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Only for USA and Canada U.S.: on the last Thursday of November. Canada : on the second Monday of October Thanksgiving Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Only for USA and Canada U.S.: on the last Thursday of November. Canada : on the second Monday of October Thanksgiving Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Only for USA and Canada U.S.: on the last Thursday of November. Canada : on the second Monday of October Thanksgiving Day

2 The First Pace onto New England in 1620 (U.S founded in 1776)


4 How do celebrate Thanksgiving? Turkey 火雞 Stuffing 填充物 / 餡料 gravy 肉醬 mashed potatoes cranberry sauce 蔓越苺醬 corn bread 玉米麵包 pumpkin pie 南瓜派 hot apple juice 熱蘋果汁

5 turkey/stuffing Onions, celery, green pepper and garlic (parsely) sauteed( 煎炒 ) in butter and boiled with chicken broth ( 雞高湯 )make the savory stock that cornbread is added to, creating this stuffing sensation.

6 gravy 肉汁

7 corn bread (sweet or spicy taste)

8 cranberry sauce 蔓越苺醬

9 Thanksgiving Feast (at noon)

10 After feast _ gift exchange 交換禮物 _Yankee Swap (on Thanksgiving Day) _watching football (on Christmas Day) _Dirty Santa _Secret Santa

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