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Məktəb: Gəncə, 27 sayli Liseyi Müəllim: Əliyeva Zemfira Teyyub qızı Fənn: İngilis dili Sinif: IX Mövzu: Söz önləri: in, on, at.

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Presentation on theme: "Məktəb: Gəncə, 27 sayli Liseyi Müəllim: Əliyeva Zemfira Teyyub qızı Fənn: İngilis dili Sinif: IX Mövzu: Söz önləri: in, on, at."— Presentation transcript:

1 Məktəb: Gəncə, 27 sayli Liseyi Müəllim: Əliyeva Zemfira Teyyub qızı Fənn: İngilis dili Sinif: IX Mövzu: Söz önləri: in, on, at


3  The clock is on the shelf.  The ball is on the box.  The dog is on the chair.

4 on a bus on a train on a plane on a ship  Did you come here on the bus? on the ground floor on the first  The office is on the first floor. (not `in the first floor) on the way (to….) on the way home  I meet Ann on the way to work / on the way home

5  Julia is working at her desk.  The bus is at the airport.  Leyla is at the table.

6  at home Will you be at home this evening?  at work / at school Where`s Kate?” “She`s at work.”  at university / at college Helen is studying law at university.  at the station / at the airport Do you want me to meet you at the station.  at Jane`s (house) / at my sister`s (house) / at the doctor`s / at the hairdresser`s  at a concert / at a party / at a football match “Where were you yesterday?” “At my sister`s”. I saw Tom at the doctor`s. There weren`t many people at the party.

7  Where`s David? – He is in the car.  Where`s the ball? – The ball is in the box.  The boy is in the boat.  The boat is in the sea.

8 in bed in hospital / in prison in a street in the sky in the world in a newspaper / in a book in a photograph / in a picture in a car / in a taxi in the middle (of….)  “Where`s Kate?” “She`s in bed.”  David`s father is ill. He`s in hospital.  I live in a small street near the station.  I like to look at the stars in the sky at night.  What`s the largest city in the world?  I read about the accident in the newspaper.  You look sad in this photograph.  Did you come here in your car?  There`s a big tree in the middle of the garden.


10  Underline the correct answer.  1. I have an English test (on / at / in) the 1 st of May.  2. It sometimes rains here (in / on / at) the summer.  3. My friend is coming (on / in / at) Friday night (at / in / on) 7:30.  4. There is a big holiday (on / in / at) December.  5. My birthday is (in / at / on) December 6 th. I was born on / in / at Canada.  6. We usually have lunch (in / at / on) 12:00 o'clock.  7. The test begins (on / at / in) 9:30.  8. I don't have time now. Let's talk about it (in / on / at) Friday.  9. Let's go to a movie (in / at / on) Saturday night.  10. Don't be late. The show begins exactly (on / at / in) 8:00.   Use the correct preposition (at / on / in) in the following sentences.  1. I always get up early ____ the morning.  2. Tami has piano lessons ______ Thursdays.  3. My mother doesn't sleep well ____ night.  4. We usually have a sandwich ____ lunch.  6. His birthday is ____ Monday, the 4 th of May.  7. ____ the summer, we often go to the beach.  8. Let's go to the park ____ 9:30 ____ the morning.  9. We live in / at / on 45 Main Street in / at / on Boston.  10. They are at / on / in Clinton Street but they can't see a number

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