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Ethics and Public Policy February 2010 Instructor: David Thomason, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics and Public Policy February 2010 Instructor: David Thomason, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics and Public Policy February 2010 Instructor: David Thomason, Ph.D.

2 Welcome to the Course Brief overview of the course. My background. What’s yours? Expectations for the course (review the syllabus) Office Hours- vary by week. Read the announcements.

3 Syllabus Review Look at the course calendar and make sure you stay up with assignments. There are 1000 points and be sure to attend seminars (worth 10 points each)- 8 seminars Discussion- make contributions to the discussion. (25 points per discussion)- 8 discussions Four Papers- Unit 2 (100), 5 (150), 6 (100), 9 (150) Midterm Exam- worth 80

4 Discussion Board Posting Stay current- you should post at 4 to 5 substantive discussion inputs each week. Respond to your classmates. Respond to my comments. Stay involved. Ask questions. Get into the class!

5 Why Ethics in Public Administration? Why an entire course on the issues of values and public policy? Can you think of examples of how ethics plays a role in public policy? What is ethics?

6 Overarching Theories of Ethics Some general theories of ethics and morality and how they are connected to law and public policy. Virtue Ethics- Aristotle, Plato – Greek Philosophers – Virtue ethics- it is through the polis that we can achieve our own well-being

7 Virtue Ethics An individual engages in certain behavior because of their own self- determination to fulfill themselves. Why do I act a certain way? Not because my actions may harm or create problems for others, but because it helps me achieve my own fulfillment. Can you think of times when this would be consistent with the public good? Can you think of times when this would be inconsistent with the public good?

8 Utilitarian Ethics John Stuart Mill- English philosopher Classic Work: On Liberty Basic Argument: Harm principle- ethical action is when I engage in my own conduct, limited only if it causes harm to others. Moral systems should be considered if they approach social issues as the greatest good for the greatest number. Can you think of examples where this would be appropriate in public policy? Can you think of examples where this moral framework is inappropriate for public policy?

9 Ethics and Realpolitik Machiavelli and to some extent Thomas Hobbes Ethics for the public good is simply that which captures power. If a ruler can maintain power with the appearance of ethics, it is better than a ruler that adopts a strict moral constraint and loses power.

10 Situational Ethics Lawrence Kohlberg- 5 Levels of Moral Development Is it wrong to steal? Hypothetical situation of lifesaving drug in a pharmacy. Is it wrong to steal now?

11 Public Policy is About Values Are the parties involved being treated fairly? – That is an ethical question. – Who gains and who loses in certain situations? Examples?

12 Moralistic or Paternalism in the Law Do not confuse the idea of ethics and ethical reasoning with adopting a moral system in the law. Legislating morality is often referred to as paternalism. Can you think of moralistic/paternalistic approaches to the law? But can the state ever be truly “neutral” with conceptions of morality?

13 Should public policy be “neutral” with respect to different conceptions of the good? Examples: Education in public schools. Examples: Building roads.

14 Can your own ethics conflict with public policy? School zoning and ethics Sex education, abortion, death penalty, etc. Federal government distributing billions of dollars to large banks that tanked over the past two years. Should someone unethical be in a public position?

15 Is there a difference between a set of ethics in someone’s role as a public manager, as opposed to private sector? Are there differences? Should a public manager behave differently? Scenario from the discussion on the forum: A Japanese company provides a gift to a public manager. Could a private manager accept or behave differently? Why is there a difference? Read the Chapter 4 from the Ethics and City Hall.

16 Movies and Ethics State and Play- premise- reporter and member of Congress become entangled in a legislative aide murder on the D.C. metro. Wall Street- how far will someone go to achieve financial success? Gordon Gecko is the classic character: “Greed is good.”

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