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Management of International Business Code of Ethics a case study on Unilever Prepared for Lieutenant Colonel Md Farid Alam, psc Dean, Business Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Management of International Business Code of Ethics a case study on Unilever Prepared for Lieutenant Colonel Md Farid Alam, psc Dean, Business Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management of International Business Code of Ethics a case study on Unilever Prepared for Lieutenant Colonel Md Farid Alam, psc Dean, Business Studies BUP Prepared by - Md Fazle Karim (Roll-19) - Md Taufique Maeen Uddin (Roll-20) - Md. Arifur Rahman Sarker (Roll-25) - Abu Taher Md Monzurul Hasan (Roll-36) - Kohinoor Sultana (Roll-29) - Mohammad Tanvir (Roll-44) EMBA-2, BUP

2 Agenda 1. Code of Ethics, Definition and Variations 2. Unilever, an Introduction 3. Unilever, Code of Ethics 4. Conclusion

3 3 Code of Ethics, Definition and Variations Definition Written collection of principles, values, standards, or rules of behavior  Contributes to the welfare of its key stakeholders  Respects the rights of all constituents affected by its operations Variations  Code of Ethics : corporate or business ethics  Code of Conduct : represents employee ethics  Code of Practice : expected professional ethics

4 Unilever, an Introduction Unilever Global -Established in 18th century -Registered offices : Unilever PLC/London & Unilever N.V./Rotterdam -Operates in 100 countries -Fast Moving Consumer Goods ( FMCG ) Company Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. -Started Journey in Bangladesh over 40 years back -Unilever - 60.75% shares, Government of Bangladesh - 39.25%

5 5 Unilever, Code of Ethics (1/3)  Code of Business Principles General Code of Ethics  Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers Special focus on Financial and Accounting officers To ensure compliance with SOA and NY Stock Exchange regulations

6 6 Unilever, Code of Ethics (2/3) Code of Business Principles General Code of Ethics focuses on: Standard of Conduct: Honesty, Integrity & Openness Obeying the Law: Laws of host country Employees: No forced or child labor Consumers: Consistent value offering Public Activities: No political affiliation Competition: Vigorous & Fair Compliance & Monitoring: Board, Senior Mgt

7 7 Unilever, Code of Ethics (3/3) Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers Specially applicable for Financial and Accounting officers. Addition to general Code of Ethics, it focuses on Government Co-operation Legitimate Business Interests Proper Accounting Improper Influence on Conduct of Audits Outside Directorships Conflicting Financial Interests Dealing in Unilever Securities

8 8 Conclusion  Unilever is practicing and promoting a standard and common ‘ Code of Ethics ’ across its all operations and everyone at Unilever follows it, wherever they are in the world.  From the external viewpoint, Unilever’s ‘Code of Ethics’ are getting reflected through their approaches in governance and corporate responsibility.

9 9 Thank You!

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