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Algebra… Line Graphs Graphing Equations Grade 4 Lesson 18-4 MG 2.1, 2.0 Grade 5 Lessons 18-1, 18-2 AF 1.4, SDAP 1.5,

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Presentation on theme: "Algebra… Line Graphs Graphing Equations Grade 4 Lesson 18-4 MG 2.1, 2.0 Grade 5 Lessons 18-1, 18-2 AF 1.4, SDAP 1.5,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Algebra… Line Graphs Graphing Equations Grade 4 Lesson 18-4 MG 2.1, 2.0 Grade 5 Lessons 18-1, 18-2 AF 1.4, SDAP 1.5,

2 Vocabulary – copy into 5-subject notebook Coordinate Plane: A four-quadrant graph area that extends to include both positive and negative numbers on both the x and y axes. y x The point where the lines cross (0, 0) is called the ORIGIN

3 Vocabulary – copy into 5-subject notebook Ordered Pair: A pair of numbers used to plot a point on a coordinate graph. Written in parentheses with x written first, and then y. ( x, y ) ( 2, 7 ) Move across the x axis from Zero to positive two. Trace the line up parallel to the y axis until you reach the 7 th crossing line. Draw a dot where the lines cross.

4 Vocabulary – copy into 5-subject notebook Line Graph: A line graph shows how data changes over time. It shows a trend, or general direction in data. After all the points are plotted, connect them all in order with a line (like dot to dots). A line that goes up shows an increase trend. A line that goes down shows a decrease trend.

5 Practice 1 Use the T-chart to make a line graph on your paper. * Use “x” for the number of minutes and “y” for the number of pages. * Use a scale of 2 to mark off each axis. * Plot the points. * Connect the points. * What’s the trend? Sam’s Reading Log MinutesPages 24 46 610 8

6 Graphing Equations… STEP #1 Make a function table (T-chart) to match the equation you are given. y = 2 x x or more efficiently: y = 2x xy 00 12 24 36 48 510

7 Graphing Equations… STEP #2 Use the table = (0, 0) to write a list = (1, 2) of ordered pairs.= (2, 4) (REMEMBER:= (3, 6) x always= (4, 8) comes first!)= (5, 10) xy 00 12 24 36 48 510

8 Graphing Equations Step 3Plot the points on a coordinate graph. * Remember that the first number is the “x” (the across axis) and the second number is the “ y” (the up and down axis). (0, 0) (1, 2) (2, 4) (3, 6) (4, 8) (5, 10)

9 Graphing Equations Step 4Connect the points with a line.

10 Practice 2 Graph the following equations on your paper: y = 4xy = x +2

11 Independent Practice Use your hardcover math book and the special lesson paper provided to work on the following assignment. You may work with a partner. 4 th Grade: pages 424-425 #5-14 and #17-25 5 th Grade: page 407, #5-7 and 403-404, #8-26

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