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Active and Passive Voice. Active Voice ► In sentences written in active voice, the subject performs the action expressed in the verb; the subject acts.

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Presentation on theme: "Active and Passive Voice. Active Voice ► In sentences written in active voice, the subject performs the action expressed in the verb; the subject acts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active and Passive Voice

2 Active Voice ► In sentences written in active voice, the subject performs the action expressed in the verb; the subject acts. For example: 1.The dog bit the boy. 2.Stacy will present her research at the conference. 3.Scientists have conducted experiments to test the hypothesis. 4.Watching a framed, mobile world through a car’s windshield reminds me of watching a movie on TV. In each example above, the subject of the sentence performs the action expressed in the verb.

3 Passive Voice In sentences written in passive voice, the subject receives the action expressed in the verb. For Example: 1. The boy was bitten by the dog. 2. Research will be presented by Stacy at he conference. 3. Experiments have been conducted to test the hypothesis. 4. I am reminded of watching a movie or TV by watching a framed, mobile world though a car’s windshield.

4 Passive Voice ► You can recognize passive-voice expressions because the verb phrase will always include a form of be, such as am, is, was, were, are, or been. ► The presence of a be-verb, however, does not necessarily mean that the sentence is in passive voice. ► Another way to recognize passive-voice sentences is that they may include a "by the..." phrase after the verb; the agent performing the action, if named, is the object of the preposition in this phrase.

5 Passive vs. Active passive (indirect) 1. The entrance exam was failed by over on-third of the applicants to the school. 2. The brakes were slammed on by her as the car sped downhill. 3. Your bicycle has been damaged by the active (direct): 1. Over one-third of the applicants to the school failed the entrance exam. 2. She slammed on the brakes as the car sped downhill 3. The children have damaged your bicycle.

6 Passive vs. Active ► Sentences in active voice generally more clear and direct than those in passive voice. ► Sentences in active voice are also more concise than those in passive voice because fewer words are required to express action in active voice than in passive.

7 How to Recognize Active and Passive Sentences ► Identify the subject of the sentence. ► Identify the action that the sentence identifies. ► Examine the relationship between the subject and verb.  Does the subject perform the action of the verb? (If so, the sentence is active.)  Does the subject sit there while something else -- named or unnamed -- performs an action on it? (If so, the sentence is passive.)  Can't tell? If the main verb is a linking verb ("is," "was," "are," "seems," etc.), then the verb functions like an equals sign; there is no action (either active or passive) involved -- it merely describes a state of being linking verblinking verb

8 Basic Examples ► I love you.  subject: "I"  action: "loving"  relationship: The subject ("I") is the one performing the action ("loving"). ► The sentence is active.

9 Basic Examples ► You are loved by me.  subject: "you"  action: "loving"  relationship: The subject ("You") sits passively while the action ("loving") is performed by somebody else ("me"). ► This sentence is passive

10 Test Your Skills! Identify the sentence as active or passive voice: Identify the sentence as active or passive voice: 1. The girls drive the car around town. 1. The girls drive the car around town. 2. An important lesson is learned by the teenagers when they get their first speeding tickets. 2. An important lesson is learned by the teenagers when they get their first speeding tickets. 3. These men are enraged by the new office building in their backyards. 3. These men are enraged by the new office building in their backyards. 4. Good students work very hard to earn excellent grades. 4. Good students work very hard to earn excellent grades.

11 Active Voice Versus Passive Voice Answers 1. Active. (The girls are the subject, and they perform the action named by the verb.) 2. Passive. (An important lesson is the subject, and it receives the action named by the verb.) 3. Passive. (The men are the subject, and they receive the action named by the verb.) 4. Active. (Good students are the subject, and they perform the action named by the verb.)

12 Test Your Skills! Rewrite these sentences in active voice ► You are loved and cherished by many people. ► All of my friends were stricken with Mono during their first year of college. ► The bank robbers were tried and convicted by the federal court system. ► The high school graduates were given diplomas and congratulations by the principal.

13 Answers 1. Many people love and cherish you. (Switch from passive to active voice by making the noun or pronoun in the "by" phrase the sentence subject. "Many people" will become the new sentence subject.) 2. All of my friends caught mono during their first year at college. (Switch from passive to active voice by using a new verb. In this case, "were stricken with" is replaced by "caught.") 3. The federal court system tried the bank robbers and convicted them. (The noun in the "by" phrase is made the new sentence subject.) 4. The high school graduates received diplomas and congratulations from the principal. (The verb phrase "were given" is replaced by "received.")

14 Test Your Skills! Rewrite these sentences in active voice, keeping the same subject. 1. The New York Yankees were defeated by the Oakland Athletics in the last inning of the game. 2. The good little boy was rewarded by his mother for making his bed.

15 Answers 1. The New York Yankees lost to the Oakland Athletics in the last inning of the game. ("Were defeated by" is replaced with "lost to") 2. The good little boy received a reward from his mother for making his bed. ("Was rewarded by" is replaced by "received a reward from.")

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