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Unit 3. Our world is full of different colors. Roses are red, violets are blue, but which of the two colors suits you? reading strategy ?

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3. Our world is full of different colors. Roses are red, violets are blue, but which of the two colors suits you? reading strategy ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3

2 Our world is full of different colors.

3 Roses are red, violets are blue, but which of the two colors suits you? reading strategy ?

4 Before reading the detailed passage, we should read: 1. the title 2. the first and last paragraph 3. the first sentence of the other paras. 4. judge the style ( 体材) of it. Strategy: 5. judge the structure ( 结构) of it.

5 Roses are red, violets are blue, but which of the two colors suits you? Q: Is this article about flowers or about the colors? Reading strategy --- the title

6 --- the first sentence of the other paras Reading strategy --- the first and last paragraph

7 What’s the style of the article? an exposition (说明文) What does the article write about? the different meanings that colors represent Reading strategy

8 Introduction Conclusion the structure of the exposition: body Reading strategy

9 Part 1 (1) Part 2 (2-6) Part 3 (7) Introduction to color, a ______ for expressing different _________ ___________ of different colors and what they symbolize in different areas Don’t be _________ when choosing your clothes. medium feelings Explanation arbitrary

10 AreaMeanings China USA South Africa Many countries happiness; good luck bad things like violence sadness / the color of mourning bravery red Detailed reading

11 yellow AreaMeanings USA and UK Egypt Japan India In the West show the hope lost hope courage peace be easily frightened

12 Green AreaMeanings Ancient Egypt Muslim countries hope and spring luck ; peace western countries envy; lack of experience

13 black AreaMeanings Western cultures cool and elegant bad Europe and USA wear black at funerals

14 White --- the lightest AreaRepresentation In the west clean, pure, innocent and full of virtue countries influenced by Buddhism traditional color for funerals In Catholic churches the holy things


16 1.(L6-7) The same colour can have a good meaning in one society, while in another, a bad thing. 2. (L19-21) Just like red, yellow represents happiess and joy in some places,while in other places, it is a symbol of loss. while 的意思: ________ 而,却

17 While it is generally true to say that humans like colour, our choices are not necessarily random. while 的意思: ________ 同义词有 ______/_______ 而,却 although though

18 3. (L23) The exact opposite meaning is found in Egypt, where yellow symbolizes lost hope because it is the color of mourning, and where in the Middle Ages, actors wore yellow to show that the character they were playing was dead. (that)

19 Discussion Which of the colors mentioned in the article do you like best? Why?

20 Language points 1. Our choices are almost never arbitrary, and usually quite subjective. arbitrary 武断的,专横的,不讲理的 eg. Without this arbitrary rule, it would be higher efficient to complete the task. If you describe an action, rule, or decision as arbitrary, you think that it is not based on any principle, plan, or system. It often seems unfair because of this.

21 2. The idiom “in the black” also conveys the positive meaning of having money or that a business is making a profit. make a profit 赚钱,获得利润 He __________________ ten dollars on the books he sold. adj. 有利可图的;赚钱的; profitable made a profit of

22 3. However, in countries which have been influenced by Buddhism, it is not appropriate to wear white at a wedding celebration.... It is not appropriate for sb. to do … 在那样的场合你说那样的话是不合适的。 It is not appropriate for you to say like that in that occasion. It is not appropriate in that occasion when you say like that.


24 1. 表达不同情感 的媒介 2. 与 … 一致 3. 与喜事相联 4. 由于这个原因 5. 暗示悲伤 a medium for expressing different meanings be consistent with be associated with happy things due to this reason Indicate sadness

25 6. 损失的象征 7. 截然相反的含义 8. 自然界中最常 见的颜色 9. 代表勇气 10. 小心翼翼 a symbol of loss the exact opposite meaning the most common color in nature mean bravery take caution

26 11. 表达很好的意思 12. 盈利 13. 颜色中最淡的 14. 在葬礼上 15. 做某事是不合适的 16. 在婚礼上 17. 承载不同的意思 18. 向周围的人传达正 确的信息 make a profit the lightest of all colors at a wedding celebration carry different meanings Send the right message to the people around you It is not appropriate to do sth at funerals convey the good meaning of

27 The process of learning a foreign language is a process of sorting, memorizing, and application.

28 Revision work (1) How do you understand of the words? 1.fundamental 2.abolish 3.object 4.compromise 5.submit 6.substitute

29 France bravery/ revolution/ Strength/ blood Peace / honesty Liberty / justice Revision work (2)

30 strength bravery virtue hard work / justice The stars and stripes 50 stars? 13 stripes?

31 The Indonesian flag A red band over a white one redwhite Explanation 1 Explanation 2 Explanation 3 the physical the spiritual sugar rice purity brave nature fire from volcanoes

32 Report My favorite color My favorite color is ____. For one thing, It is most often connected/associated with… Or: It represents the idea that … Or: It is thought to be the color of … For another, I am a person of … Therefore, whenever I wear my favorite color, I will always feel more....

33 Text book P121 Title --- skin color Para1 --- two reasons (biology and history) Para2-3 --- melanin & vitamin D biology Para4 evolution history Para 5 conclusion

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