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Objective  The students will:  Understand the differences between the “establishment” clause and the “free exercise” clause. Agenda  BOR review  1.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective  The students will:  Understand the differences between the “establishment” clause and the “free exercise” clause. Agenda  BOR review  1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective  The students will:  Understand the differences between the “establishment” clause and the “free exercise” clause. Agenda  BOR review  1 st Amendment  Establishment clause  Free exercise clause MAY 5, 2014

2  In your CONGRESS IN A FLASH packet, pick 16 of the vocab words from the bank and fill in your bingo card.  NO FREE SPACES—you’re a big kid now  As I read definitions/examples, X out the concept if you have it.  Across, diagonal, up/down  yell BINGO when you’ve got it! BINGO

3  The hand game – review this skill!  With a partner, go through the hand motions for the amendments in the Bill of Rights.  Make a note of any you can’t remember  Whole class:  Discuss forgotten amendments  Review as a whole BILL OF RIGHTS REVIEW

4  What are the 5 freedoms in the first amendment?  With your partner, define the 5 bolded terms from the First Amendment as related to the context.  “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” 1 ST AMENDMENT

5  Freedom of religion is protected in two clauses  The Establishment Clause  Cannot establish a national religion  Cannot give preference to one religion over another  The Free Exercise Clause  Cannot limit expression of religion except in extreme cases (polygamy, human sacrifices) RELIGION IN THE FIRST AMENDMENT

6  Separation of church and state is NOT in the Constitution.  Everson v. Board of Education: There should be a wall between church and state but total separation is not possible. The wall has windows and doors.  Is total separation possible? Defend your answer.  Government involvement in religious activities is constitutional if it meets the following test (Lemon v. Kurtzman, 1971):  Secular purpose  Primary effect neither advances nor inhibits religion  No excessive government entanglement with religion THE ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE

7  Insures no law can burden religious institutions.  The government cannot limit the freedom to worship (or not to worship).  Some conflicts between religious freedom and public policy are difficult to settle.  In your group, come up with at least 2 examples of how religion/society conflict. THE FREE EXERCISE CLAUSE

8  Bringing back the hashtags!  On your post it note, put your name and three hastags answering these prompts:  # something I learned today  # a question I still have about the role of religion in government  # the best part of spring break was ….  Stick it to the door on your way out. DEBRIEF

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