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PRAGMATICS. SCHEDULE May 14: Yule ch. 1, 2 and 3 May 16: Yule ch. 4, 5 and 6 May 21: Yule ch. 7, 8 and 9 May 22: Seminar EXAM Thursday; May 31, 14 - 18.

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Presentation on theme: "PRAGMATICS. SCHEDULE May 14: Yule ch. 1, 2 and 3 May 16: Yule ch. 4, 5 and 6 May 21: Yule ch. 7, 8 and 9 May 22: Seminar EXAM Thursday; May 31, 14 - 18."— Presentation transcript:


2 SCHEDULE May 14: Yule ch. 1, 2 and 3 May 16: Yule ch. 4, 5 and 6 May 21: Yule ch. 7, 8 and 9 May 22: Seminar EXAM Thursday; May 31, 14 - 18 Language history 40 points, pragmatics 20 points, second lang. acquisition 20 points = 80 points

3 PRAGMATICS studies the factors that govern our choice of language in social interaction and the effects of our choice on others (Crystal 1987:120). can be usefully defined as the study of how utterances have meanings in situations (Leech 1983:x) is the study of how more gets communicated than is said (Yule 1996:3)

4 There is a distinction between a hearer’s knowledge of her language and her knowledge of the world. In this section, I shall argue that it is this distinction that underlies the distinction between semantics and pragmatics (Blakemore 1992:39).

5 PRAGMATICS = the study of speaker meaning contextual meaning how more gets communicated than is said relative distance

6 Speaker meaning It is the speaker’s intention and the listener’s interpretation rather than words and phrases that give the utterance its meaning; That dog looks friendly

7 Contextual meaning What is said to whom, where, when, under what circumstances; This soup isn’t hot!

8 How more gets communicated than is said We ’hear’ more than what we are told; - Did you go to the Tower and the British Museum? -We went to the Tower. (= we infer that X did not go to the British Museum)

9 Relative distance By using different deictic expressions we can signal distance, both mentally and physically; That is your problem! These are my children.

10 BUT, also:


12 PERSON DEIXIS Can show social distance. WE – exclusive: We want a refund (we – not you) WE – inclusive: We’re in luck (we and you) Let’s: Let’s go for a coffee. Let us: Let us bring our bags.

13 SPATIAL DEIXIS Not necessarily fixed physically, but also mentally = deictic projection, e.g. Answerphone: I’m not here, but leave a message… Psychological distance and physical distance are closely linked.

14 TEMPORAL DEIXIS Then = both past & present: Then I realised that I had seen him before. OK; we’ll see then how we solve it. Present tense = proximal Past tense = distal + also unlikely events, not close to present reality: If I won a million pounds (cf. if I win a million pounds) distance from current reality or facts.

15 DEIXIS AND GRAMMAR Direct vs indirect speech. A shift in deixis when direct > indirect to show the distal aspect. Ex. Direct: I think he is quite a nice guy. Indirect (reported): She said she thought he was quite a nice guy. The tense shows the speaker taking one step away from the context.

16 CH. 3 REFERENCE AND INFERENCE Reference – the act in/with which a speaker or writer uses linguistic forms (= referring expressions) to enable a listener or reader to identify something. Indef > def > proper noun > pronoun; A child > the child > Daisy > she



19 The culprit is assumed to have left the country. What would be the difference in interpreting this as either attributive or referential? Expressions themselves don’t have reference; they are ‘loaded’ or ‘invested’ with referential function, in a context, by a speaker and picked up by a listener (if successful).

20 NAMES AND REFERENTS Names don’t only refer to persons: Can I borrow your Yule? Inference: Name > book/painting/… Pragmatic connection = a conventional association between a person’s name and an object (eg. Yule + his book)

21 THE ROLE OF CO-TEXT The co-text (= linguistic environment) limits the range of possible interpretations cf. the cheese sandwich But also context (= physical environment) can have a very powerful impact. A broken leg came in at 5 am. CONTEXT A broken leg can be very painful. CO-TEXT

22 ANAPHORICAL REFERENCE How do we keep track of reference for long texts? We use  Anaphora  Antecedent  Cataphora  Zero anaphora/Ellipsis

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