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May 2 – 6, 2016 National Radiological Emergency Preparedness Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "May 2 – 6, 2016 National Radiological Emergency Preparedness Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 2 – 6, 2016 National Radiological Emergency Preparedness Conference

2  Exercise Overview  Impacts  Significant Outcomes  Next Steps Topics for Discussion

3 Exercise Overview

4  Scenario: Incident with a release from the Robinson Nuclear Plant in Darlington County, SC  Date:  FSE and Day 14 TTX: July 21 – 23, 2015  Recovery TTX: September 9 – 10, 2015  Participation: Over 2,000 participants  23 State and local entities  23 Federal entities  10 Private sector entities  3 Other states  Observers: The observer program included over 50 observers from 14 countries and international organizations Exercise Overview 4

5 SE15 Planning Events  C&O Meeting – 3/26/2014  Radiological Release and Response Seminar – 7/29/2014  IPM – 7/30/2014  NCR IPR #3 – 9/30/2014  IM Workshop – 11/20/2014  MPM –12/10/2014  Duke Energy TTX – 2/10/2015  MSEL Script – 2/11-12/2015  NCR IPR #4 – 3/16/2015  MSEL Synch – 4/13-15/2015  Recovery Workshops – 5/27-29/2015  NCR IPR #5 – 6/8/2015  FPM – 6/18/2015 Morning  Final Document Review Meeting – 6/24/2015  Controller and Evaluator Training – 7/20/2015  Exercise Conduct – 7/21-23/2015  Recovery TTX – 9/9-10/2015  AAM – 9/29/2015 5

6 Impacts

7 SE15 Impacts  SE15 was the first fully integrated exercise based on an incident at a NPP in over 20 years  First integrated exercise with the recovery component  Led to a better understanding of Federal support available with, and in the absence of, a Stafford Act Declaration 7

8 SE15 Impacts  Led to the designation of:  DHS/FEMA as the lead Federal agency responsible for coordinating the Federal response  FEMA (Administrator, Deputy Administrator, Regional Administrator) as the lead Federal spokesperson 8

9 SE15 Impacts  Cultivated an understanding of post-incident financial restrictions under the Price Anderson Act (PAA)  Led to further refinement of the roles and responsibilities of the American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) as outlined in the PAA  Strengthened relationships with ANI  Identified gaps in assistance from the PAA and the Stafford Act 9

10 SE15 Impacts  Developed relationships between Federal and State entities, which led to a more prepared and effective response to the October 2015 South Carolina flooding event  Led to the development of a recovery workshop package to conduct recovery-focused workshops throughout FEMA regional offices 10

11 Significant Outcomes

12  Unified Command Group (UCG) makeup should be integrated into the Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex (NRIA)  Duke Energy, the NRC, ANI, FEMA Individual Assistance (IA), and other Interagency State, local, and industry representatives should engage to define appropriate coordination and public information requirements relating to assistance under all mechanisms, including the PAA and Stafford Act  The NRIA should be updated to include clear guidance on the position of the lead Federal agency.  States should utilize training events such as these to further define guidance and recommendations that can be used to inform preparedness policies and procedures Significant Outcomes Highlights 12

13 Significant Outcomes Highlights 13  Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) co-location with the Advance Team (A-Team) should be incorporated into plans and procedures  Advanced coordination for press conferences and media briefings should be incorporated into associated Public Affairs procedures  A Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSOI) process, managed or initiated by the Federal coordinating agency, should be implemented for large-scale response to ensure the appropriate accounting and staging of deployed Federal teams and personnel

14 Significant Outcomes Highlights 14  The Advance Planning Checklist should be completed by DOE’s Consequence Management Advanced Command (CMAC) upon its arrival and initial interaction with the State  Consideration should be given to an expedited process for the development of initial monitoring and sampling plans that allows the completion of Incident Command System (ICS) 204 forms  The Interagency should ensure that all guidance and policy documents state that FEMA is the lead organization for public messaging during a radiological event  FEMA should determine and implement a strategy to ensure a Joint Information Center (JIC) that is situationally aware and ensures messages are approved before being widely disseminated

15 Next Steps

16  FEMA THD has developed a moldable workshop package to support and assist FEMA regional offices in conducting recovery- focused workshops to address issues/topics identified by participating agencies  The package includes lessons learned and recommendations based on the efforts for developing the SE15 Recovery TTX. Recommendations address:  Exercise Development Process  Exercise Documentation  Exercise Overview  Exercise Conduct  FEMA THD HQ has engaged multiple FEMA regional offices to begin identifying participating States/organizations and desired areas for discussion Next Steps – Recovery Workshops 16

17  The NRC and FEMA staff should develop procedures in support of lessons learned during SE15 (e.g., UCG staffing, Federal coordination handoff, JIC messaging, etc.)  Staff should work to develop plans to integrate these efforts into REP exercises  The NRC, FEMA, and DOE should expand the current REP exercise profile to include “deep dives” for specific response and recovery activities that go beyond the graded portion of exercises  Consider benefits to States and locals for expanding exercise scope  The Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee (FRPCC) should establish a means for continuation of the “Exposure Series” exercises every 3 – 5 years Next Steps –Exercise Enhancements 17

18 Questions?

19 Points of Contact Patti Gardner FEMA Exercise Director (202) 329-7573 Sally Billings NRC Exercise Director (301) 287-9255 Matthew Durden SCEMD Exercise Director (803) 737-8837 Dr. Dan Blumenthal DOE Exercise Director (202) 287-5269 Tony Pilo Licensee Exercise Director (843) 857-1409

20 Thank You

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