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The Interference of Southern Min in Lugang Students‘ English Pronunciation 戴孜妤 (2000) M98C0103 黃俐雯.

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1 The Interference of Southern Min in Lugang Students‘ English Pronunciation 戴孜妤 (2000) M98C0103 黃俐雯

2 1. Background and motivation The researcher had miserable experience in learning English pronunciation because of her first language (Lugang Southern Min). In Taiwan, English was important, but pronunciation was less important than grammar in junior high schools.

3 2. Research Questions 1. To what extent does Lugang students ’ first language interfere with their English pronunciation? 2. Which English sounds are most difficult for them? 3. Are there other reasons which also contribute to these English pronunciation problems?

4 3. Significance of the study Both teachers and students in Lugang can have a full understanding of their difficulty in English pronunciation teaching and learning respectively. We can know the different interference of regional dialects on students ’ pronunciation.

5 4. Methodology The subjects 76 Lugang students in their second and third grade at Lugang Junior High School, 38 from each grade. They were selected based on: (1) They had lived in Lugang since they were born. (2) Lugang Southern Min was their first language and used it most often.

6 Instruments There were two types of instruments used in this study: (1) Questionnaires for students and teachers (2) A reading text. 4. Methodology

7 Students ’ questionnaires were used to investigate their attitudes and experiences in learning English pronunciation. Teachers ’ questionnaires were used to understand the current conditions of English pronunciation. The reading text is used to record both students ’ and teachers ’ oral production, including a word list, five simple sentences, a dialogue, and a passage. 4. Methodology

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