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1 Assistant Lecturer Talib Sherwani April24, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Assistant Lecturer Talib Sherwani April24, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Assistant Lecturer Talib Sherwani Email: April24, 2016

2 What is a Paradigm morphologically? Types of paradigm Types of Inflectional Paradigm 2

3  What is a paradigm?  Morphologically, A paradigm could mean the complete set of related word-forms.  Having the same stem.  But different affixes. 3

4  1. Derivational Paradigms  2. Inflectional Paradigms 4

5  A derivational paradigm is a set of related lexemes which have the same root but different affixes.  For example:  natural, naturally, Unnatural, unnaturally,Naturalist, naturalistic, naturalistically,Naturalize, naturalization  Nature 5

6  The inflectional paradigm is formed by words which inflectional suffixes are attached.  For example,  brighten, brightens, brightening, brightened, 6

7 1-Noun Paradigm  Noun may be either singular or plural in meaning. It can be S.Ps (singular possessive) or S.Pl (Plural). Example: Woman, women’s, woman's, teachers’ book. men's car. 7

8  The variety of Irregular plurals Such as en as in children. Ox, oxen. Man- men Goose – geese But - Zero plural affexes - deer 8

9  Few groups of noun may have one form of paradigm. For example: Tennis However, some other have plural like clothes 9

10  Another group ends (s) words like, economics, linguistics… This takes a singular But, ethics, pliers may be either singular or plural. 10

11 write the paradigmatic forms of these nouns. 1- stem, plural, possessive, plural possessive carpenter Woman, Brother Cloud Duck, Japanese Cattle Means Athletics Scissors 11

12 Answers  1- stem, plural, possessive, plural possessive  Carpenter carpenters carpenter’s carpenters ‘  Woman, Women Woman’s Women’s  Brother Brothers Brother’s Brothers’  Cloud Clouds Cloud’s clouds’  Duck, Ducks Duck’s Ducks’  Japanese -------- --------- -----------  Cattle Cattle ---------- cattle’s  Means ---------- - ------- ------------  Athletics Athletics Athletics’ --------------  Scissors Scissors Scissors’ Scissors 12

13 ----SubjectObject Prenominal possessive/A Substitutional possessive/O 1 st Imemymine 2 nd you youryours 3 rd hehimhis =sheher hers =it its Pluralweusourours =theythemTheirTheirs Relative Pro…whowhomwhose 13

14 Write the substitute and singular or plural for the italicized words in the following sentences.  1-Miss Joana is wearing hose today.  2-what did they do with the molasses?  3-the summons came in the mail.  4-Why doesn’t she call the police?  5-Ali likes to fish for pike.  6-The DLH has delivered all my goods from UK to Erbil.  14

15  1- them, PL  2- it, SG  3- it, SG  4- them,PL  5- Them, PL  6- Them, PL 15

16  take one of these substitutions: them him, she, her, hers. for plural take the plural form of pronoun. They, you, them.  signaled by modifier like, several, many, this.  subject of a verb; verb subject agreement. 16

17  Encircle the noun modifier or pronoun reference that reveals the number of the italicized nouns.  That news delighted her  He studied poetics in all its complications  My scissors lost their sharpen.  She shot both quail on the wing. 17

18  The verbal paradigm has three, four and five forms inflectional suffixes.  The 3 rd person singular, past, present continuous past past  Such as : Choose chooses choosing, chose 18

19  The stem (base form): occurs after 'to' and 'modals', indicating simple present tense. 19

20  For instance, supplction includes the forms of the verb be: am, is, are, was, were, the present and past tense forms of the verb go: go, went. 20

21  Fill out the following verb paradigm then indicate whether the verb are the three or four or five forms.  Stem, 3 rd present continuous, past participle  call  Bite,  Keep,  Put  Sleep  Speak  go 21

22  The comparative adjective like, richer, richest. Rich 22

23  In all inflectional paradigms, the stem remains constant.  The suffixes produce the difference in meaning among the forms of each paradigm.  Many nouns do not take the possessive forms. 23

24  Aronoff,M. and Fudeman, K. (2011) Fundamentals of Linguistics: what is Morphology?. Wiley-Blackwell Francis,K.,Stonham,A. (2006) Modern Linguistics: Morphology. 2 nd (ed) Palgrave: Mackmilan.  Stageberg, N.(1981) An Introductory English Grammar. USA  9780199772810-0125.xml 9780199772810-0125.xml 24

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