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Daily Introduction January 12 & January 13. Homework ALL work must be submitted by January 2pm.  8 Achieve articles with a score of 75% or higher.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Introduction January 12 & January 13. Homework ALL work must be submitted by January 2pm.  8 Achieve articles with a score of 75% or higher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Introduction January 12 & January 13

2 Homework ALL work must be submitted by January 15 @ 2pm.  8 Achieve articles with a score of 75% or higher  Formal Writing Assignment  Tweet Sheets from The Crucible  All forum posts ALL work must be submitted by January 15 @ 2pm. 88 Achieve articles with a score of 75% or higher FFormal Writing Assignment TTweet Sheets from The Crucible AAll forum posts


4 A-day: 19% B-day: 10% Collective: 15% A-day: 19% B-day: 10% Collective: 15% Rationale  Period 1: 15%  Period 3: 27%  Period 4: 14%  Period 5: 0%  Period 7: 18%  Period 8: 13% PPeriod 1: 15% PPeriod 3: 27% PPeriod 4: 14% PPeriod 5: 0% PPeriod 7: 18% PPeriod 8: 13%

5 For the sake of logic and coherence of the paragraph, this sentence should be: A. Placed where it is now B. Placed after Sentence 1 C. Placed after Sentence 7 D. OMITTED, because the paragraph focuses only on electronic forms of entertainment.

6 Explanation Explanation

7 When placed after Sentence 7, the sentence provides a logical transition to the subsequent paragraph. Answer choices A and B can be eliminated because their placement would cause the paragraph to be illogical. The assertion in answer choice D is false, and may, therefore, be eliminated. This is why your correct answer is…



10 Definition: Lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy Definition: Lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy Lackadaisical Pronunciation: [lak-a-days-ik-kal] Part of Speech: Adjective Lackadaisical Pronunciation: [lak-a-days-ik-kal] Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Apathetic Lethargic Lazy Lethargic Sluggish Synonyms: Apathetic Lethargic Lazy Lethargic Sluggish Terrance failed English III due to his lackadaisical habit of not completing assignments in a timely manner. Terrance failed English III due to his lackadaisical habit of not completing assignments in a timely manner. Don’t be like Terrance! Don’t be like Terrance! Don’t be lackadaisical! write this down! Don’t be lackadaisical! write this down!


12 Objective: SWBAT ascertain Fitzgerald’s use of character development in order to determine the reliability of Nick Carroway as a narrator.

13 Essential Question: Is Nick Carroway the epitome of a reliable or unreliable narrator within “The Great Gatsby.”

14 Reliable Narrator Unreliable Narrator Review: Reliable v Unreliable Narrator  Narrator does not make assumptions  Narrator does not have feelings  Narrator has to be outside the action  Does not withhold vital information  Narrator does not make assumptions  Narrator does not have feelings  Narrator has to be outside the action  Does not withhold vital information  Not trustworthy  Credibility has be compromised  Character whose telling of the story is not completely accurate or credible due to problems with the character’s mental state or maturity  Not trustworthy  Credibility has be compromised  Character whose telling of the story is not completely accurate or credible due to problems with the character’s mental state or maturity

15 Assignment:  Get into groups of 3-4  All four pages (2 front and back) are due by the end of class  Get into groups of 3-4  All four pages (2 front and back) are due by the end of class

16 Next Class: Notes: Chapter 2 Reading and Thematic Development Notes: Chapter 2 Reading and Thematic Development

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