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Pedagogy as a science Lecture 1. Pedagogy is a science of education. It can be realized in practice as a personal and integral approach of socializing.

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Presentation on theme: "Pedagogy as a science Lecture 1. Pedagogy is a science of education. It can be realized in practice as a personal and integral approach of socializing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pedagogy as a science Lecture 1

2 Pedagogy is a science of education. It can be realized in practice as a personal and integral approach of socializing and training (Wikipedia); the function or work of a teacher that is teaching, and as the art of methods of teaching that is pedagogics(; the science or art of teaching or education(Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2012.);

3 the principles, practice, or profession of teaching (Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition 2009; study of teaching methods, including the aims of education and the ways in which such goals may be achieved. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2008).

4 Basic categories of pedagogy Development – a process of a personality’ s creation. Training - a process of creating mental, physical and intellectual potential of a person. Education - a process and the result of learning/ mastering some knowledge. Learning -a process of bilateral activity aimed at transferring and mastering knowledge.

5 Branches of pedagogy General pedagogy theory of training theory of learning theory of management and administration in education Specific pedagogy pre-school school pedagogy pedagogy of special professional education pedagogy of higher education comparative pedagogy etc.

6 Theory of training Константин Дмитриевич Ушинский (K. D. Ushinskiy) (19.02/02.03 1824 – 22.12.1870/03.01.1871) Ушинский К. Д. Человек как предмет воспитания: опыт педагогической антропологии. М., ФАИР-ПРЕСС, 2004. – 239 с. Ушинский К. Д. О народности в общественном воспитании./Педагогические сочинения: В 6 т. Т. 1/Сост. С.Ф. Егоров. - М.: Педагогика, 1990. - 416 с.

7 Антон Семёнович Макаренко (А. S. Makarenko) (1/13.03.1988 – 1.04.1939) Макаренко А. С. Цель воспитания; Воспитание в семье и школе; Лекции о воспитании детей; Методика воспитательной работы – В кн. Макаренко А.С. 'О воспитании' - Москва: Издательство политической литературы, 1990 - с.416)

8 Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud (6.05.1856-23.09.1939) Anna Freud (3.12.1895-9.10.1982) Arnold Lucius Gesell (21.06.1880 – 29.05.1961)

9 Cognitive development theory Jean William Fritz Piaget 9.08.1896-16.09.1980 Lawrence Kohlberg 25.10.1927-19.01.1987

10 John Locke (29.08.1632-28.10.1704) Burrhus Frederic Skinner (24.03.1904 – 18.08.1990) Behaviorism

11 Cultural-historical theory Лев Семёнович Выготский L.S. Vygotsky (5/17.11.1896-11.06.1934) Павел Александрович Флоренский Флоре́нский P.A. Florensky (22.01.1882-8.12.1882)

12 Humanistic psychology Abraham Harold Maslow (1.04.1908 – 8.06.1970) Carl Ransom Rogers (8.01.1902- 4.02.1987)

13 Training at Higher School “Training at higher education is a directed activity of the university staff aimed at creating students’ system of beliefs, moral norms and standards and general cultural characteristics provided by the education obtained. One of the objectives of training is the creation of learners’ self- development and self-realization” / gog/fo kin/03.php/

14 Theory of learning Constructivism John Dewey (20.10.1859 –1.061952) Marie Montessori 31.08.1870-6.05.1952

15 A brain-based theory of learning Multimedia learning theory

16 Theory of management and administration in education Балыхин Г.А. Управление развитием образования. Организационно- экономический аспект. – М.: Экономика, 2003. Лебедев О.Е. и др. Управление образовательными системами. – М.: Министерство общ. и проф. образования РФ, 2004. Новиков Д.А. Теория управления образовательными системами. – М.: Народное образование, 2009. – 452 с.

17 NCPEA [] the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration

18 Educational management is a field of study and practice concerned with the operation of educational organizations. - Tony Bush [Bush, T. (2003). Theories of educational management: Third Edition. London: Sage][]

19 Models of managing educational institutions formal collegial cultural ambiguous political subjective

20 Pedagogy and other sciences history of pedagogy comparative pedagogy philosophy sociology ethnography/social anthropology economics physiology psychology informatics and programming

21 EU initiatives in education and training The role of education and training in the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy. Youth on the Move initiative – an integrated approach in response to the challenges young people face. Education for sustainable development. The social dimension of education and training. Key competences for a changing world. An updated strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training. etc.

22 EU challenges in education and training ageing societies skills deficits among the workforce global competition etc. [ learning-policy/framework_en.htm]

23 EU activities in education and training expanding opportunities for learning mobility; enhancing partnerships between education and training institutions and the broader society; promoting multilingualism, innovation and creativity; adoption of ICT (Information and Communication Technology

24 Benchmarks for 2020 in EU education at least 95% of children between the age of four and the age for starting compulsory primary education should participate in early childhood education; the share of 15-years olds with insufficient abilities in reading, mathematics and science should be less than 15%; the share of early leavers from education and training should be less than 10%; the share of 30-34 year olds with tertiary educational attainment should be at least 40%; an average of at least 15 % of adults (age group 25-64) should participate in lifelong Learning.

25 A pedagogy principle is a statement based on a scientific law that helps to guide some process, mandatory manner of behavior, statement resulted from a theory /W. Oconee/. a statement that reflects the dependency of general laws of teaching and learning according to the goals of training at any definite period of historical development /M.N. Skatkin/. a general statement that should be based on while teaching /T.A. Ilyina/.

26 Principles of pedagogy to manage the pedagogic activity principle of humanitarian orientation; principle of interconnection of pedagogy and practice; principle of scientific character, principle of joint development of knowledge and skills; collaborative teaching and training; principle of continuity and succession; the use of visual methods and aids. to guide the learner’s activity combination of pedagogical management and learners’ independence; cognitive and active participation of learners in education; combination of respect and reasonable demands to learners; coordination of family, teacher and society’s demands towards a learner; availability of teaching and training.

27 Pedagogy vs andragogy Malcolm Knowles (24.08.1913 – 27.11.1997) “Andragogy is the art and science of helping adults learn”. Knowles, M. S. The Modern Practice of Adult Education: Andragogy Versus Pedagogy (Eighth ed.). New York: Association Press, 1977.

28 Research methods in pedagogy observation studying the practical experience examination of creative work pedagogic dialogues or debates pedagogical experiment applying tests guided public opinion polls etc.

29 QUESTIONS FOR SELF-ASSESSMENT AND DISCUSSION 1. What aspects should we know about any science? What does pedagogy as a science deal with? 2. What are other definitions of pedagogy? What makes them different? 3. What are the main tasks that each generation should solve? Do you share this point of view? Why? 4. What is the subject of pedagogy? 5. What are the main categories of pedagogy? Define them. 6. What are the main branches of pedagogy? Characterize them.

30 7. What does the general pedagogy comprise of? 8. What educators founded the theory of training in |Russia? What do you know about them and their works? 9. What is contemporary theory of training based on? 10. How is training defined? 11. What does the efficiency of training depend on? 12. Where are the objectives of training represented?

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