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Propaganda Types, Definitions and Examples.. Definition of Propaganda  The form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitudes of the audience.

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Presentation on theme: "Propaganda Types, Definitions and Examples.. Definition of Propaganda  The form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitudes of the audience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Propaganda Types, Definitions and Examples.

2 Definition of Propaganda  The form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitudes of the audience or community toward some cause or position by presenting one side of the argument.

3 Bandwagon  Definition :  The reasoning that “everyone is doing it,” or everyone else uses a certain product.  Example :  “Thousands of allergy sufferers use Sneeze- Free.”  “Everyone else drinks Coke, so you should too.”

4 Either/Or (Black/White) Fallacy  Definition:  The misconception that either you are a part of one thing or the other(there is no middle point).  Example:  “Either you drink this product or you’ll look fat forever.”

5 Broad Generalization  Definition:  A simplified statement that applies to a whole group of people.  Example:  “All people will love wearing our comfortable, sporty shoes.”

6 Loaded Language  Definition:  Powerful words that carry deep meanings with them.  Example:  “These New and Improved, All Natural energy bars will make you feel young again.”

7 Snob Appeal  Definition:  Charming based on wanting to be the best.  Example:  “Only the best people fly our airlines.”

8 Hidden Message  Definition:  Pictures of words that suggest an idea without stating it directly.  Example:  “A photo of an Olympic runner, suggesting you’ll be a winner if you buy a certain brand of sneakers.”

9 Testimonial  Definition:  The personal story of a celebrity or person not directly related to the issue.  Example:  “Justin Bieber drinks milk every day to make him strong.”

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