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The MinnesotaHelp Network: Connecting Locally to Best Meet Consumer Needs.

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2 The MinnesotaHelp Network: Connecting Locally to Best Meet Consumer Needs

3 Today’s Presenters: Elissa Schley, MinnesotaHelp Network Consultant, MBA/DHS Fay Simer, Transportation Planner, Minnesota Department of Transportation Robin Thompson, Senior Outreach Coordinator, Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging Elaine Spain, Planner, Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging

4 Minnesota Aging and Disability Resource Center No wrong door approach Four Channels! –Phone (Via three distinct lines) –Internet/Chat –In person/face-to-face assistance –Print

5 4 1994 – How it began (Senior LinkAge Line®) –Evolved from information and referral to Long Term Care Options Counseling service –Managed locally by 6 Area Agency on Aging (AAA) offices, managing seven contact centers 2005-Disability Linkage Line –Managed locally by 2 Centers for Independent Living (CILS), managing five locations across the state 2007-Veterans Linkage Line –Managed in Perham by the MNSCU Call Center Background:

6 5 Evolving the Service MN Board on Aging decision – AAAs Statewide uniformity –Single Brand –One statewide toll free number –Upgraded phone system to zip code routing and then later prefix routing –Desktop Client tracking system –Staff training –Marketing and outreach Background: Senior LinkAge Line®

7 But the real keys to our success: Branding. Branding. Branding. A People not Programs Philosophy which means simplifications and streamlining for the consumer (not for the programs, government etc) Thinking in a flexible and agile manner and sticking with our core values –Be relevant –Be accessible –Be ready when the student arrives Thinking like a single unit not 7 state units with seven area agencies – we are one to the consumer

8 Branding! Branding! Branding!


10 Senior LinkAge Line® 1-800-333-2433 –Long Term Care Options Counseling –Medicare and other health insurance counseling –Government problem solving, connections to volunteer opportunities and older workers (Spring 2013) Disability Linkage Line® 1-866-333-2466 –Disability Benefits, Accessibility/Modifications, Accessible Housing, Employment Veterans Linkage Line™ 1-866-333-2466 –Veterans Benefits Assistance, Reintegration challenges and referrals, Household finance management, Assistance with mental health and stress disorders, Jobs, Education and housing Phone

11 Phone Support:

12 MinnesotaHelp Network™ Contact Center Locations

13 Senior LinkAge Line® Provides…. Long Term Care Options Counseling Transition assistance for private pay nursing home residents Medicare and other health insurance counseling Prescription drug expense assistance for all ages Application and forms assistance Long Term Care Partnership (2006) Caregiver planning and support Health care waste, fraud and abuse One Stop: State agency related questions, connections to volunteer opportunities and older workers (Spring 2013)

14 Disability Linkage Line® provides… Disability Benefits and Programs (SSI, SSDI, PASS, MA-EPD) Building Accessibility and Home Modifications Assistive Technology Personal Assistance Services Transition Services Accessible Housing Disability Awareness and Rights Employment

15 Veterans Linkage Line™ Niche Areas Veterans Benefits Link to County Veterans Service Officers Resources for homeless veterans Referrals to Veterans Homes Veterans Education Benefits Liaison to federal Veterans Administration and TRICARE

16 Online Assistance –® Service of the MN Board on Aging Part of 2000 comprehensive reform Legislative mandate for a long-term care database For all ages


18 Chat Assistance

19 18 –Step-by-step decision making tool –Interactive –Easy to use –Available at

20 Disability Benefits 101 – brings together: benefits information tools resources to make it easier to: understand benefits learn about work incentives plan for work & set goals build financial literacy manage benefits while working

21 Print 30,000 printed annually Distributed statewide by the Area Agencies on Aging to Medicare beneficiaries, caregivers, local partners and sites 2013 – mailing of HCC done to clinics, hospitals and health care homes

22 Minnesota’s Landscape of In- person Help Private Pay but still healthy (ADRC) Private Pay but getting frail (ADRC) Pre Eligible – Spending Down (ADRC) Public Client (counties/MCOs $$)

23 Our Service Values – we are not about : Limiting the amount of time spent – options counseling may involve several contacts over an extended period of time –We do not measure call length as a metric except to describe the importance of the service design Information and referral. Talking about public programs first Options counseling is a process…not a single event.

24 Evaluation and Accountability ADRC Client Relationship Management Strategy –Key client tracking which results in a measure of quality and service feedback How did you hear about us? Would you refer us to someone else? Did you receive a contact within one business day? Did you get the service you needed? –Key system measures current or planned Length of call Random Call monitoring Staff certifications and training Anecdotal “pulse” on the community Follow up –Consumer Satisfaction Surveys –Formal Evaluation Process

25 Distributed Dashboards

26 Lessons Learned Consumers want a neutral, unbiased place to go to for help Community Partnership development takes time and often a “one size fits all” approach needs to be modified Collaboration doesn’t only require meetings – it requires trust, relationship building and a joint commitment of resources – sometimes you have to give up something People don’t care about the stuff government thinks they care about Government produces a lot of information that is at a high literacy level

27 The Network is Expanded… New Partnership Formed through a Federal Grant Funding Opportunity Veterans Transportation & Community Living Initiative…Known as Minnesota Ride Link Project

28 Ride Link Background Connect veterans, military families, and others to information about rides Create “one call, one click transportation resource centers” $1.78M capital funds awarded to MN in 2012

29 Why the network… Augment transportation information on existing MinnesotaHelp Network™ –Linkage Lines = “one call” phone hotline Providers are joined via virtual communication tools Phone key shows staff availability in real-time Ability to chat and transfer calls while client remains on the line – = “one click” web resource Create a specific “transportation” page Make transportation information easier to find Public, caregivers can access information

30 Eligible Participants Public transit providers Non-profit transit providers Inter-city bus providers County veterans service organizations DAV VA Hospitals VA clinics, homes Other veterans service organizations that provide transportation

31 Phase 1: Southwest Minnesota Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging is local administrator Public transit providers and vets organizations join network –50+ providers, including 25 CVSOs, public transit, non-profits, private inter-city bus –Implementation March-July 2013 –Project Advisory Committee provides local input Hardware bulk purchase order

32 Intended Outcomes Finding information about rides is easy Service provider information is linked Linkage Line staff access complete inventory of available transportation

33 Future Phases Enhance –Transportation information is easy to find –Work is underway Statewide implementation of Revation –Future phases begin fall 2013 –All other users added by fall 2015 Marketing Regional Coordination Meetings

34 Additional Information Ride Link Web Site Minnesota Help

35 Partnerships Minnesota Department of Human Services/MBA Minnesota Department of Transportation Minnesota Department of Veteran’s Affairs

36 Project Description Provide funding for technology enhancements that will allow agencies to be added to the existing MinnesotaHelp Network™ communication tool SLL call center staff and participating agencies will then be able to easily route and transfer calls, chat, conference, and send secure documents

37 Benefits to Partners Each agency becomes part of a network of professionals to assist individuals with finding rides Agency can offer referrals to customers with ride requests they are unable to serve Rich and encrypted online conferencing and collaboration without the need for expensive dedicated hardware Grant-funded hardware can be used for other agency purposes beyond Linkage Line activity MinnesotaHelp Network™ staff can better assist veterans, military families and others with transportation-related calls

38 Lessons Learned It was important for the SLL to demonstrate to the partners that their service had value. When dealing with multiple partners from a large geographic area the wheels can sometimes turn slowly. When introducing new technology the providers comfort level varied significantly. Be careful not to promise more than you can deliver (there will always be transportation problems in rural Minnesota).

39 Presenters Information Elissa Schley, MBAElaine Spain, MNRAAA 651-431-2584 507-389-8860 Fay Simer, MnDOT Office of TransitRobin Thompson, MNRAAA 651-366-4194800-333-2433 ext. 82016

40 Demonstration of MinnesotaHelp Network Technology-(Revation)

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