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M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 1 IDEAS Global Assembly Amman, April 2011 Robert Lahey, Ray Rist, Ephraim Serrette.

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Presentation on theme: "M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 1 IDEAS Global Assembly Amman, April 2011 Robert Lahey, Ray Rist, Ephraim Serrette."— Presentation transcript:

1 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 1 IDEAS Global Assembly Amman, April 2011 Robert Lahey, Ray Rist, Ephraim Serrette

2 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 2 The Presenters Ephraim Serrette  Programme Coordinator M&E, Ministry of Planning, Economic and Social Restructuring and Gender Affairs, Government of Trinidad and Tobago Robert Lahey Founding head of Canada’s Centre of Excellence for Evaluation & President of REL Solutions Inc. Ray Rist Program Coordinator for IPDET & President of IDEAS

3 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 3 Background on Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Located in the southern Caribbean Two main islands, Trinidad and Tobago Area of 5,128 sq km (1,980 sq mi) Population of 1.3 M (96% in Trinidad)

4 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 4

5 5 Background on T&T Independence in 1962; a republic in 1976 Economy - primarily industrial; emphasis on petroleum and petrochemicals Carnival and the birthplace of steelpan, calypso, soca, and limbo

6 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 6 Context – What was driving the need for M&E? Two Key Initiatives 1.‘Vision 2020’ - Long-Term Strategic Perspective for T&T 2. Public Sector Reform

7 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 7 Vision 2020 as a ‘driver’ for M&E capacity building 2002 – government articulates Vision Multi-sector committee (28 sub-committees) create National Strategic Plan Five Priority areas/pillars

8 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 8 28 SCR’s Innovative People Competitive Business Caring Society Effective Government Sound Infrastructure & Environment Five Development Priorities

9 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 9 Vision 2020 as a ‘driver’ for M&E capacity building (cont) Emphasized an integrated policy agenda & performance measurement 2006 – First Vision 2020 Operation Plan (2007-2010) developed - shorter development timeframe Medium-term plan allows for better tracking of progress against goals of the Vision and National Strategic Plan

10 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 10 15 years to 2020First 4 years to 2010

11 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 11 Annual Progress Report

12 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 12 Public Sector Reform as a ‘driver’ for M&E capacity building Several cross-government initiatives launched over the 2000s More systematic and disciplined macro and sector-specific planning Desire to ensure that Ministry programmes and projects link to strategies and goals of the National Plan

13 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 13 Public Sector Reform as a ‘driver’ for M&E capacity building (cont) Several ministries/agencies implicated in early stages of M&E discussions * Ministry of Public Administration & Information * Ministry of Social Development * Central Statistical Office * Ministry of Planning & Development Cabinet approved establishment of M&E Units in all Ministries/Departments (2008)

14 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 14 Champion(s) for M&E 1.Office of the Prime Minister * 2008 Cabinet decision had OPM as champion for establishment of M&E units in all Ministries 2.Ministry of Planning, Housing and Environment (MPHE) * the ‘operational’ champion * a central M&E Unit as an M&E focal point

15 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 15 Some Critical Success Factors for M&E Development & Implementation  Drivers – How will M&E information be used? By whom?  Leadership & Commitment – Is there a high-level ‘champion’; sustainability?  Capacity ‘to do’ – Is there infrastructure to supply M&E information?  Capacity ‘to use’ – Are there incentives to demand & use M&E information?  Oversight – Will implementation be monitored?

16 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 16 Assessing Capacity – Importance of an M&E Readiness Assessment 2009 – M&E Readiness Assessment – in advance of developing a Medium-term Action Plan (MTAP) for M&E An objective and constructively critical appraisal Need to document strengths and weaknesses An important source for determining needed actions for going forward

17 Medium-Term Action Plan for T&T's M&E System (July 2009) 17 Challenges and Realities Deficiencies and gaps Too few people with M&E technical skills Too few people oriented to ‘results’ measurement and reporting (i.e. the ‘users’ of M&E information) Too little data (the ‘right’ data) to populate indicators Little or no experience in Ministries with Evaluation studies Needed Broad-based training and data development strategies

18 Medium-Term Action Plan for T&T's M&E System (July 2009) 18 Foundation Pieces to Build Upon Some ‘pockets’ of understanding of M&E Cabinet decision (January 17, 2008) to establish M&E units within Ministries and a central M&E unit Central M&E expertise currently within MPHE Some Ministries with exposure to or interest in M&E – suitable candidates for ‘piloting’ M&E introduction

19 Medium-Term Action Plan for T&T's M&E System (July 2009) 19 Purpose of the Medium-Term Action Plan (MTAP) A signal by government of the priority being given to RBM (transparency, accountability and good governance) Identifies the key elements and architecture of a ‘results’- based M&E system Identifies roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders Clarifies expectations re the way ahead Provides a realistic timeframe for the development and implementation of M&E across the public sector Signals a period of ‘transition’/change

20 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 20 Action Plan for M&E – Key Features ‘Phased’ approach to implementation – ‘pilot’ before government-wide roll-out Assessment of M&E implementation & guidelines at end of each phase; i.e. pilot, learn, adjust, adapt Five-year transition period Ministerial delivery – central leadership Some flexibility in implementation – recognizing differences across Ministries

21 M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 21 Action Plan for M&E – Key Features (cont) Capacity building/training initiatives for both the ‘providers’ & the ‘users’ of M&E information An M&E professional ‘network ‘ Important roles for M&E support * CSO – data development * MPAI; PS Academy; Others – M&E training * NAO - oversight

22 Medium-Term Action Plan for T&T's M&E System (July 2009) 22 Two parallel tracks of activity/interest 1.Ministries gaining a better handle on how their programs link to Vision 2020 goals and objectives, and what results ought to be expected from these programs 2. Ministries and the system implementing a systematic approach to M&E so as to be able to measure, report and use ‘results’ information at the program, Ministry/sector and country level

23 New Reality New Government Internal reorganization New national plan/goals (Manifesto) Driving exercise for ministries to identify new strategic plans & performance indicators Some urgency M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 23

24 New Reality Change in strategy for M&E Action Plan Cross-government roll-out Ability of ministries to respond quite uneven To date, very low response rate M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 24

25 Some Observations Nothing is static If M&E is considered important, how best to implement it – options & consequences Usefulness of Readiness Assessment – independent & documented Central leadership & a plan are very important M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 25

26 How best to create an enabling environment for M&E? Operate within the political landscape M&E orientation (‘training’) for senior officials Where & how can M&E information be used/useful? Managing expectations – modest in the beginning A long-term & senior-level ‘champion’ for M&E Leadership in moving the agenda forward needs to be clearly defined M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 26

27 Contact Coordinates Robert Lahey Ray Rist M&E in T&T - IDEAS Global Assembly Amman: April 2011 27

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