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The Cycling of Matter in the Biosphere Organic Matter Water The Hydrological Cycle The Carbon/Oxygen Cycle The Nitrogen Cycle The Phosphorus Cycle.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cycling of Matter in the Biosphere Organic Matter Water The Hydrological Cycle The Carbon/Oxygen Cycle The Nitrogen Cycle The Phosphorus Cycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cycling of Matter in the Biosphere Organic Matter Water The Hydrological Cycle The Carbon/Oxygen Cycle The Nitrogen Cycle The Phosphorus Cycle

2 Organic Matter Organic substances are the materials that are used in the bodies of living organisms Proteins, Sugars, Fats, Cellulose, Chitin, etc. After death, decomposers break down the organic molecules into simpler inorganic molecules which become available to other living thingsdecomposers Therefore, matter cycles through the living world unlike energy which flows through it

3 Organic Matter The cycles are called biogeochemical cycles:biogeochemical cycles Pathways in which a chemical element or molecule moves through both biotic and abiotic components of the biosphere Reservoirs A repository or storage area for an element or atom Usually an abiotic component Flux The process by which an element transitions from reservoir to reservoir

4 Water Water is the single most important molecule to all living things Properties of Water Absorbs thermal energy preventing temperature fluctuations (ie. Lakes)  High Specific Heat Capacity Makes up the majority of cytoplasm 60% of a cell’s mass Provides a source of H atoms to producers and O atoms to organisms for cellular respiration Is a reactant and product in metabolic activities Is a universal solvent The medium through which many substances are dissolved and transported through the biosphere, ecosystems, and individuals

5 Water Properties of Water (Con’t) A polar moleculepolar molecule Has both + and – ends (ie. It has poles) Can hydrogen bondhydrogen bond A bond formed between the positive end of one water molecule and the negative end of another water molecule This gives water its adhesive and cohesive properties

6 Water Water is essential for the transport of other matter As a universal solvent, many substances can be dissolved, transported, and stored in water making them available to other organisms Phosphates and Nitrates dissolve in water allowing for plant uptake Carbon and Oxygen dissolve in water bringing the gases to aquatic organisms Hydrogen bonds allow for capillary action, allowing plants to carry water and nutrients throughout their structure

7 The Hydrological Cycle The Cycle Handout Water has 3 main reservoirs:reservoirs 1.Ocean 2.Snow/Ice 3.Ground/Surface Water Water has 5 main methods of flux: 1.Evaporation 2.Condensation 3.Evapotranspiration 4.Precipitation 5.Run-off Plants and animals play a vital role in flux

8 The Hydrological Cycle Acid rain Results from sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) and various nitrogen oxides (NO x ) combining with water in the atmosphere It has many negative effects on plants, animals, soil, and standing water SO 2  H 2 SO 4 (aq) (Sulfuric Acid) NO 2  HNO 2 (Nitric Acid) Solutions?? Low-Sulfur Coal Scrubbers Others?

9 The Carbon/Oxygen Cycle Carbon is a key element for all living things Carbon is repeatedly recycled through the environment through the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respirationcellular respiration However, the Carbon cycle is not limited to these two processes The Cycle Handout

10 The Carbon/Oxygen Cycle Carbon has 3 main Reservoirs 1.Earth (Coal, Oil, Gas) Fossil Fuels 2.CO 2 (Atmosphere) 3.CO 2 (Oceans/Bodies of Water) Carbon has 5 main methods of Flux 1.Photosynthesis 2.Cellular Respiration/Decomposition 3.Combustion 4.Volcanic Activity 5.WeatheringWeathering

11 The Carbon/Oxygen Cycle The Oxygen cycle is closely linked to the Carbon Cycle – CO 2 However, Oxygen is found in many other substances and is involved in many chemical reactions The Oxygen Cycle is quite complex The Cycle Reservoirs 1.Atmosphere 2.Water 3.Rock Flux 1.Cellular Respiration 2.Photosynthesis 3.Decomposition

12 The Carbon/Oxygen Cycle Global Warming CO 2(g) and CH 4(g) are naturally occurring gases in the atmosphere They are part of a larger number of gases called greenhouse gases Greenhouse gases are essential for our planet to stay warm The gases trap solar radiation reflected from the surface of the Earth and direct it back to the surface Warming the Earth This is the Greenhouse Effect Recent human activity has resulted in large amounts of these greenhouse gases being released to the atmosphere As a result, the Greenhouse Effect has been intensified Why is this a bad thing?

13 The Carbon/Oxygen Cycle Stromatolites Limestone structures containing fossilized bacteria Absorbed CO2 from the atmosphere and released methane (CH4) Caused increased temperatures due to CH4 being a greenhouse gas Haze became so thick that solar radiation was deflected and the Earth cooled Allowing other oxygen producing bacteria to flourish

14 The Carbon/Oxygen Cycle Biosphere 2 Decomposers were using too much oxygen and producing too much CO2 CO2 was being absorbed into cement and therefore was not detected Ultimately had to bring oxygen rich air from outside into the system An attempt to see if our biosphere could be mimicked elsewhere in space

15 The Carbon/Oxygen Cycle Albedo Effect Albedo – The extent to which a surface can reflect the light that strikes it Albedo of 0.08 = 8% of light is reflected High Albedo = More light energy reflected or Less Light Energy Absorbed Low Albedo = Less light energy reflected or More Light energy absorbed Snow and ice have a very high Albedo Earth’s surface has a very low Albedo It absorbs most of the light energy that strikes it

16 The Nitrogen Cycle Nitrogen is a key component of many substances that are essential to life Proteins, DNA, RNA Nitrogen gas (N 2 ) is a common gas in the atmosphere but is difficult to uptake Plants only take up nitrogen in its ion form (NO 3 - ) N 2(g) is not easily converted to NO 3 -

17 The Nitrogen Cycle The Cycle Handout Nitrogen has 2 main Reservoirs 1.Atmosphere 2.Soil Nitrogen has 5 methods of Flux 1.Lightning 2.Nitrogen Fixation 3.Decomposition 4.Nitrification 5.Denitrification

18 The Nitrogen Cycle Energy from lightning will react N 2 with Oxygen in the air to form nitrates (NO 3 ) Plants uptake NO 3 - through roots (assimilation) Nitrogen Fixation occurs when bacteria convert N 2(g) into ammonia (NH 3 ) Decomposers convert the excrements and dead remains of biota into ammonia (NH 3 ) Nitrification occurs when bacteria convert the ammonia (NH 3 ) into NO 3 - Denitrification is done by anaerobic bacteria which convert nitrates (NO 3 - ) into N 2(g)

19 The Nitrogen Cycle Symbiotic Relationships Some N-Fixing bacteria live in a symbiotic relationship with plants They form nodules on the roots Plants provide sugars to bacteria Bacteria provide plants with nitrogen (NO 3 - ) Mostly only found on legumes Why plant legumes alongside other crops?

20 The Nitrogen Cycle Fertilizer Materials used to restore nutrients to plants Typically contain Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Over fertilizing can have negative effects Algal Growth Decreased Oxygen Hemoglobin Effects

21 The Phosphorus Cycle Phosphorus is a key component of cell membranes, ATP/ADP, DNA, and bones The Phosphorus Cycle has both a long-term and short-term cycle The long-term Involves rock weathering and geological uplift Takes millions of years to complete The Short-term Involves phosphorus cycling through living organisms Relatively rapid cycle depending on environment The Cycle Handout

22 The Phosphorus Cycle Phosphorus has 2 main Reservoirs 1.Earth’s Crust (Rock and Sediment) 2.Biota Phosphorus has 4 methods of Flux 1.Weathering 2.Run-off 3.Geological Uplift 4.Decomposition

23 The Phosphorus Cycle Nutrients are substances that are essential to living things Nutrient cycling is dependent upon the rate of decomposition Hot, humid environments have faster decomposition Faster nutrient cycling Examples? Cold, dry environments have slower decomposition Slowing nutrient cycling Examples?

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