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Greta Pontarelli is 63 years old. Greta only started pole dancing two years ago, when she was diagnosed with osteoporosis, a condition that destroys bone.

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2 Greta Pontarelli is 63 years old. Greta only started pole dancing two years ago, when she was diagnosed with osteoporosis, a condition that destroys bone density. “To strengthen my bones, I needed strenuous exercise. But just weight-lifting is very boring. That’s why I looked into dancing with a pylon.”

3 Lloyd Kahn first tried skateboarding at 65. He stood up on a board, fell immediately, and hurt his hand. From that experience, he concluded that he should wear full protective gear: knee pads, elbow pads, a helmet. Lloyd, who is now 79 years old, said: “I don’t do any special tricks. I don’t ride like the teenagers. I try not to go too fast, so that I could always jump off and land on my feet.”

4 Yvonne Dole had a car accident when she was 80 years old resulting in a serious concussion. Doctors advised her to hang up her skates. Today the 89 year old continues to participate in competitions. “If I ever get in a bad mood, I look at [my] peers with their oxygen bags, put on skates and smile.”

5 Nina Melnikova, 79 and Antonina Kulikova, 79, (Novosibirsk, Russia) picked up aikido at the age of 70. They now train at least twice a week. Each training lasts around three hours.

6 Montserrat Mecho is happiest when she jumps out of an airplane with a parachute strapped to her back. Over the last few years, the 80 year old has jumped thousands of times — her pursuit of happiness brings her back to the skies over and over again. Aside from her free falls, Montserrat has broken a few records in swimming. She is also a downhill skier, a windsurfer, and a diver.

7 Duan Tzinfu, 76, demonstrates his amazing flexibility. He only started training when he turned 60. Before he started training, 40 years of hard work at a glass production plant meant he could barely walk and was not flexible enough to reach his toes.

8 At 88, Johanna Quaas is a true gymnastics star. Quaas only started training when she turned 56.

9 John Lowe took up ballet when he turned 80. Now 94, he dances professionally and enjoys performing on stage.

10 The day Pat Moorhead turned 80, he celebrated by performing 80 parachute jumps in a row, with no breaks. The 82 year old spends most of his time traveling around the world with his wife. They have visited over 180 countries.

11 Ruth Flowers decided to become a DJ at 68 with no prior experience whatsoever. She enjoyed flying around the world performing at popular clubs, until her death in May 2014.



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