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Published byGiles McCormick Modified over 8 years ago
The Five “Ones” Delivering as One Standard Operating Procedures
What is DaO NOT? What do we already know about DaO? What remains unclear? 2 Table Discussions
UN Reform in perspective 8 DaO Pilot countries + many self starters High Level Panel on System Wide Coherence Independent Evaluation of DaO (2012) Country Led Evaluations (2010 – 2011) High Level Intergovernmental conferences (Viet Nam, Rwanda, Uruguay, Albania) QCPR 2012 200620072008200920102011201220132014 SOPs Implementation SOPs Pilot phase The formal recognition of Delivering as One as a voluntary model going forward in the QCPR has given new impetus to UN Coherence The QCPR requests “the UN system to […] formulate standard operational procedures as guidelines for DaO countries […]” 2014-16: +100 countries starting new common programming cycle SG’s Five- Year Action Plan
Strengthening of the RC system by means of decentralizing authority and enhancing capacity Improve coherence of programming among UN entities and with national priorities Improve results-based management Harmonization and increase of efficiency in business operations First time recognition of the DaO model 4 5 key messages QCPR
Advantages of Delivering as One
1. The five pillars of the SOPs One Programme Brings together all members of the UNCT under one nationally owned strategy Focuses on collaborative implementation and monitoring for results through Joint Work Plans Common Budgetary Framework/ One Fund Presents all planned and costed programme activities in one place Enables better planning, prioritization and monitoring of results and resources Operating as One Provides UN Country Teams with strategic solutions for cost-effective common operational support Enhances development results through linkages between programme and operations Communicating as One Ensures coherent messaging and advocacy from the UN Improves quality of dialogue with host-country governments One Leader Resident Coordinator and the UN Country Team act as one leadership Contributes to reduction of transaction costs, duplication, competition for funds Enhances strategic dialogue on development and the positioning of the UN Delivering as One pillars
The Standard Operating Procedures: Overview
SOPs elements SOPs SOPs package Standard Operating Procedures Defines the underlying principles for Delivering as One Stipulates the minimum requirements for Delivering as One Integrated guidance to operationalize the SOPs Gives the technical advice on the operationalization of the SOPs Provides tools/instruments and templates for UN Country Teams and Governments Outlines different options for implementation of the SOPs UNDG Plan of Action for Headquarters Requests change at headquarters level to bring about reductions in transaction costs A firm commitment by all UNDG members to support Delivering as One at headquarters level and communicate clearly on this vision to the regional and country levels
Strong ownership by government and other national stakeholders and leadership by national governments Significant simplification and reduced transaction costs in programming, business and service Empowered UN Country Teams, under the leadership of the UN Resident Coordinator, to address country level needs Flexibility to adapt to country context and allow for innovation Drive towards common delivery of results and strengthened accountability Emphasis on shared values, norms and standards of the UN System Underlying principles of the SOPs
Overview One Programme Brings together all members of the UNCT under one nationally owned strategy Focuses on collaborative implementation and monitoring for results through Joint Work Plans Common Budgetary Framework + One UN Fund Presents all planned/costed programme activities in 1 place Enables better planning, prioritization and monitoring of results and resources Operating as One Provides UN Country Teams with strategic solutions for cost- effective common operational support Enhances development results through linkages between programme and operations Communicating as One Ensures coherent messaging and advocacy from the UN Improves quality of dialogue with host- country governments One annual UN Country Results Report (programme, funding, operations, communications) Result Groups OMTCountry CG One Leader (RC and UNCT) Resident Coordinator and the UN Country Team act as one leadership Contributes to reduction of transaction costs, duplication, competition for funds Enhances strategic dialogue on development and the positioning of the UN Joint National/UN Steering Committee
One Programme UNDAF CPD … CPAP … AWP … Current programming framework SOPs programming framework (or) UNDAF Action Plan Agency Report … UNDAF at the Outcome level (outputs optional) + integration of legal stipulations previously in CPAP/UNDAF Action Plans Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) Agency specific progr. Doc (e.g.CPD) + Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) One UN Country Results Report annually One Programme Results group
Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) of One Programme – M&E Plan must be developed for the One Programme – Aligned with Joint Work Plan(s)/UN Country Results Report – Aligned with national M&E mechanisms wherever possible – Mandatory final Evaluation – Ensure that the necessary technical and financial resources are in place for One Programme M&E One Programme M&E
Example of a M&E Plan Page 1 of 2
Example of a M&E Plan Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2
Sofa Break
Common Budgetary Framework Medium-term Common Budgetary Framework (estimate of available and expected funding sources ) Annual Common Budgetary Framework (Updated, revised and detailed overview of available and expected funding sources ) One Annual UN Country Results Report (which includes also funding info) One Fund (optional) UNDAF at the Outcome level (outputs optional) + integration of legal stipulations previously in CPAP/UNDAF Action Plans Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) Agency specific progr. Doc (e.g.CPD) + Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) One Programme Joint Resource Mobilization Strategy
The Common Budgetary Framework – supports the One Programme, operations and communications – designed as a planning and management tool, provides a holistic overview of required, available and expected funding sources, and any funding gaps to support delivery of the One Programme – provides a basis for funding priorities, mobilizing resources to cover gaps and allocating resources (in the case of the One Fund). – the basis for a joint resource mobilization strategy ensuring a coherent and coordinated approach to fund raising, under the leadership of the RC, and complements agencies’ resource mobilization The Joint National/UN Steering Committee sets overall funding priorities as approved in the One Programme. RC takes final decision on strategic focus – and where consensus cannot be reached – on allocation of One Fund. Common Budgetary Framework
One Leader Joint National/UN Steering Committee Results Group Operations Management Team Country Communications Group Resident Coordinator and UN Country Team One Leader* Results Group Government of Programme Country Main elements include: Management and Accountability System, Guiding Principles on UNCT Conduct and Working Arrangements, mutual accountability framework of Results Groups, OMT and CCG conveners and members.
Joint National/UN Steering Committee – Inclusive participation – TORs jointly prepared with host government – Co-chaired by host Government and RC – Provides high-level oversight, strategic guidance and support – Endorses the Joint Work Plans of the Results Groups – Reviews and confirms the overall funding priorities – TORs can be adapted to particular country context Joint National/UN Steering Committee
One Leader central in driving forward the reform and strategically positioning UN NOT the voice of the RC only empowered UNCT which leads results groups and takes joint decisions full implementation of the M&A System decentralization of authority from HQ to country-level incentives for Agency representatives to make contributions to constructive and effective functioning of UNCTs oversees results groups proposes amendments to projects & programmes takes final decision on strategic focus and funds allocation from One Fund empowered RC with enhanced planning and coordination function
Key steps in implementing the One Leader The RC ensures effective leadership, promotes inclusiveness, and is the primary interlocutor with Head of State/Government; Establish a Joint National/UN Steering Committee; Ensure full implementation of M&A System; Establish Conduct and Working Arrangements; RC and UNCT should agree: ToR for the role of UNCT members leading and participating in Results Groups. Common resource mobilization strategy and principles; and To make available staff to the RC’s Office when necessary/possible. The RC drives strategic leadership, particularly on cross-cutting issues, by drawing on the assets of the UN Country Team and coordinating lead responsibilities One Leader
What is new in the updated RC Job Description? Reflects additional RC functions provided by the QCPR, including the role in the UNDAF process, enhanced planning and coordination functions, and the role in leading the RC office. Accommodates the RC role in DaO countries as articulated in the SOPs (i.e. RC’s role in the National/UN Steering Committee, leading the CBF process, One Fund, and Joint Resource Mobilization Strategy, and overseeing the Results Groups). Reflects guidance on the RC’s role as HC and the role as DO. Reflects additional RC functions and responsibilities provided by the Rights Up Front Action Plan, and the SG Policy Committee decision on the Rule of Law. Education and experience requirements were tighten up. One Leader
What is new in the Guidance Note on UNCT Conduct and Working Arrangements? Incorporation of new mandates/issues from the QCPR, the Rights Up Front Action Plan, and DaO SOPs. New structure to improve readability and usefulness, and made clearer and consistent, while allowing UNCTs to customize it to country context. Main changes include: Clarified the UNCT roles and responsibilities as an entity and for its individual members Clarified UNCTs’ membership Integrated NRA into the UNCT and RC parts Revised text on DO, and the HC and humanitarian activities Added text on the functioning of the RC Office and its support to the 10 core coordination functions performed by RCs and UNCTs. Added text on decision making, dispute resolution, Communicating as One, and M&A system One Leader
Procurement Logistics/transport ICT HR Audit Finance HACT Common Premises Operations Management Team BOS In support of Operating as One One Annual UN Country Results Report (which includes also operations) UNDAF at the Outcome level (outputs optional) + integration of legal stipulations previously in CPAP/UNDAF Action Plans Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) Agency specific progr. Doc (e.g.CPD) + Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) Joint Workplans (incl. outputs) One Programme
How to design a BoS Operating as One
Operating as One (examples) Examples of Common Services and Harmonized Business Practices Common ICT Services ICT Support Desk - Common VSAT - Joint VoIP infrastructure - Radio and Telecommunications - Common Domain & Website Common Procurement Services Office Supplies - Fleet & Fuel Management (Light Vehicle) - LTA’s for workshop and conference facilities, standard business supplies etc - Joint Review Board Procurement - Ref guidelines on 'Common UN Procurement at the Country Level'guidelines Common Human Resources Services Staff Counseling and Training - DSA harmonization for national staff - Harmonized post descriptions - Interagency recruitment - Common UN Consultant Rosters - Common Learning Systems Common Administration Services Mail services - Translation services - Common field housing and hotel/hostel arrangements - Protocol services, Joint reception/registry - Pouch & express mail services - Maintenance Common Finance Services Banking Common Logistics and Transport Services Travel Services - Domestic Freight forwarding and Transit Storage - Warehousing and distribution - Air charter services - Common Light Vehicle Fleet & Fleet Management Common Premises Agency co-location (UN Common Premises/UN House) - Common joint/field and provincial offices - Building maintenance Common Security Services LTA’s for security services Common Protocol Services Joint protocol staff for UN agencies
1.An Empowered Country Communication Group (CCG), led by UNCT member. 2.A Joint communication strategy in support of the One Programme. It highlights common advocacy and messaging on key issues as shared responsibility of the RC and the UNCT. Agency-specific messages should be consistent with agreed common positions. 3.One Voice means that the RC or the best placed Head of Agency speaks. “Communicating as One does not mean that only one person (such as the RC) speaks or acts as the spokesperson for the UNCT. The UNCT may decide to designate the RC or another UNCT member as spokesperson on a particular issue.” 4.Common UN visual identity and joint communication products (e.g. joint website and results reports) can be developed, but without compromising agency-specific branding. Communicating as One
Emphasis on shared values, norms and standards of the UN system Human rights Gender equality Principles of the UN Charter Country specific Joint communication needs to be sensitive to country context Tailored to country typology, local needs and capacities Coherence within the UN family Agency-specific messages should be in line with agreed common positions Consistency in communication strategies, policies, messages and products CaO means that the RC or UNCT members can speak on behalf of the UNCT, not one person on all topics Culture of information sharing Coordination and timely sharing of information among UNCT members is important In particular on agency-specific communication on critical or sensitive issues with system-wide implications Coordination with regional and HQ levels Basic principles of joint UN communication
Calls for urgent implementation of the SOPs in DaO countries and as a flexible and optional approach for all countries Calls for consistent communication to the regional and country level within agencies on Delivering as One Identified 55 further actions to remove bottlenecks at headquarters (many of which are in business operations which are owned by HLCM) UNDG Plan of Action for Headquarters
1.The One Programme is optional for all countries and includes the strategic UNDAF with legal stipulations and Results Groups’ JWPs 2.UNDG entities commit to allow for replacement of CPAPs and AWPs with the UNDAF and Results Group’s JWPs, to extent possible, AND to further maximize harmonization of agency specific instruments to extent possible 3.UNDG entities commit to work with governing bodies toward shortening the programming process by allowing for both review and approval of CPDs in one board session (normally in Sept. with submission in July) 4.Set up a M&E framework to track implementation of DaO and measure its contribution to relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and coherence 5.In accordance with the SOPs, identify best practices/ lessons learned for the purpose of further developing agreed methodologies and specific guidance on joint monitoring of results 6.Introduce a template for the UN Country Results Report covering programme, operations, communications, financial expenditures and funding; enabling results-based, simplified and transparent reporting flexibly adapted to the country context 7.Produce terms of reference/guidance to define the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of Results Groups, UN Country Team members leading the Results Groups, RCs including clarification of responsibilities for the common programming principles HQ actions for One Programme
Changes in the CPD approval process -As of September 2014, the review and approval of CPDs will be conducted in one EB session -CPD may be submitted at any of the three board sessions (in alignment with the national planning cycle) -With this new procedure, CPDs (in English) are expected to be shared with HQ mid-April for review and approval in the EB session (most often September, with January-December planning cycle) -The UNDAF can therefore be finalized 3-4 months later (normally by beginning of April, with the understanding that CPDs are developed after the first draft of the UNDAF is available, instead of January/ February, and depending on country context)
Abolish 5-yr UNDAF Action Plan and focus on dynamic joint work planning and implementation instead; simplify and harmonize the CPDs; introduce one UN Country Results Report; strengthen joint monitoring for results;… One Programme Measures to strengthen the horizontal accountability of RC & UNCTs, including NRAs, incentives and accountability for UNCT results within agencies; decentralize authority to the field; enhance the planning and coordination function of the RC… One Leader Range of measures at HQ level to simplify business processes at the country level; use and harmonization of systems across agencies in procurement, transport and logistics, ICT, human resources, audit, finance and premises;.. Operating as One Establish a working mechanism at HQ to support UNCTs in communication and advocacy; accountability mechanism for coherent communication at the country level;.. Communicating as One
With the SOPs, a number of instruments are introduced to reduce the burden of planning, implementing and reporting on UN activities: Envisaged transaction cost reductions UNDAF remains at the outcome level, no need to develop outputs at that stage, but only in Joint Work Plans No need to develop UNDAF Action Plan (or CPAPs) UNDAF planning phase shortened through new regulations in CPD approval for funds and programmes One Programme/ CBF Practical and peer- and HQ-supported Business Operations Strategy to identify opportunities for common services, and Significant potential reduction in operating costs, e.g. through common procurement Operating as One First time hands-on guide on joint communications, including country examples of joint messaging, visual identify and branding Strengthened headquarters support capacity for joint communication Communicating as One
Regional UNDG Teams are a crucial player to ensure the successful implementation of the UN coherence agenda: 1.Advocating to RCs/UNCTs, including the agency representatives, to implement the SOPs 2.4 core functions of R/UNDG also applicable to SOPs/DaO – Provide technical support to RCs/UNCTs on SOPs implementation – Provide quality assurance support and advice on UNDAFs/One Programmes – Ensure that progress on UN coherence is considered an important element in the appraisal of the RCs and UNCTs, including to create incentives for progress in UN coherence through inclusion of shared results in appraisal of the RCs and UNCTs – Troubleshoot when disagreements arise in the implementation of the SOPs package 3.Providing feedback to respective agencies’ Headquarters, the global UNDG and its different working mechanisms on field experience of implementing the SOPs, including with evidence and results gathering Role of the Regional UNDG
For more information, please visit the dedicated UNDG website on the Standard Operating Procedures: UNDG Standard Operating Procedures for DaO All SOPs guidance in one place Country examples Communication material 36 UNDG website
Are we aligned to the DaO SOPs? How do we ensure enhanced alignment bearing in mind the country context? Alignment to DaO SOPs
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