplanned care Dementia Champions work Role on reducing medicines waste Pharmacists in GP surgeries Section Title

7 Advocacy This is an all important role for planting the seeds for future changes to attitudes, commissioning and a change in focus for the profession towards care giving RPS has been working hard to cultivate relationships with other pharmacy bodies to ensure the message is joined up and clear PDA Articles in the PJ Innovators Forum Chemist and Druggist RPS website Addressing pharmacists through conferences Pharmacy Management Live Clinical Pharmacy Congress Commissioning Show Section Title

8 Advocacy Engaging outside of the profession is necessary to ensure that advocacy is happening outside of pharmacy The team at RPS have been liaising with Royal Colleges to be seen as equals; Royal College of General Practitioners –Polypharmacy –RCGP conference speaker slot Royal College of Physicians –Future Hospitals Programme –Publication in FHJ – content TBC –RPS representation on patient safety committee –AMR conference Royal College of Nursing –Medication safety event Section Title

9 Advocacy Section Title Raising patient expectations is essential to our advocacy work. To enable this the RPS have been working with patient groups on the development on a medicines charter A meeting between patient groups and the RPS was held in early March Key expectations from patients about community pharmacy are being put out for consultation next week Meeting with further patient groups to ascertain hospital and community views will be held over the summer months The deliverables; A full “Medicines Charter for Patients” aligned with the NHS Constitution produced by mid-2015 Become a professional member of National Voices We also aim to bring together a patient group as a touch point for all future guidance, standards and policy work

10 Leadership Section Title RPS have been showing strong leadership both nationally and locally Engaging with many consultations with different groups; Kings Fund Polypharmacy Evidence submission to Barker Commission on the Future of Health and Social care in England NICE - Managing Medicines in Care Homes RCP - The National Review of Asthma Deaths Joint work streams; Polypharmacy Guidance with RCGP (and potentially RCP)

11 Leadership Section Title A truly important player in the leadership arena are The Faculty Team Career development internally through foundation and faculty programmes Providing support for leadership through frameworks and a handbook Signposting to the NHS Leadership Academy through RPS website Mentoring programme to develop local leaders in workplace support Others Professional advice for local users through the Support Team Local leadership through LPF/LPC/LPN events

12 Leadership Section Title From within RPS the high quality work that is produced shows the dedication from all staff towards activity on Now or Never In fact, every piece of work that goes on in RPS is designed towards national and local leadership Recent guidelines produced include; Public Heath Standards Homecare Standards New Medicines, Better Medicines, Better Use of Medicines Key deliverables; 7 day working summit Members accessing NHS Leadership Academy Production of guidelines with RCGP (and other Royal Colleges potentially)

13 Leadership; The Innovators Forum Section Title Article in PJ online to gather more innovative individuals through referral system work Fantastic response since published on 14 th May with contact from many regions of the country sharing their models – over 15 models submitted Next steps for the IF; produce a toolkit as a resource to enable hospitals, commissioners and other stakeholders to implement this system Key deliverables; Gather leaders and keep group fresh and motivated Get project scaled up and spread across country

14 Commissioning Section Title Commissioning for new services and roles for pharmacists needs to be guided with support from the RPS RPS are in the process of developing briefing on 4 key commissioning areas to lead discussions with NHS-England Mandate for a pharmacist in GP surgeries Urgent care support through pharmacists in A+E Supporting frail, elderly population Winter pressures

15 In summary RPS is absolutely committed to the ideas in Now or Never providing the narrative for the professions future. We are engaging in many work streams with our peers and other professional bodies Section Title

16 The Royal Pharmaceutical Society The Royal Pharmaceutical Society is the professional body for pharmacists in Great Britain. The Royal Pharmaceutical Society Future Models of Care Commission brought together expertise from across health and social care to provide a coherent narrative for the pharmacy profession’s role in the reformed NHS in England. You can find out more at: Join the conversation on Twitter @NoworNever

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