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Gender, Gaze, Otherness, & Photography Li, Kristina, Lucie, Caitlin.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender, Gaze, Otherness, & Photography Li, Kristina, Lucie, Caitlin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender, Gaze, Otherness, & Photography Li, Kristina, Lucie, Caitlin

2 “Otherness” NOUN noun: otherness the quality or fact of being different: “the developed world has been celebrating African music while altogether denying its otherness” (Oxford English Dictionary)

3 Racializing the ‘Other’ binary opposition the difference of body ‘signs’ and ‘symbol’ “naturalsation”

4 Paul Robeson: Gender Dyer observes that; “His image insisted on his blackness” And that Robeson became the “epitome of what black people are like” Theorist Alvarado discusses representations of racial stereotypes; exotic, dangerous, pitied and humorous.

5 Lee Miller April 23, 1907 – July 21, 1977 First a model, then a photographer correspondent for Vogue during WWII

6 Nan Goldin and the Violence of Otherness American photographer born in the 1950’s Love, gender, domesticity, and sexuality Culture of obsession and dependency


8 Sarah Maple Manipulates cultural and ideological stereotypes to portray presupposed ideas about gender and race. Visual Artist Mix Raced Subverts stereotypes Protested against page 3 ‘White Girl’ Digital Print 2007

9 ‘The tragic Mulatto’ Donald Bogel 5 main racial stereotypes Sexualizing mix raced women Allowed to be desired because they have white blood

10 'Self portrait with Fried Eggs' - 2008 Sarah Lucas ‘Self Portrait with Fried Eggs’ 1996 These photographs portray women as ‘typically’ masculine. Portraying themselves as having ‘Two fired eggs’ in place instead of breasts.

11 Dianne Arbus “deviant and marginal people or of people whose normality seems ugly or surreal” Well known for “freaks” Believed her camera revealed truth Committed suicide at 48


13 Freak Show Draws attention to anything different Tears apart idea of “normality” Difference as a spectacle Impulse to stare

14 Modern Ideals “Break the internet Kim Kardashian” The new “other” Ideal body takes the “best” of everything

15 How do you think gender is represented in photography? What is your idea of the new “other”?

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