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Climate and Change Extreme Climates Extreme Climates.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate and Change Extreme Climates Extreme Climates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate and Change Extreme Climates Extreme Climates

2 What is an extreme climate? » http: // http: // Extreme Climates

3 The two most important extreme climates are those where it is extremely cold (polar) or extremely hot and dry (hot arid). These two types can be further divided... Polar Glacial – ice covered places Tundra – places with frozen soils Hot Arid Deserts – truly arid places with less than 250 mm of rain a year Drylands – semi-arid places with 250-500 mm of rain a year

4 Characteristics of a desert i)Little rainfall and high evapotranspiration ii)Emerging plants after rains iii)Clear skies, hot days and extremely cold nights. iv)Poor soil v)Long periods without precipitation and extreme temperature (50 - 60 o C) vi)Sandy storms are very frequent. vii)Occur generally in rain shadow areas. Extreme Climates

5 Our Example... Extreme Climates

6 Australia After Antarctica, Australia is the driest place in Earth 1/3 is desert Australians call it the ‘outback’ Extreme Climates

7 Why is Australia mostly desert? Extreme Climates

8 Desert survival taklamakan-desert/10523.html taklamakan-desert/10523.html People working in tandem with their surroundings scenario-desert-survival-tips.html scenario-desert-survival-tips.html Human survival in the face of adversity Extreme Climates

9 Adaptations in Australia Plants Succulence Drought Tolerance Drought Avoidance Animals Live near Billabongs and are highly adapted to their extreme environment Extreme Climates

10 How People Adapt to the Desert DressHomes Extreme Climates

11 Adapting to Australia’s Extremes Artesian WaterHomes/Buildings Extreme Climates

12 Australia’s Unique Culture Indigenous Australians are called Aborigines. They are well adapted to surviving the extreme climate... by04 by04 Extreme Climates

13 Some unique culture Bush Tucker Hunter Gathers Land is sacred and should be respected Boomerangs Didgeridoos Paintings Extreme Climates

14 What Could the Problem Be? Extreme Climates

15 Climate and Change Extreme Climates Extreme Climates

16 El Niño Short Term Climate Change Reversal of normal conditions Extreme Climates Usually Wind blowing across the Pacific Ocean bring warm moist air (rain) Usually Wind blowing across the Pacific Ocean bring warm moist air (rain) 5-7 Year Cycle Wind blowing across the Pacific Ocean bring warm dry air (drought) 5-7 Year Cycle Wind blowing across the Pacific Ocean bring warm dry air (drought) El Niño

17 El Niño Impacts?! 3qc 3qc Social Economic Environmental

18 The Bigger Picture Variation in rainfall Population growth Desertification Overgrazing Water Scarcity Drought

19 Solutions Intermediate Technology Diguettes in Siguin Voussė in Burkina Faso Set up by Oxfam in 1979 Project Agro-Forestier Adapt or Mitigate? Kyoto?!? Conservation Farming : multi-cropping Example: Oxfam and the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ)

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