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City Commission Workshop Zoning Code Rewrite 10.05.05.

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Presentation on theme: "City Commission Workshop Zoning Code Rewrite 10.05.05."— Presentation transcript:

1 City Commission Workshop Zoning Code Rewrite 10.05.05

2 2 Purpose of workshop 1. Provide the City Commission an update of the progress of the “Rewrite” of development related Codes and associated studies 2. Provide the City Commission with the status of the progress of the Zoning Code rewrite 3. Secure policy direction on issues as the City Commission desires

3 3 Development Code Rewrites and Associated Studies

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12 12  January 2004 City Commission completed “Discovery“ workshop  Feb. – Aug. 2004Drafting of Code  Sept. 2004 – Jan. 2005Planning and Zoning Board Policy Direction  December 2004 City Commission adopted Resolution 2004-247  Feb. 2005 – Present Planning and Zoning Board reviewing provisions line by line Process and progress

13 13 City Commission completed “Discovery” workshop

14 14 Drafting of Code  February – August 2004 Based upon City Commission “Discovery’ workshop, Planning and Zoning Board workshops, other City Boards Interviewed stakeholders to solicit input:  Interested parties  Coral Gables residents  Property owners  Board members of various City boards  Developers  Attorneys  City Staff (Zoning Code Rewrite Team)

15 15 Planning and Zoning Board Policy Direction  Policy Matrix identifies major policy issues in a 4 column format: Column 1 – Major Policy Issues  Focus around the major substantive changes proposed in the rewrite Column 2 - Positives (+) and Negatives (-)  Represents the positives and negatives associated with each issue Column 3 - Team Recommendation  Rewrite Team (City Manager, Assistant City Manager, City Attorney, Planning, Building and Zoning, Historic Resources and the City’s Special Counsel/Consultant) have met to discuss each policy issue to provide a recommendation Column 4 - Planning and Zoning Board Recommendation  Consensus/recommendation and/or vote on each issue is provided.

16 16 Planning and Zoning Board Policy Direction

17 17 Planning and Zoning Board reviewing provisions line by line

18 18 Planning and Zoning Board Recommendations  Board Recommendation Tracking Chart provides: Boards recent actions for each of the articles/divisions reviewed Rows delineated in “orange” sections approved by the Board Chart is updated after each Board meeting with a summary/overview Of the 56 Divisions, the Board has reviewed and approved 74 Divisions – 75 % completion

19 19 Approval Tracking Chart

20 20 Remaining items to review  Parking  Single and multi family provisions  Landscaping  Deferred items

21 21  Required by the State to address affordable and workforce housing  Every local government is required to satisfy this need  Subject of a separate study  Provisions will be included in the rewrite

22 22  CLUP provides for the goals and objectives for future development of the City  State requires review of CLUP every 5 to 7 years – known as the “Evaluation and Appraisal Report or EAR  City will complete the EAR and as required and will update/rewrite the CLUP  City Staff and consultant have begun the drafting on the EAR/new CLUP  Foundation and direction is based upon the Charrette 2002 and the issues identified as a part of the Zoning Code rewrite  Completed preliminary discussions with the Planning and Zoning Board

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24 24  Insert large bubble chart centered on entire page

25 25 City Web page

26 26 Public input  Broadcast meetings “Live” on CGTV - Channel 77  Completed a 15-minute featured segment on CGTV – Channel 77 “Coral Gables Now”  Press Release  Emailed notices  City wide letter  Created a separate email address for the public to submit comments directly to the Planning Department – comments are included in binder  Attended/presented rewrite to various City Boards  All of the above information is updated daily on the City Web Page

27 27 Overview of issues and policy direction  Single family residence size limitation  Multi family  Commercial districts

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