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Why were the Europeans interest in discovering new lands and markets? The 3 main reasons the Europeans explored were God, Gold, and Glory!

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Presentation on theme: "Why were the Europeans interest in discovering new lands and markets? The 3 main reasons the Europeans explored were God, Gold, and Glory!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Why were the Europeans interest in discovering new lands and markets? The 3 main reasons the Europeans explored were God, Gold, and Glory!

3 Why Explore? The 3 Gs GOD Christianity was spread by –1. migration of colonists to new lands –2. Conversion of indigenous peoples 3. Influence of Catholics and Protestants who carried their faith, language and cultures to new lands (The Explorers!) N. America=Catholic & Protestant! South America=Catholic only! This is Christopher Columbus landing in North America claiming the land for Spain.

4 Why Explore? The 3 Gs GOLD! – European countries demanded gold, spices, and natural resources Mercantilism

5 Why Explore? The 3 Gs GLORY! If European countries could own more land and gold/resources, they would be more powerful than the other countries!

6 How did the Europeans Explore? In the 1400s and 1500s there were many innovations in the navigational arts. These inventions came from European and Islamic origins.

7 How did the Europeans Explore? The Caravel: Developed by the Portuguese It had triangular sails which allowed it to sail against the wind Moveable rudder –helped steering Could carry large amounts of cargo.

8 How did the Europeans Explore? Astrolabe – Allowed sailors to figure how north or south of the equator they were

9 How did the Europeans Explore? Magnetic Compass – magnetic, directional device invented by the Chinese Sextant – replaces the astrolabe; could be used with the moon, sun, or stars to determine location. Developed by the Middle East.

10 V. European Explorers

11 The European Explorers Dominant nations in Europe competed for lands and resources in foreign lands. Progress for some will be the end for others.

12 Portugal Leads

13 PRINCE HENRY The Navigator Portugal 1394 -1460 Started a navigational school. The school helped in the advance of exploration- map maker, instrument makers, ship builders, & more captains Increased trade in gold, ivory, & slaves

14 BARTOLOMEU DIAS This breakthrough of circumnavigating the Cape of Good Hope opened up lucrative trading routes from Europe to Asia Led the first European expedition to sail around Africa's Cape of Good Hope 1488 Portugal

15 VASCO DA GAMA Portugal 1497 - 1499 First European to reach India by sea. Reaches the Port of Calicut in India on the Indian Ocean. Portugal gains a direct route to Asia. Allows goods to be sent more cheaply.

16 Portuguese Trading Empire in India –Took control of the spice trade –Control waterways Straits of Hormuz Straits of Malacca –Seize cities Goa Malacca

17 Spanish Claims & Tensions

18 Christopher Columbus Spain 1492 Reaches the Caribbean & Americas. Opened up the Americas to European Colonization. Natives died due to diseases (ex. small pox and killings.)

19 Pope Alexander VI, 1493 –Line of Demarcation: imaginary line N-S thru Atlantic –W of line=Spain; E of line=Portuguese


21 Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494 –Redraw Line of Demarcation=Portugal receives Brazil –Spain & Portugal agree to honor line

22 Ferdinand Magellan 1519 - 1522Spain Leads a Spanish expedition to the Philippines. First expedition to sail around the Earth. (Circumnavigate) Names the Pacific Ocean

23 Conquistadors

24 HERNANDO CORTEZ Spanish Conquistador 1519 Sets out to claim present day Mexico for Spain. He and his men killed many of the Aztecs in Mexico. **The first time that Germ Warfare was used by one society against another group of people to kill them on purpose.

25 FRANCISCO PIZARRO Spanish Conquistador 1533 Sets out to claim present day Chile and Peru for Spain. He and his men killed most of the Incas and took their gold.

26 Pattern of Spanish conquest Reconquista-impose Spanish culture Pennisulares, mestizos, natives encomienda

27 Latin American Colonial Class Structure AMERINDIANS AFRICAN SLAVES MULATTOS (Caucasian and African) MESTIZOS (Caucasian and Amerindian) CRIOLLOS (Descendents of Peninsulares born in the Colonies) PENINSULARES (Spanish Born Aristocrats)

28 Missionaries spread Christianity & Native rights

29 England

30 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE England 1577 – 1580 Naval Admiral, excellent commander. Helped to defeat the Spanish. Second explorer to travel around the world. Best known for being a pirate. Notice how his route starts in England and NOT Spain.

31 France

32 Jacques Cartier France 1541 Cartier paved the way for French exploration of North America by looking for a shorter route to the Pacific. He named Canada and founded Quebec.

33 Effects of European Exploration

34 Political and Economic Competition Effects: The Americas 1.Europeans migrate to new colonies in the Americas, creating new cultural and social patterns. 2.The Aztec (Mexico) and the Incan (Chile) empires will be decimated. 3. Legacy of a rigid class system and dictatorial rule in Latin America.

35 Political and Economic Competition Effects: Africa European trading posts were along the coast Slavery in Africa was accepted Europeans would trade guns and manufactured goods for slaves, ivory, and gold.

36 Political and Economic Competition Effects: Asia Colonization by small groups of merchants –India, the Indies, and China Primarily influenced by trading companies from Portugal, the Netherlands (Dutch), and British

37 The Atlantic Slave Trade/Triangular Trade Populations of the Americas were decimated because of disease. Europeans needed labor to harvest the crops (sugar) Europeans looked to Africans to fill the gap. Why Africans? --Because they had already been exposed to European diseases and were mostly immune to them!

38 Rum Americas & GUNS!

39 The Middle Passage

40 Results/Impacts of the Slave/Triangular Trade! Africa: lost generations, families split, introduction of guns Economic & cultural growth in colonies, expertise in agriculture (ex. Rice) Mix of racial identities

41 The Columbian Exchange

42 Columbian Exchange Exchange of products and resources between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Corn TobaccoPotatoes Yea! We’re going to Europe

43 Columbian Exchange Western Hemisphere corn, potatoes, tobacco Europe horses and cattle Changed European lifestyle Changed the lifestyle of the American Indians

44 Impacts of the Columbian Exchange Shortage of labor to grow cash crops led to the use of African slaves Slavery is based on race European plantation system in the Caribbean and the Americas destroyed indigenous economics and damaged the environment

45 Mercantilism Economic practice=effort to become self- sufficient=trade The more bullion a country had=more wealth & more powerful Colonies existed for the benefit of the mother country Mercantilism Mercantilism=>


47 Commercial Revolution European maritime nations competed for overseas markets, colonies, and resources. A new economic system emerged. – New money and banking systems were created. –Economic practices such as mercantilism & capitalism evolved. – Colonial economies were limited by the economic needs of the mother country. --Looking for a favorable balance of trade

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