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VENTURING LEADERSHIP SKILLS COURSE. Venturing Leadership Skills Course2 Session I: Vision.

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2 Venturing Leadership Skills Course2 Session I: Vision

3 Venturing Leadership Skills Course3 Leadership What are the “nuts and bolts” of leadership?

4 Venturing Leadership Skills Course4 Leadership “Vision is the nuts and bolts of leadership. You have to know where you’re going. To be able to state it clearly and concisely. And you have to care about it passionately. That all adds up to vision.” Peters and Austin

5 Venturing Leadership Skills Course5 Vision Vision is much more than fancy plans and words Vision focuses Vision inspires

6 Venturing Leadership Skills Course6 Vision Before a leader communicates a vision, must he/she have a foundation of clearly defined values?

7 Venturing Leadership Skills Course7 Venturing Oath As a Venturer, I promise to do my duty to God and help strengthen America, to help others, and to seek truth, fairness, and adventure in our world.

8 Venturing Leadership Skills Course8 Venturing Code As a Venturer, I believe that America’s strength lies in our trust in God and in the courage, strength, and traditions of our people. I will, therefore, be faithful in my religious duties and will maintain a personal sense of honor in my own life. I will treasure my American heritage and will do all I can to preserve and enrich it. I will recognize the dignity and worth of all humanity and will use fair play and goodwill in my daily life. I will acquire the Venturing attitude that seeks the truth in all things and adventure on the frontiers of our changing world.

9 Venturing Leadership Skills Course9 Venturing Oath & Code VISION What do the Venturing Oath and Code have to do with vision?

10 Venturing Leadership Skills Course10 Your Task As a crew, draft a crew vision statement. If your crew has already done so, then you should create a personal vision statement.

11 Session II: Communication Blind Triangle

12 Venturing Leadership Skills Course12 Communication What were some of the communication problems that you faced? Did anyone emerge as a leader in trying to solve the problem? Why were you willing to follow this person? How did things change when you were able to open your eyes and discuss the problem?

13 Venturing Leadership Skills Course13 Communication Coming home, I drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree I don’t have. As I approached the intersection a stop sign appeared in a place where no stop sign had ever appeared before. I was unable to stop in time to avoid the accident. These quotes were found in insurance or accident reports. They were eventually published in the Toronto Sun on July 26, 1977.

14 Venturing Leadership Skills Course14 An invisible care came out of nowhere, struck my car and vanished. The pedestrian had no idea which direction to go, so I ran over him. I had been driving my car for 40 years when I fell asleep at the wheel and had an accident.

15 Venturing Leadership Skills Course15 I was thrown from my car as it left the road. I was later found in the ditch by some cows. In my attempt to kill a fly, I drove into a telephone pole. I saw the slow-moving sad-faced gentleman as he bounced off the hood of my car.

16 Venturing Leadership Skills Course16 I pulled away from the side of the road, glanced at my mother-in-law, and headed over the embankment. I was on my way to the doctor’s with a rear end problem when my universal joint gave way causing me to have the accident.

17 Venturing Leadership Skills Course17 Communication What were some of the communication problems that you faced? Did anyone emerge as a leader in trying to solve the problem? Why were you willing to follow this person?

18 Venturing Leadership Skills Course18 Golden Nuggets of Wisdom There are two “golden nuggets of wisdom” hidden out along the trails outside. Find one of them. Sit down and discuss and reflect on it as a group. Report back here in 10 minutes.

19 Session II: Communication Interrupt Me

20 Venturing Leadership Skills Course20 Communication How did you feel when you noticed that your partner wasn’t listening to you? When did you first realize that poor listening skills were being demonstrated? What were some poor speaking skills that made listening more difficult? Is listening more than just hearing?

21 Venturing Leadership Skills Course21 Empathetic Listening 1.Ignoring 2.Pretending 3.Selective listening 4.Empathetic listening We usually listen at one of four levels Define #1, #2, and #3

22 Venturing Leadership Skills Course22 Empathetic Listening Listen with intent to understand Get inside another person’s frame of reference Listen with your eyes and heart, not just your ears. What is empathic listening?

23 Venturing Leadership Skills Course23 Empathetic Listening How can the skill of empathetic listening make a leader more effective?

24 Venturing Leadership Skills Course24 Body Language Words Sounds Body Language What percentage of communication does each of these phrases represent?

25 Venturing Leadership Skills Course25 Body Language

26 Session III: Organization Paper Tower

27 Venturing Leadership Skills Course27 Organization Your mission, Mr. Phelps — whether or not you decide to accept it — is to construct a tower as high as possible using only what has been placed in front of you: One sheet of construction paper Tape Scissors You have 25 minutes

28 Venturing Leadership Skills Course28 RULES 1.There is a 25 minute time limit. 2.No other materials may be used. 3.The tower must be freestanding and remain freestanding for at least 60 seconds. 4.The tower cannot be taped to the floor or any other support. 5.The team engineering the tallest tower wins a prize.

29 Venturing Leadership Skills Course29 Planning What does the skill of planning have to do with this exercise? Was there a time in this project when you wanted to start over? Was it difficult to get the group to agree on what steps to take? Was the final product visualized in advance, or did it just happen?

30 Venturing Leadership Skills Course30 Seven Steps of Good Planning 1.Set a broad goal or objective 2.Decide what form the project/activity will take. 3.Get everyone affected involved. 4.Consider the resources available. 5.Develop a step-by-step course of action. 6.Consider alternatives. 7.Follow through to completion.

31 Session III: Organization Juggling Balloons

32 Venturing Leadership Skills Course32 Organization How does this exercise relate to leadership in a real setting? Is it difficult to juggle many priorities at one time? What is a possible solution to help this leader keep all the balloons in the air successfully?

33 Venturing Leadership Skills Course33 Why Leaders Don’t Delegate The leader may fear: Loss of something he enjoys doing Loss of position Loss of satisfaction Loss of control FEAR

34 Venturing Leadership Skills Course34 Why Leaders Don’t Delegate LACK OF TIME The leader may feel there is not adequate time to train someone else. The leader may feel that he can do the job faster than anyone to whom he could delegate the work.

35 Venturing Leadership Skills Course35 Why Leaders Don’t Delegate WRONG IDEAS ABOUT DELEGATION The leader may not trust the subordinate. The leader may feel subordinates are overworked, too busy already.

36 Venturing Leadership Skills Course36 Why Leaders Don’t Delegate TRUST The leader fears that the persons to whom he is delegating are not willing to accept delegated authority and responsibility.

37 Venturing Leadership Skills Course37 Why Leaders Don’t Delegate LACK OF SKILL The leader was never trained in delegating techniques or has just failed to use it.

38 Venturing Leadership Skills Course38 Why Should We Delegate? By delegating one can more effectively get the job done. It spreads the responsibilities so no one person has too much to do. To Get Results

39 Venturing Leadership Skills Course39 Why Should We Delegate? A person grows as he/she has responsibilities and produces. It prepares others to lead when the leader is no longer there. To Give Someone Else Growth Opportunities

40 Venturing Leadership Skills Course40 Why Should We Delegate? Delegating to others frees up the leader’s schedule and mind to pursue different and possibly more important things. To Free Up the Leader for Other Tasks

41 Venturing Leadership Skills Course41 Why Should We Delegate? Delegating allows the leader to share authority with others. It creates ownership in the group and an environment of teamwork. To Share Decision-Making Authority

42 Venturing Leadership Skills Course42 Why Should We Delegate? The leader may delegate because he/she is overextended. Because the Leader Lacks Time

43 Venturing Leadership Skills Course43 Why Should We Delegate? The leader does not have to know it all. He/she can delegate to someone more skilled in a particular task. IT IS NOT IMPORTANT THAT A LEADER BE ABLE TO DO EVERYTHING, BUT TO BE ABLE TO RECRUIT PEOPLE WITH THE SKILLS TO DO THE JOB. Because the Leader Lacks Skill

44 Session IV: Synergism Trust Circle

45 Venturing Leadership Skills Course45 Synergism What went through your mind the first time you fell? Was it easy to trust in this situation? Were some people in the circle easier to trust than others? Where role were you comfortable in, faller or spotter? Why? What does building relationships of trust have to do with leadership? Is true leadership really possible without trust?

46 Venturing Leadership Skills Course46 Synergism “One of the most important ways to manifest integrity is to be loyal to those who are not present. In doing so, we build the trust of those who are present. When you defend those who are absent, you retain the trust of those present.” Stephen R. Covey

47 Venturing Leadership Skills Course47 Emotional Bank Account Deposits 1.Courtesy 2.Kindness 3.Honesty 4.Keeping Commitments Withdrawals 1.Discourtesy 2.Disrespect 3.Cutting others off 4.Overreacting 5.Ignoring others 6.Becoming Confrontational 7.Betraying your trust 8.Threatening

48 Venturing Leadership Skills Course48 Synergism How can you improve as a Venturing Crew in your relationships with each other?

49 Session IV: Synergism Venturing on the Moon

50 Venturing Leadership Skills Course50 Team Rankings Everyone in the team must agree with the choice. Do not change your individual answers during the group discussion. No voting or compromising is allowed. The final decision must be acceptable to everyone and a decision must be reached within 20 minutes. The spokesperson for the group must be able to give reasons for the inclusion and exclusion of the various items.

51 Venturing Leadership Skills Course51 Venturing on the Moon Expert Rankings Box of matches13 Food concentrate 4 20 meters rope 6 Parachute silk 3 Portable heating unit15 2.45 caliber pistols 9 Dehydrated pet milk11 Two tanks oxygen 1 Stellar map 5 Life jacket10 Magnetic compass14 20 liters of water 2 Signal flares12 First aid kit 8 Solar powered FM 7

52 Venturing Leadership Skills Course52 Venturing on the Moon Was it difficult to gain consensus in the group? Do you see the importance of a leader working for consensus and teamwork in problem-solving situations?

53 Session IV: Synergism Knots

54 Venturing Leadership Skills Course54 Tangle Knot Did you feel frustrated at any time during this activity? Did someone emerge as the leader? Who? Why? Was the leader effective in solving the problem? Was cooperation necessary to achieve success? How does this activity relate to problem solving in your crew?

55 Session IV: Synergism Potato City Council

56 Venturing Leadership Skills Course56 Five Styles of Leadership Telling Persuading Consulting Delegating Joining

57 Venturing Leadership Skills Course57 Five Styles of Leadership Which actor displayed the “telling” style of leadership? In the telling style of leadership, who identifies the problem, makes the decisions, and directs the activity?

58 Venturing Leadership Skills Course58 Five Styles of Leadership Are the group members considered in decision making? When is telling the right leadership style?

59 Venturing Leadership Skills Course59 Five Styles of Leadership Who was the actor that portrayed “persuading”? How is persuading different than telling? When is persuading or selling the right leadership style?

60 Venturing Leadership Skills Course60 Five Styles of Leadership Who was the actor that portrayed “consulting” style of leadership? Is the group getting more involved with this style? When is the consulting style best used?

61 Venturing Leadership Skills Course61 Five Styles of Leadership Who was the actor that portrayed “delegating” style of leadership? When is delegating the right style of leadership?

62 Venturing Leadership Skills Course62 Five Styles of Leadership Who was the actor that portrayed “joining” leadership style? Do you think that joining is really not leadership at all? When is joining the right style of leadership? Is one style of leadership appropriate for all occasions?

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