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ARCH – Applied Research for Connected Health An Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland Technology Centre Overview May 2016.

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1 ARCH – Applied Research for Connected Health An Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland Technology Centre Overview May 2016


3 Right Information Right People Right Time Industry Healthcare provider Patient Connected Health Empowering Patients Empowering Clinicians Communication

4 ARCH State funded (EI & IDA) Technology Centre Access to world class clinicians, academics and patient cohorts to explore and evaluate potential connected health solutions for the global market Mission – “carry out industry informed research on the adoption, deployment and sustainability of Connected Health solutions and translate this research in a way that can enable our member companies increase competitiveness”


6 ARCH Industry-focused Competence Centre funded by EI/IDA Aligning academic / public research with Enterprise and industry needs “Adoption, Deployment & Sustainability of CH solutions” ARCH has clinical/patient access via it's host institution, UCD, which is the academic partner to the Ireland East Hospital Group – (11 hospitals, 1m+ patients) & ARCH is linked up with the HSE via direct link with HSE CCIO group

7 ARCH access to research expertise and technology infrastructure – agile, cost effective research – de-risking innovation access to a network of companies and healthcare professionals in the Connected Health value chain both nationally and internationally support in Connected Health project design Ethics Clinicians / Healthcare professionals Patients Secure technology infrastructure system Project

8 Industry Academics Patients Healthcare Providers Technology Platform Financial Management IP Management Core Team – Full Time Multi- Disciplinary

9 9 A stated objective is “to establish Ireland as a global destination for connected healthcare solutions".

10 10 A stated objective is “to establish Ireland as a global destination for connected healthcare solutions".

11 11 increased focus on value-based care is shifting financial incentives to a model in which providers are compensated based on how their patients fare, rather than by the number of tests, visits, or procedures performed. means that providers, patients, and everyone in between are more eager than ever to measure patient outcomes in order to determine what works and who gets paid.

12 “A stated objective is “to establish Ireland as a global destination for connected healthcare solutions". IMDA Strategy Launch 11 th Feb. 12 A stated objective is “to establish Ireland as a global destination for connected healthcare solutions".

13 “A stated objective is “to establish Ireland as a global destination for connected healthcare solutions". Innovation In MedTech Dublin 2016 13 A stated objective is “to establish Ireland as a global destination for connected healthcare solutions". “future of MedTech is around devices for delivery of biologics” - Stephen Oesterle,Medtronic

14 “A stated objective is “to establish Ireland as a global destination for connected healthcare solutions". Innovation In MedTech Dublin 2016. 14 A stated objective is “to establish Ireland as a global destination for connected healthcare solutions".

15 Provider TechnologyServicesCommunicationsDevice manufacturersPharmaceuticalsPrivate healthcare providers Public sector Health Government Departments Health service providers Public health promotion bodies Quality and standards bodies Payor Insurers Patient organisations/advocacy groups I nfrastructural investment eHealth Ecosystem Best place “to do” Connected Health Knowledge Development Box

16 Members 16

17 Core Funded Projects Primarily funded by ARCH. Based on collaborative projects IP resides in UCD and consortium has first rights of refusal on licensing Contract Projects Funded by industry partner IP owned by industry partner Other co-funding mechanisms, eg Innovation Partnerships Funded in part by company (up to 80% EI, 20% company) EI have conditions around IP Engagement Models 17

18 Core Funded Projects Research Themes CHANGE How can the barriers to the use of Connected Health technologies be overcome and maximum impact achieved? CARE How care is delivered today and how might it be improved by Connected Health technologies? DATA How will software, technology, data and processes be amalgamated and evaluated for use by differing stakeholders?

19 Platform Projects Research is of broad interest to large numbers of member companies Example – “Implementation of the national eHealth strategy in Ireland” Core Funded - Platform Projects 19

20 ‘ Product’ Projects Collaborative Research project typically involving 2-4 member companies working on shared objective Example “Evaluation framework for connected health devices “ Core Funded – ‘Product’ Projects 20 Sensor Company Network Carrier Data Analytics Care Provider ARCH facilitates efficient collaboration between members, combining the product and market knowledge of the member companies with the Connected Health expertise of our researchers. By operating as a network the combined expertise of all the members can be brought to bear to solve issues on individual projects. This open innovation approach leads to faster project delivery and a more efficient journey from a industry-defined problem to a Connected Health solution.

21 Framework for Evaluating Human Performance Technologies – A Decision Making Tool Case Example “Evaluation framework for connected health devices “ 21

22 Completed an analysis of the UK market for CH  Including interviews with key stakeholders in the system…  Clinicians; CCGs; Local Authorities Mapping the potential revenue models for CH companies entering the UK market  Reimbursement landscape – who pays?  Competitive positioning  Identifying key actors in the purchasing decision process  Market entry strategy ARCH Research 22 UK a key strategic market for ARCH industry members

23 Example: current EI Innovation Voucher project  Mapping the procurement pathway for an industry member’s product  Interviews with key stakeholders in that process  Assessing attitudes towards price; willingness to pay  Recommendations for sales strategy  Assessment of regional differences in terms of purchasing priorities/decision-making process ARCH Research 23 Assessing best short-term sales strategy

24 Business Modelling Health Psychology Sociology and organisational culture ClinicalMarketing Healthcare Economics Health informatics Ethnography Standards & Regulation Engineering

25 ARCH Deployment Framework (ADF) demonstrator capability built on platform developed for initial phase of research on Dementia flexible connected health platform connects key stakeholders in patient care designed to facilitate trials of technology enabled care models

26 Breakfast Briefing 28 th Jan, NexusUCD. Costing Type 2 Diabetes Care – From Disconnected Care to Opportunities for Connected Health Solutions – Dr. Gerardine Doyle Outreach 26

27 Benefits for Members Opportunity to govern, steer and provide input into the ARCH core programme of research which is 100% funded by Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland. Access to ARCH research output including reports, IP and demonstrators. Access to a live test bed infrastructure. Opportunities for collaborating on multi party projects Networking opportunities via seminars, open days, dissemination events Continuous education opportunities including lecture series, executive education and regular updates on what is happening in CH. Access to ARCH research expertise to answer specific questions or explore and conduct targeted research projects outside of the ARCH core funding. Opportunity for participation in Irish and EU funding applications and to leverage grant writing expertise within ARCH for targeted research applications.

28 Summary Industry Informed Research Access Network Collaboration

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