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Research findings on teacher testing and evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "Research findings on teacher testing and evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research findings on teacher testing and evaluation

2 What do we know about the effectiveness of teacher testing and evaluation?

3 Some research projects have been conducted on teacher testing and evaluation in the US and the UK.

4 We will look at five research projects and compare their findings.

5 The research projects are: 1.Teacher Testing Does Not Equal Teacher Quality 2.Testing Teachers: What Works Best? 3.Certification Test Scores, Teacher Quality and Student Achievement 4.Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness 5.Board-Certified Teachers More Effective, New Studies Affirm

6 Prepare a five minute PowerPoint presentation on the methodology and findings of a selected research paper.

7 Each group will present their research report. As you listen to each report, make notes on the main findings.

8 What do the research findings agree on? How do they disagree? What are the implications for the NSTT?

9 What research do you think we could do on teacher testing and effectiveness in the FSM? What can be done using available data?

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