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5 Timely Tips for Governing Your Chamber of Commerce Presented By: K E I T H W O O D S CEO, North Coast Builders Exchange (707) 542-0645.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Timely Tips for Governing Your Chamber of Commerce Presented By: K E I T H W O O D S CEO, North Coast Builders Exchange (707) 542-0645."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Timely Tips for Governing Your Chamber of Commerce Presented By: K E I T H W O O D S CEO, North Coast Builders Exchange (707) 542-0645

2 The 5 Tips: 1. “Right-size” your Board of Directors 2. Make good use of an Executive Committee 3. Review how many Board meetings a year are held 4. Explore format changes to Board meetings 5. Consider creating more task forces, fewer committees

3 Tip # 1: “Right-size” your Board of Directors  How many Directors should you have?  Do they represent all economic sectors?  Tier one business leaders, “little guys”, or both?

4 Tip # 2: Make good use of an Executive Committee  Smaller, leaner group  Clarify their role…advisory or action-based?  Warning: Don’t let them usurp Board authority

5 Tip # 3: Review how many Board meetings a year are held  Clear trend toward fewer Board meetings  Number can be reduced if an Exec. Comm. is effective  Holding no meeting is better than holding a bad meeting

6 Tip # 4: Explore format changes to your Board meetings  We fall into format “traps”…non-stop committee reports, etc.  Are meetings too staff dominated?  Some things to consider:  Reality check on best days & times to meet  “Guest listeners”  “Director sound-off” time  Ensuring enough action items on agendas

7 Tip # 5: Consider creating more task forces & fewer committees  Time poverty issues are still prevalent  Consider creation of “Talent Banks” of volunteers  Empower decision-making to the lowest possible level

8 The bottom line: A Chamber of Commerce ought to look like, think like and act like the most well-run organization in town…and that comes from good structure and governance.

9 “We’ve Got to Quit Meeting Like This!” The 3 Stages of an Effective Meeting Presented By: K E I T H W O O D S CEO, North Coast Builders Exchange (707) 542-0645

10 The 3 Stages: 1. Pre-Meeting Preparation 2. The Meeting 3. Post-Meeting Follow-Through

11 1. Pre-Meeting Preparation  Ample notice  Advance agenda  Easy RSVP system  Meeting chair is briefed and ready  Time budgeting is done

12 2. The Meeting  Room logistics  Table/chair set-up  Temperature  Food/beverage  A/V equipment  Flip charts  Name tent cards  Note paper, pens  Sound system?

13 2. The Meeting continued  A simple agenda  Beginning and ending on time  Some tips for the Chair  Keep a speaker roster handy  Limit “meeting hijackers”  Use the “parking lot” concept  Review assignments, summarize meeting before you adjourn

14 3. Post-Meeting Follow-Through  Minutes (or an “Action Summary”)  Make all necessary calls, write any letters, emails, etc.  Send appropriate information to those who missed the meeting

15 3. Post-Meeting Follow-Through continued  Evaluate the meeting with the chair (or on your own)  Watch for what are called “parking lot” meetings  Set a next meeting date, if necessary  Clean up, you slob!

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