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Raffia Siddique National University of Sciences and Technology sector H-12 Islamabad

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1 Raffia Siddique National University of Sciences and Technology sector H-12 Islamabad

2 Fermentation is the process which requires fermenter or a bioreactor, the basic thing which enable the scientist help in their biotechnological research, to see their desired products being produced. The complete bioreactor design from inside and outside is being elaborated along with different types of fermenters which help in different type of fermentation processes. The bioreactor parts, its assembly, disassembly, cleaning autoclaving. The performance of bioreactors and different problems which arise during the functioning of bioreactors are being discussed. Method of sampling are also unscrambled, hence a complete package on design of bioreactor and fermenter

3 Bioreactor A bioreactor can be defined as an apparatus, such as a large fermentation chamber, for growing organisms such as bacteria or yeast that are used in the biotechnological manufacture of substances such as pharmaceuticals, antibodies, or vaccines, or for the bioconversion of organic waste. Fermenter However a fermenter can be defined as an apparatus that maintains optimal conditions for the growth of microorganisms, used in large- scale fermentation and in the commercial production of antibiotics and hormones



6 Fermenter / bioreactor general appearance

7 1.round bottom, top plate 2.Seal 3.Sample pipe 4.Port fittings of various sizes 5.special inoculation port 6.gas sparger 7.A drive motor 8.Drive shaft 9.Impellers 10.Baffles 11.Air Filter

8 12.Dissolved oxygen electrode 13.pH electrode 14.Antifoam probe 15.Cooling Valve 16.Heater pad 17.Pt-100 temperature sensor 18.Cold finger 19.Reagent bottles 20.Sample device 21.controller base unit 12.Dissolved oxygen electrode 13.pH electrode 14.Antifoam probe 15.Cooling Valve 16.Heater pad 17.Pt-100 temperature sensor 18.Cold finger 19.Reagent bottles 20.Sample device 21.controller base unit

9 Peripheral parts and accessories

10 Common Measurement And Control Systems

11 Bioreactor/ Fermenter Designs 1.Stirred Tank 2.Air lift reactors 3.Bubble Column 4.Packed bed reactors 5.Trickle bed reactors 6.Fluidized bed reactor 1.Stirred Tank 2.Air lift reactors 3.Bubble Column 4.Packed bed reactors 5.Trickle bed reactors 6.Fluidized bed reactor

12 Stirred tank reactor Mixing method: Mechanical agitation High input required Baffles are constructed within the built-in. Applications include production of antibiotics and free/immobilized enzymes Draw back is that high shear forces may break the cells

13 Air lift reactors Mixing method: airlift Central draft tube Up-flowing stream and down flowing stream Homogenization of all components present Applications includebacterial, animal, plant, fungi and yeast cells.

14 Bubble column reactor Mixing method: Gas sparging Simple design Good heat and mass transfer rates Low energy input Gas-liquid mass transfer coefficients depend largely on bubble diameter and gas hold-up

15 Packed bed reactor Column with attached biofilm Biocatalysts Pump is required to make fluid move through the packed bed Applications include waste water treatment

16 Fluidized bed reactor When the packed beds are operated in up-flow mode, the bed expands at high liquid flow rates due to upward motion of the particles. Energy is required Waste water treatment

17 Trickle bed reactors Liquid is sprayed onto the top of the packing and trickles down through the bed in small rivulets. In the process, the gaseous pollutants on the surface of the carriers is adsorbed and immediately biologically mineralized (degraded) by the microorganisms.

18 References ” Bioreactor”. Def. The Free Dictionary by Farlex.from Bioreactor. An Encyclopedia Britannica.From http://www.merriam- ”fermentor”.Def. The Free Dictionary by Farlex.from menter ”fermentation”. Def. The Free Dictionary by Farlex.from mentation

19 Thank you

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