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July 13, 2005Portland State University Improving the Highway Safety Process: An Update and Enhancement to Oregon DOT’s Crash Reduction Factors List ITE.

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Presentation on theme: "July 13, 2005Portland State University Improving the Highway Safety Process: An Update and Enhancement to Oregon DOT’s Crash Reduction Factors List ITE."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 13, 2005Portland State University Improving the Highway Safety Process: An Update and Enhancement to Oregon DOT’s Crash Reduction Factors List ITE District 6 Conference, Kalispell, MT July 13, 2005 David de la Houssaye Graduate Research Assistant Masters Candidate, Urban and Regional Planning Portland State University Yungas Road, Bolivia: “The World’s Most Dangerous Road” (Photo from

2 July 13, 2005Portland State University Outline Introduction Literature Review Safety Research Issues Our Project –Objectives –Methodology –Results Using the CRF research The Crash Reduction Website

3 July 13, 2005Portland State University Introduction 2003: 42,000 fatalities, 3 million injuries on US highways Most states now have highway safety improvement programs Crash Reduction Factors (CRFs) –Accident Reduction Factors (ARFs) –Accident or Crash Modification Factors (AMFs or CMFs) Used to aid in cost/benefit analysis of highway safety improvements Research moving to national level

4 July 13, 2005Portland State University Literature Review Reviewed XXX Studies NCHRP 17-25, Crash Reduction Factors NCHRP 17-27, Highway Safety Manual Safety Analyst Pedsafe NCHRP and AASHTO Report 500

5 July 13, 2005Portland State University Safety Research Issues –Limited Scope –Regression to the Mean –Crash Migration –Maturation –External Causal Factors –Vehicle Technology –Human Factors

6 July 13, 2005Portland State University Safety Study Types Simple Before and After Before and After with Comparison Group Cross Sectional Studies Empirical Bayes (EB) Method

7 July 13, 2005Portland State University Our Project: Objectives Planning and design tool Provide reliable, quick and easy access to a comprehensive variety of countermeasures and reference sources Where possible, provide an accurate estimation of the CRF for a countermeasure based on the best available research

8 July 13, 2005Portland State University Our Project: Methodology Develop CRF Database –Review/edit/synthesis Find studies for each countermeasure, including recent literature reviews from NCHRP and FHWA Systematic review process –Ranking of study quality –Summary of studies for each countermeasure CRF derived from synthesis of studies for each particular situation Creation of web-based interface

9 July 13, 2005Portland State University Project Results Approximately 200 countermeasures identified Quality research available for only a portion of these countermeasures References provided for each countermeasure and its CRF

10 July 13, 2005Portland State University

11 July 13, 2005Portland State University

12 July 13, 2005Portland State University

13 July 13, 2005Portland State University

14 July 13, 2005Portland State University Example Centerline Rumble Strips –Cost: Approx. $0.50 to $0.90 per linear meter –Benefit: Reduction of 15% in all injury crashes and 25% in opposing direction frontal and sideswipe crashes. –Calculation of benefit/cost ratio

15 July 13, 2005Portland State University Acknowledgements Oregon Department of Transportation –Technical Advisory Committee, Barnie Jones and Rob Edgar Oregon State University –Dr. Kate Hunter-Zaworski and Matt Little Kittelson and Associates –Beth Wemple Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc. –John McGill Robert Bertini, Ph.D. P.E; Christopher Monsere, Ph.D. P.E.; Peter Bosa and Andy Rodriguez at Portland State University

16 July 13, 2005Portland State University Questions? ITE District 6 Conference, Kalispell, MT July 13, 2005 David de la Houssaye Graduate Research Assistant Masters Candidate Urban and Regional Planning Portland State University Countermeasures? Yungas Road, Bolivia: “The World’s Most Dangerous Road” (Photo from

17 July 13, 2005Portland State University Next steps

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