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An agency of the European Union Principles for the assessment and authorisation of antimicrobials in the EU VICH Outreach Forum, October 2015 Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "An agency of the European Union Principles for the assessment and authorisation of antimicrobials in the EU VICH Outreach Forum, October 2015 Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 An agency of the European Union Principles for the assessment and authorisation of antimicrobials in the EU VICH Outreach Forum, October 2015 Presented by Dr Anja Holm Chair of the EMA Committee For Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use (CVMP)

2 Assessment and authorisation of antimicrobials1 Data requirements Quality, safety and efficacy For veterinary medicines for food-producing animals : establishment of maximum residue levels (MRLs); includes data for establishment of a microbiological ADI according to VICH GL36 Data according to VICH GL 27 for new products, no specific GL for assessment of data MIC and PK/PD data for use in efficacy assessment

3 Assessment and authorisation of antimicrobials2 Efficacy assessment and indications (1/3) Key considerations in the authorisation of antimicrobials: Establish for which microorganisms and strains will the product be efficacious Determine the appropriate dosage regimen (mg/kg and duration) For this, data to establish the MIC and data on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (PK/PD studies) of the antimicrobial substance are required CVMP GL for the demonstration of efficacy for veterinary medicinal products containing antimicrobial substances

4 Assessment and authorisation of antimicrobials3 Efficacy assessment and indications (2/3) When approving a veterinary medicine containing an antimicrobial particular consideration is given to the effectiveness of the drug by addressing the following: The proposed indication/claim: disease and bacteria; The intended aim of the product (treatment versus prevention versus growth promotion*); and The appropriateness of the advice for use and dosage regimen. Communication to veterinary surgeon and user *g.p.-claim is not allowed in EU

5 Assessment and authorisation of antimicrobials4 Efficacy assessment and indications (3/3) The indication/claim for the approved medicine should identify the bacteria against which the drug is effective. These bacteria should be listed in the approved product literature for each target animal species and indication for use. The product literature should contain the advice that, whenever possible, laboratory diagnosis and susceptibility testing should be carried out by the veterinary surgeon before prescribing the antimicrobial. Criteria for the decision on whether it is appropriate to use the medicine and how it should be used can also be included.

6 Assessment and authorisation of antimicrobials5 Principles of prudent use (1/2) The conditions of use contained in the marketing authorisation take into account the principles of prudent / responsible use. These principles need to be clearly communicated to veterinary surgeon and user: product literature. Particular importance: dosage regimen determined based on the efficacy and safety data for the product. Standard prudent use phrases to be used in SPC and product information.

7 Assessment and authorisation of antimicrobials6 Principles of prudent use (2/2) Examples for standard prudent use phrases: ‘The should be used for treatment of severe infections only.’ ‘The should be reserved for the treatment of clinical conditions which have responded poorly, or are expected to respond poorly, to other classes.’ for the Critically Important Antimicrobials (WHO/OIE-list), e.g. fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, macrolides. Use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals: only on veterinary prescription.

8 Assessment and authorisation of antimicrobials7 For more details: K. Grein, Responsibilities of regulatory agencies in the marketing of antimicrobials, Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz., 2012, 31 (1): 289-298: CVMP guideline on the SPCs for antimicrobial products: e/2010/02/WC500070670.pdf e/2010/02/WC500070670.pdf CVMP guideline for the demonstration of efficacy for veterinary medicinal products containing antimicrobial substances: eral_content_000381.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058002ddc2#Antimicrobials eral_content_000381.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058002ddc2#Antimicrobials

9 Thank you for your attention Any questions Assessment and authorisation of antimicrobials8

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