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Through Our Eyes Friday, October 24 th, 2015 Myles Sabourin & Stacy Hovey Eastern Ontario Catholic Curriculum Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "Through Our Eyes Friday, October 24 th, 2015 Myles Sabourin & Stacy Hovey Eastern Ontario Catholic Curriculum Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Through Our Eyes Friday, October 24 th, 2015 Myles Sabourin & Stacy Hovey Eastern Ontario Catholic Curriculum Corporation

2 Opening Prayer By Chief Jake Swamp Illustrated by Erwin Printup, Jr.

3 Overview Learning Goals: Six Resources 1. Sharing the Way: First Nations, Métis & Inuit Cultures and Traditions (Gr. 4-8) - 2009 2. Discovering Who You Are: Guiding Voices (Gr. 7-10) - 2010 3. Through Our Eyes (Gr. 9- 11) - 2011 4. Our Thinking Made Visible (Gr. 12) - 2012 5. Collaborative Inquiry & The Catholic Professional Learning Cycle – Meeting the Needs of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Students - 2012 6. Aboriginal Voices: Making Connections (Gr. 8-12) - 2014 Questions – Discussion to Follow

4 Sharing the Way An Introduction to The Aboriginal World Published 2009 EOCCC The first program Manual and CD/DVD Fits into our Catholic Philosophy: - nourish the giftedness of each individual - protect the dignity of the whole person - we work, live and believe in an atmosphere of inclusivity and are taught to cherish our role as global stewards * Created specifically for the purpose of providing background information for teachers and students as they learn about the Aboriginal way.

5 Manual Composed in 8 Parts 1. The First Peoples 2. Culture and Traditions: The First Nation People 3. Looking Back to Move Forward: Residential Schools 4. The Inuit Way 5. The Métis People of Canada 6. The Here and Now 7. New Understandings: The School and Classroom 8. Providing Support at the School Level

6 Culture & Traditions: The First Nation People Part 2: 1.Overview 2.World View 3.Traditions and Celebrations 4.The PowWow 5.Ancient Astronomy : Medicine Wheels and the Gears of Time 6.Petroglyphs: Stories in Stone

7 New Understandings: The School & Classroom Part 7 A.Creating an Aboriginal Presence in Your School B.Creating a Welcoming Learning Environment C.The School Corridors and Library D.Classroom Practices E.Supporting Teachers and Students F.Welcoming and Thanking Elders and Senators G.Why Involve Elders and Senators H.Elder and Senator Protocol I.Inuit Protocol

8 DVD Resource 2 Parts Part 1 Sharing the Way: FNMI Cultures and Traditions (Educational Video For Students) Part 2 Growing in Understanding (Teacher Resource Video) All DVD’s can be purchased through the EOCCC for $10.00 a piece. All Teacher Manuals can be downloaded free of charge.

9 Discover Who You Are Guiding Voices Published 2010 EOCCC Developed in partnership with Balestra Production For students aged 9-14 or Grades 4-10 Series of Aboriginal mentors that can inspire students to make a difference in the world.

10 Discover Who You Are Guiding Voices Can be used as a unit of study or the individual segments can be used to focus on a particular quality or expectation 11 Aboriginal Mentors featured There is a print manual as well as a CD manual and DVD with video clips of each member’s story Manual comes with: - A synopsis of the person and their story - Questions for consideration and or discussion - Lesson plans

11 Discover Who You Are Guiding Voices Example: Mentor: Brent Bucktooth Synopsis: Love of Sport especially lacrosse Life lessons learned Sharing his experiences with family Passing on of traditions Questions for discussion or consideration (three) Lesson Plans – Seven ranging from Gr.5 to 10 on various different themes and subjects

12 Through Our Eyes -Created in November 2011 for Grades 9, 10 & 11 by both Aboriginal Advisory Committee (10 Members) and 4 Catholic School Boards of Eastern Ontario -16 DVD Featured Participants Information is presented on: -Aboriginal Cultures -Contemporary Issues from an Aboriginal Perspective -Each grade level has a different focus as you will see

13 Through Our Eyes Grade 9 -Five different artists/presenters share their art forms and describe the relationships between their work and their traditions, philosophies and cultures. Grade 10 -Focuses on a few of the contemporary issues that affect the lives of the Aboriginal peoples such as: the impact of residential schools, preservation of the environment, equity in education, and health and safety. Grade 11 -Contemporary authors and film directors share their experiences and perspectives through their comments, thoughts and reflections.

14 Our Thinking Made Visible -Created in October 2012 (Still in Draft Form) by 4 Catholic Boards in Eastern Ontario, Ministry of Education, EOCCC -5 DVD Featured Participants Information is presented on: -Aboriginal Cultures -Contemporary Issues from an Aboriginal Perspective -How the First Nations, Métis and Inuit define themselves, their communities and their visions for the future

15 Collaborative Inquiry & The Catholic Professional Learning Cycle Brand New Resource – 2012 A Focus on Meeting the Needs of Aboriginal and Non- Aboriginal Students Based on Catholic Professional Learning Cycle:

16 Aboriginal Voices: Making Connections (Gr. 8-12) - 2014 Aboriginal Voices: Making Connections is a DVD and e- manual designed to be used as a classroom re-source for Grades 8-12 classes and as a professional development tool. The two-part series explores the common misconceptions often portrayed of the First Nation, Métis and Inuit communities across Canada. In Part 1, respected members of the community share their insights and clarify some of the misconceptions held about the Aboriginal peoples of Canada. Some of the misconceptions focus on specific Aboriginal groups, demographics, housing, taxation, education, and business.

17 Thank You Questions? Extras: Shannen’s Dream Project of Heart Wesley Prankard Jordan’s Principle

18 EOCCC wishes to thank OECTA for funding that allowed for this presentation.

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