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IAL INTERNATIONAL The ESOL core curriculum and the ALTE framework a missed opportunity Giorgia Costalonga Londra, 23th September 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "IAL INTERNATIONAL The ESOL core curriculum and the ALTE framework a missed opportunity Giorgia Costalonga Londra, 23th September 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 IAL INTERNATIONAL The ESOL core curriculum and the ALTE framework a missed opportunity Giorgia Costalonga Londra, 23th September 2005

2 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Some data about IAL FVG An average of 6,500 unique daily accessesAn average of 6,500 unique daily accesses More than 40,000 daily visited pagesMore than 40,000 daily visited pages 40,060 enrolled to the newsletter40,060 enrolled to the newsletter 3,505 registered enterprises and organizations3,505 registered enterprises and organizations 22,000 inserted cv’s22,000 inserted cv’s 4,400 hours of on line training per month4,400 hours of on line training per month

3 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers What offers : Updated news about training and workUpdated news about training and work A catalogue of courses in presenceA catalogue of courses in presence A catalogue of on-line coursesA catalogue of on-line courses Updated job offersUpdated job offers Possibility of publishing and updating one’s curriculumPossibility of publishing and updating one’s curriculum Forums, videos, sitografyForums, videos, sitografy Training and recruiting services for entreprisesTraining and recruiting services for entreprises

4 TrainingTraining WorkWork UniversityUniversity Enterprises and OrganizationsEnterprises and Organizations Synthesis of the news of the weekSynthesis of the news of the week European ProjectsEuropean Projects ALTE Certification for the foreign languagesALTE Certification for the foreign languages Subjects linked to: Our services – News comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers

5 Some details about the Language Certificates The teachers’ IAL FVG offer the European Language Certificates in several languages (Italian, English, Germany, French, Spanish, Slovenian...).

6 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers CELI-CIC examinations and certification for language learners In particular IAL FVG hosts the CELI-CIC Certificate Exam - Certificate of Knowledge of Italian Language - of the University for Foreigners of Perugia (Member of the Association of Language Testers in Europe ALTE).

7 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers The ALTE Framework The examinations and certification for language learners are according to the Common European Framework’levels (A2-B1-B2-C1-C2). Our Examination centre (n. 696 ) is approved by the University, last May 2004.

8 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers IAL FVG teachers training for European Language Certificates Our teachers involved in the CELI-CIC Exam are all: native speakers highly qualified in teaching Italian - degree in foreign languages and/or in Italian - Itals diploma: Italian as a second language - Master in Teaching Italian as Second Language or University Diploma in Teaching Italian to Foreigners pluriexperience in the teaching language.

9 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers IAL FVG teachers training for European Language Certificates They have specialized experience in the teaching of Italian language and culture to foreigners. Every year, they attend to teacher training seminars organised by t he Certification Unit of the UPS and they follow the Information Days or seminars organised by IAL FVG in partnership with University of Perugia.

10 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Examiner Training session Timetable Next 17-18th October one examiner training session for the CELI-CIC Certificate will be held at the Examination Centre in Perugia and the Teachers’ IAL FVG will take place of it.

11 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Examiner Training session Programme The seminar will be run by Prof. Bolli who used the Common European Framework of Reference descriptors for the 5 levels to make clear the principles of standardised marking with the help of video-taped performances by candidates. At the end, the teachers attending the examiner training sessions, will be licensed as Examiners for the CELI-CIC exams.

12 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers The teaching method The use of the language in discussion, conversation and exercises with selected authentic material is the focus point of CELI teaching method. The communication functions of the language are closely tied to grammatical structure, vocabulary and the function of the four language abilities: comprehension, speaking, reading and writing.

13 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers The teaching method In line with the most up-to-date theories on Italian language teaching and the Common European language, our method aims at a harmonious development of all four linguistic skills. Our teachers conduct a lot of courses in the 8 IAL Centres, following these UPS' guide lines and dividing its in lessons of language analysis followed by lessons of practice with communicative tasks.

14 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Examination details On arrival, the student will take a placement test in order to be assigned the most appropriate level. Our teachers advise the student on which level he should apply for. Twice a year (November 2005-June 2006), our students can take the CELI-CIC exam which take place contemporarily worldwide.

15 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Examination details During the oral examinations, the examiners interview their candidates individually. Marks are recorded on a mark sheet and sent to Perugia. Results'exam, in the form of grades, are sent to IAL’ Examination Centre three months after the examination.

16 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Course materials Our teachers preparing the students for the CELI-CIC Exam use the Materials for each level, selected by a team of practising teachers' Università per Stranieri di Perugia (USP).

17 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Course materials IAL Teachers provide a pack of course materials which is frequently updated. Preference is given to original and stimulating material. At each Level there is a team leader, who acts as a coordinator for that level.

18 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Guidelines The team leaders give detailed guidelines for section of materials including the following: skills to be assessed subject matter linguistic complexity cultural considerations item types

19 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Methodology This Methodology following the objectives of ALTE Code of Practice (The Association of Language Testers in Europe): to establish common levels of proficiency in order to promote the transnational recognition of certification in Europe; to establish common standards for all stages of the language-testing process: that is, for test development, task and item writing, test administration, marking and grading, reporting of test results, test analysis and reporting of findings.

20 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Methodology to collaborate on joint projects and in the exchange of ideas and know-how. According to this...we have to remember the aim and the function of the European Language Portfolio (ELP) developed and piloted by the Language Policy Division of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg.

21 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers What is a European Language Portfolio? It is a document in which those who are learning or have learned a language - whether at school or outside school - can record and reflect on their language learning and cultural experiences.

22 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers The Language Passport The Portfolio contains a: language passport which its owner regularly updates.

23 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers WHAT IS THE ELP’S FUNCTION? The ELP is also intended to be used as: a means of making the language learning process more transparent to learners, helping them to develop their capacity for reflection and self- assessment and thus enabling them gradually to assume more and more responsibility for their own learning. This function coincides with the Council of Europe’s interest in fostering the development of learner autonomy and promoting lifelong learning.

24 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Language Skills and Skills for Life…....Skills for Life is the national strategy for improving adult language skills... Is one of the government's highest priorities. As part of the drive to raise standards, we will improve the quality of language teaching, so that all adult learners can be guaranteed good teaching and support....

25 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Language Skills for Life Skills People who have a first language other than own, have an important role to play in the country's economy and in all other aspects of life. If Italy is to fulfil its aim of fully inclusive society, everyone should have the skills to participate and be successful at work, at home and as citizens.

26 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Language Skills for Life This means that good quality Foreign language provision must be available to support people who have a first language other than your mother language (Migrant workers, settled refugees…). People need to access learning in many different places, including community, learning centres, further education colleges, at work or at home.

27 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Language Skills for Life The CELI 5 DOC Certification curriculum (Level 5) will be central to achieving the national's goal of improving the quality and consistency of teaching. Based on the European and National Standards for Adult Literacy developed by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, it gives teachers a comprehensive framework to help identify and meet each individual's language learning needs.

28 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers Language Skills for Life We are sure that this curriculum will prove an essential tool, not just for the CELI teachers to whom it is primarily addressed, but also for programme managers, publishers and a wide range of other organisations involved in addressing adult literacy and language issues.

29 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers The terms used in the curriculum The teachers and providers often use different terms to describe the same thing. Curriculum: A reference document which sets out the indicative content for a whole subject area such as ESOL... Learning programme or course:A period of teaching and learning with specific learning goals or aims. Syllabus:The content to be covered by a particular learning programme or course. Scheme of work: A more detailed description of what will be covered in each week or session of the learning programme or course. Individual learning plan:The learning objectives for a particular learner; an individual may have learning objectives which are additional to those in the scheme of work for the group. Lesson plan:The content to be covered during a particular lesson, including objectives, activities and materials.

30 comenius 2.1 - training basic skills teachers For any other informations... IAL FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA TEL. +39 0434 505557 FAX +39 0434 505554

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