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Presentation on theme: "ŞEHİT MUSTAFA AKBAŞ PRIMARY SCHOOL COMENIUS 2009- 2011 “COULD I ASK?” EXAMPLE INNOVATIVE LESSON PLAN."— Presentation transcript:


2 Character Traits Grade Level(s): 5, 6

3 Subject(s): Language Arts/Literature/Children's Literature Duration: 45 minutes

4 Description: The teacher will guide a small group of students (or whole class) through identification of character traits using familiar characters from fairy tales.

5 Goals: In this lesson, students will gain the ability to differentiate between the personality/character traits and the physical traits of characters in familiar fairy tales. They will gain knowledge which they can apply to future reading and writing experiences.

6 Objectives: Students will:

7 list their own personal character traits and physical traits by completing a character web. successfully complete a circle map in which they join characters with traits that they have in common.

8 Materials:

9 Web Worksheet Transparency

10 Prepared *worksheet on which students will write their own personal character and physical traits. This will be in the form of a web with a space in the center for their name. Branching out from the center should be lines on which they will write physical and character traits. There should be at least six lines for this. *Note: You may opt to do this on board or overhead.

11 The transparency will be used by the teacher to record the student responses during the analysis of the fairy tale characters.

12 Procedure: 1. Initial Learning Experience:

13 A. Have the students write on paper (web) at least six traits that they have. Explain that these are things about themselves that make them unique individuals. Model this part of the lesson by doing a web of yourself. Require at least six responses for this initial activity.

14 B. When they have finished, ask them to put a red line under any response they have that cannot be SEEN by another person. Model on your web. For example, "blonde hair", can be seen, so it would not be underlined. However, "creative" cannot be seen, so it will be underlined. Point out that the underlined items are character traits, and the ones not underlined are physical traits.

15 C. Give each student an index card on which to list the character traits they have written about themselves. Tell them to write their names on the card. If some students had not written any traits that would be characterized as character traits, give them a minute or two to think of some. Take the card up to use on the following day.

16 Application Experience:

17 A. Using the overhead or board, list at least twelve familiar fairy tale characters that the students supply.

18 B. In this stage of the lesson, you will make a circle map with at least six or eight characters' names written in circles going in clockwise direction. For example, if you start with "Goldilocks" in the circle on the upper left-hand corner, draw a line to the right to connect to the next circle. On the line write one of Goldilocks's character traits. When the students supply one of her traits, ask if you would be able to SEE that trait just by looking at her. For example, if the students said that she was "kind", write it on the line. Then ask them to find another character who was also kind. That character's name would go in the next circle. Think of another character trait for that character to write on the next line. Continue around the circle. When you get to the last circle, think of a trait to connect back to the first character. Try not to repeat the same character trait on any of the lines.

19 *Note: If they call out traits that are physical traits, write them down at the bottom of the transparency to reinforce the difference.

20 3. Review Experience:

21 A. Refer to a recent novel or story the class has read in reading class. Have the students pick out one or two characters and write down at least five character traits and physical traits. Using two different colors for this activity will add to its value by reinforcing the difference in the two types of traits. (Using 5 as the number will allow the student to correctly list four of the five for mastery of 80% if this is used for assessment purposes.)

22 4. Enhancing/Expanding Learning Experience (Cooperative Learning Groups or Partners):

23 A. (You would have made a master list of the traits the students wrote on the index cards, keeping each student's reponses separate, and assigning each list with a different letter instead of the name.) Give each group a list of the students' character traits. Have the students make a web like the one done in class the day before, connecting the students in the same manner. Instead of names, they will write the identifying letter that is on each list.

24 B. When the groups have completed the webs, discuss the fact that this circle web shows how students in the class have certain traits in common. Then give them the student names to replace with the identifying letters. They may be surprised to see who they share common traits with.

25 Assessment:

26 Informal assessments will include questioning for understanding, observation, and listening. More time may be needed in the initial stage as they are listing their personal traits to be sure they understand the concept of character vs. physical traits.

27 The performance task of completing the circle web on a character from a recently read novel or story may be used as a formal assessment. Mastery of the objective may be determined by the student correctly listing four out of five traits. Keep student work in a language arts portfolio or folder for monitoring progress.


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